Show GONFOSEO m mm This Defines Situation in the Stock Market STEEL SECURITIES HEAVY Effect of the Coal Strike Beginning to be Pelt in That Industry There Was a Sharp Reaction in Canadian Pacific Break in Ann Arbor Preferred Pre-ferred Probably Was the Insult of the Settlement of Control of Thnt Property United States Rubber Stocks Were Down SILVER Now York < 3 c fcnu Francisco f LLC London l LEAD Now York exchange M2 COPPKIl Nov York exclTantjo 122I fl2K San Francisco mining Shocks San Francisco May 22 The official closing quotations for mining uloclcu today to-day were an follows Helehor 071 Occidental C 22 liest pc U 2lOphlr l 0 Cakdonla Overman ChalUiiKu Con htpninal 1 3 Chollar 10 h5mtimia 14 Confidence l2 Satf Telchor 03 Con C Va lfx Sierra ct Crown Point C > Silver I rill 10 Goulil S C 13 Union Con 7 laic I t N K5 Ilah Con OL lusilce 1 01 Yellow Jacket 20 I Mexican BOSTON MINING STOCKS Advnnturu S SJSfO Old Domln 2212 Allude iK Parrot 232 Amnlga 7OI 0 Qnlncy KiOCO Daly Weal thIN > S K Copper lT7j Ill mugita nu S70 Tainaniok 173CO Cain t itSlSjbS7O Trinity J30 Centennial tt r I S 200 Copper R SS Tliih 2200 Domln i352 Victoria 57 Franklin 11M Vlnona 325 Isle Royale 12 o71A United C 3GM MohLWk lOoO I NEW YORK MINING TOCKS Am S it RI7W Loadvllle C 4 05 preferred 5G0 I Chief 11 Adams Con 20 Ontario 7CO Alice j ir 1 Ophlr l 20 llreccc TO Phoenix CO Brims Con 10 Poiosl is Comstock T 05lj FavaKC 10 Con C c Va JIO i Sierra Nc Di ad wood T I 100 Small Hopes 10 Horn Silver 110 Standard 325 Iron Silver 75 Silver and Drafts Now York May 22Ear silver 51ic Mexican dollars JUAe Sa mm Francisco < May rSliver bar olAic Mexican dollars nominal drafts sight Joe drafts telegraph 17jc money and Exchange New York May 22 Money on call steady at fil t per ceni closing bid and asked liifK Prime mercantile paper HAffS per cent Sterling exchange steady with actual business in hankers bills i at SlST for de mand and at t JlSR for sixty days post edrates I64ills and RSS comno cIal hills New York Metals rvNCH York May 2The local market for tin was somewhat eislor with snot closIng at SMOOffSO 20 and the London mirket with spot unchanged at IM os and futures lOx lower at CKU Iv Copper was steady here but less ac lye I t tlmnuh prices were a hade better J he Idea however Is that the I keen cdga of the market has been dtm I led by a let up In the bull manlpuhitlon Local Jirlces at the close were as follows Stan dard pol lo AUKtisl 11 SO lo SIOO lake ILfi0 7l2iii electrolytic h232i44ii25o > and castlm 122 f 1250 The London mar ket at first advanced 7n fid but this waa lost and final prices for spot and fu turns atood at fV1 or net unchanged Lead was steady hero at th > unchaaccxl price of 112 i At Londona decline ofls id was noted closing ai 11 Us 3d Spelter wis firmer with sjiot scarce at IIX > At t London spelLer was unchanged at lS lOs The local market for Iron was jm rhangpd Pip Iron warrants wer nom inal No 1 foundry northern 1010ff0iiO No 2 foundry northern 5Wfl720 o l I foundry southern < 1S > 07inrfl No i foundry soul luerim sort MRrOf iprA For eign Iron markets were unchanged Glasgow Glas-gow closlne at 5Ss JCd and iliddlcsboro at ISs Poreign Market New York May 22Commerclal Ad vertisers London financial citblert ant says Stocks were most active today on pracj hopes Consols wore widely bought and they I touched fJc Investment shares and mines wore soncrally higher Americans