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Show B. T. ACADEMY DEFEATS AGRICULTURAL BALL TEAM Special to The Tribune, LOGAN, Utah. May 17. Tho crimson ball-tosscrs of the Brlgham Young col-Icgo col-Icgo put It all over the Agricultural college col-lege aggregation, on the B. Y. C. campus. Scoro, 33 to 3. The farmers were not In It after the second Inning. Richards pitched an Invincible gamo for the crimson, crim-son, striking out fourteen mon. Coburn, for tho farmers, was a little wild, but struck out nine men. "Toothpick" Hall, out in left garden, did some phonbmenal fielding while "Shivers" Hansen did somo gi-eat stick work. Llnc-up: B. Y. C. A. C. U. Wright c Thatcher Rlchard3 p '. Coburn Geddcs lb Poulson Harding 2b Peterson Thompson 3b A cuff Wangsgard ss Bonkhead Hall If Olscn Hansen .....cf Leo Jenkins rf HertnanEon Scoro by Innings B. Y. C 2 2 0 0 0 3 I 0 513 A. C. U ,..-.2 100000003 Umpire Squires. "Luckys" Win. Tho Lucky Nine baseball team defeated tho Control school team yesterday by a scoro of C to 4, on the Liberty park grounds. A return game will bo played on Tuesday next. Tho Lucky Nino team lined up as follows: Pitchers, II. Young and Hammond; catcher, W. IClnkhorn, first base, E. Egll; second base, W. Grieves; third base, R. Cammllo;. short-atop, short-atop, M. Gallachcr; left field, F, Done; rlcht field, F. Gallacher; center field, D. Cammlle. |