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Show ffSTOP KUROPATKIN L Jope to Head t Force of Mikado to Bi Uid Against Liao Yang 1 md Mukdm. : JjCbur? Is Silent; All Dis-V, Dis-V, yrom the Front Sent to Crtr Rt Kharkoff.- .PETERSBURG. May 17, The i fio&bility that there will bo farther communication with Arthur, thU3 preventing feral Skrydloff from assum-fnssnd assum-fnssnd of the Russian J-,-, there, has led to the J30B that Skrydloff return sjbe far East and hoist his flag as -LJer of the Baltic squadron, t&i dtstlned for the far East. WLit SkrydlofTs plans may he, tho jKr8i-3 he certainly proceed Mustek to inspect the squadron diTOstolc Not Blockaded. Sfertrortthat Vladivostok is block-JFk block-JFk nled at the admiralty. Jvsrfil dispatches were given out arilnK on account of the delay by tho Emperor's Journey, lyijirtr arrived at KharkoflT this whither all dispatches have jtnisniittea. Kuropfttkin's Retreat. ,ib$enc of advices, the general b tStlnulng Its speculation based H Ultrf reports of the appearance mailable bodies of the enemy in jarthwest section of Manchuria. ,elcn prevails that thi9 Is an In-aof In-aof the Intention of tho Japanese kite tn attempt to atop Gen. Ku-lOJa's Ku-lOJa's retreat northward, while the bJntso force Is hurled against pliajand Mukden, |