opened firm reacted on tho > ew i ork opening and recovered later under the buoyant Inllueuco of Atehlson while Si Paul and Tnlon Japlrtc were also favored Canadian Pnclllc touched p i and cased oIl to 137 on profit tak log The rise was bclloved to bo due to the fact thai Canadians are contesting American efforts to secure control The Tlntos sold at 10 London Wool Auctions London May 22Time offerIngs at the wool auction sales today were all of lino riualltyr The lot consIsted of 11711 I bales Competition was keen Seotireds were in eood condition and broiiphl extreme rates Merinos sold readily to lie homo trade and tlir eontlncnt Nearlv one third t of the offerings were crosshrcds Tho free supplies of medium amid colt 1IiC caused an easier tendency St Louis Wool Market St Louis May WnolSleady Tcr rllori and Western mediums llfnlc line llftloc coarse llijiIc San Francisco Sugar Market San Francisco May 22Sugar and cot fee unchanged Stocks and Bonds New York May 22 Todays stock mar item was ext reimihv Irregular throughout and closed with that tcmkncy riih r unm pliavlsed The same stocks changed their couroQ In some eases and th t pro yalllng disposltlon of the speculutloh was hardly distinguishable and wan In fact much confused and mixnd lime uiixloty l over the coal strike was rather deeper on account of the Implied threat of the I ongliKvre Ilremon and pump runners In the I anthracite mine to come out t unless an elhtt hour day Is 1 granted them This would bring the struggle to an acute stage a > the safety of the mines Is dependent de-pendent t upon this I work being done Some of ibu Steel stocks were heaw in tow as a result of tho effect of the ioal strike which IK hiKhinIng to be fell In that t industry This did not prevent a Jump 1 of ton points in Uickawanna and a late spurt in Delaware and Hudson I The culmination I of tin roi enl extended mIst In Canadian 1 PaclU and lis I sharp reaction naturally had come svmpithellc intluonco upon tho I rest of tn i market There was no news to account for the solbuck any more than there has boon to 1 account for the I rlso and t hun movement move-ment seemed to be duo purely lo speculative spec-ulative pro11ttm IcIng Tho late break In the stork to bflow 133 helped to un otlle the close A break of > points In Ann Arbor preferred probably was the result of the settlement of control of that prop erty Tho U S Kubbir stoclcs suffered from thrt poor financial I showing of the S company com-pany for the past year St Pml ontVrod a strong l ad i > hlp for tin I grain carrkra but I It ivan not followed with I act I vi my mi nil Tnion Pacific was rather pcr lsiiMitly luavy oAVltbiK tin effect of Si panld advanoi of 2 Tln Jiows from the crop riglnu was coiisidtrtd enoouraglug Another centr of strength was Amalgamated Amal-gamated Cojjpir hue talm > In the American Ameri-can Smelting stocks and In National Lend wore allied to this all being the outgrowth out-growth of the advancing tendency of raw copper rIme mooting of support for silver sil-ver In a htiiellt to the emolilng Mocks The money mark ronllnucd rjnltp easy with call loans ruling at J perj cent or Inter cinch with sterling oxcnango market showing no dlsyohltion to advance again The market closed active anti cx tromely I Irregular Bonds were In fair demand and firm fit lone Total sales par value 252 Wi United Stales bonds were unchanged un-changed on the last call NKV YORK BOND LIST V i S ref 2s rcglOSU S Ss i L 1 S ref 2s cou10Si Cob South is 915 I J i v l v i i vu t i U S Ss < reff i lOPj D H G is 1J S 3s ciou1oi North Pttc ls101h U S new Is roglM Xorbht Pzie 35 cotm11PA < Sotithu Iac 15 U Sncw Is couiiJ j U S old Is rcgHOvt C I Is U S old Is uouHOJi U 11 conv la IViA T S 5s rcK 10Vi CLOSING STOCKS Atchlson KI5W SOV SQ1 itth iurefertecl 5lol 0S IS B 0 iiuo lOT lUlc 10 preferred lj > 00 lj l 1k Can Im 40SOO ito 3l2t 15i Cctuu Sotmtli 3140 11 Clues 01mb 00 tit l6 4 Cliiccigtu Ahton 030 S9L 3 Clii lad lotus 2I 7m uii o preferred Chi East 111 1200 1k l6Il 1bo Chi Gi Mcst 2000 lIE 2l A preferred tOll SS iS SS IJ preferred SOO II 19 IS GUI N W 25501 251 251V Chi It I 1c P 200 31 1J liJ Chi Term Trans lOUU 2211 21 s Jl preferred wO 33 3 itSt C C Si S L Colo Soillll 4666 31 31li 31 Jst iirefeircd 2nd 1ireferrcd GO0 I3 h5 Del Ilutil SO 17 lTd Jei tuuck West fftO 2S 252 2 1 rt G 1 12 42 4h lrCferrcl 704 JIlVI 141 Brie 2210 Sihu lR 5sVl 1st preferred MO 67I i 2nd preferred 3W 52 5l S11 GI Noith hlCf mOo Ilocic Vmmlley 500 ITI 51 SI preferred JX 00 U0 0 Illinois Ceo S00 15U 152 52yt Iowa Ceo M i5 l Ji Wa ISi preferred SCO Slh SI4 bl Lake Erie W i > preferred 127 Louis Nash 500 I3YI 130 iafl Manhattan L 3500 132L 132 132 A Met SL Ry 100 JIDVi HSlfe HSyt Mev Con 2GW 2S 27 fe 270j Minn S L III Mo Pat 7500 JOO OD1 PJVfc M i 1C T 3 preferred > New Jersey Ceo 1W Net York Cei 0200 Ifi7t luri liw Norfolk Vest SW S 11A 16 vs Sivii preferrd i S9 Ontario t West 1200 X 324t 32TI Pnniiylvanla 7700 1iii 1 1IOU 1JO8 Rending MM Wt ffl 1st preferred 70 KJli S St 2nd preferred 7500 IOlfc TS BSd S L 1 t S F 1000 CSri G7 07 Int preferred 53 l 2nd preferred COO 71 7ig 7hi S L I V S V JrtO 27H 27 Jti i preferred city nLii = n B5n St Paul 71500 17IOx IGSj 170k priieirecl 1 hS 1Se South Pac 112IK GtT Oli 01 South Railway 5100 7rs rwTn 37 preferred MO ItS 01 = 5i ItS Tex t Pac 1000 11A iO W Tol S L W 100 21 21 201 preferred 200 35 IK 37i Union Pac 40300 IflVS 101a i 101 preferred SOO s7c1 S S7 S7 Viibisli 9SW 271 269 1M nreforred 3TM lli 13t4 Jn5i Wheel L E 100 22j 22 A 22 2ml preferred I 31 l Vls Cin 7100 27 = 1 JTW 27 preferred 1700 i9a IS4 i Sj Express Cos Adams 200 American 22S United States 200 llli 111 III I Wells largo 205 MlHcellancous Amal Copjicr 5200 71TA fiSJl 70 Am Car Jfe Found 130 SOU nmi 20A preferred 04 S3 SI Sfli Amer Linseed OIL 20 2I5 21 21 preferrid ino r > 2 B2 ClAm Cl-Am S t U 21KOO ISA jii 7ii < preferred ll0 I 145 ytjii OUt Anaconda Mimi Co 270 117 llfii llfi Brooklyn R T 01W Cti Ot fiC4 Colo I F I 1 AK 1 90V ISi P3ij Con Gas 7W 222a 222 > 222 Con Tob prcf Gen Klcclrlo oin IIoclcliKt Coal SOO 1SU 17 1SU Iniorl Paper 2 i preferred 300 75 7IVt 7li Intcrl Power 73 trlede l Gas KS North Am 100 125 123 lalvi Paclflc Coast 70 Pacific Mall 100 10 10 Peoples Caw 7CO 102Vi 102 Icc Pressod Steel Car 7t IliL 15A h prelVrrcd ifra S1TS SIi Sli Pullman Itf Pupubllc Steel LW I 17 17U 17 preferred llii 1Vfy r < rf IM SUEUI 21sc ia v 127 > i 1211i < V TenneHSe C 1 lUUO Ut IS o Union Hug Paper Siv IrefeiTed siu U S Louther v 21uO I3 15 ii 1ti7 preferred HO SIVj MVi SI U S Hubbcr fW ISC Jii IJJi preferred TiOti 57iL SfiVv VJi U S Steel IJO lUTsi IOU lOVi preferred 7tt > 0 I1y3 noy MVi veatcrii tnlon Uxi 9Pi 01 01 Am Loeomnllvo lWO l K IVT IW4 proferrod 200 ttm1 02i O2i K C Southern 700 rM 311 SJiJi preferred Cn j G1J I54 dO ToUil sales 6157W |