Show PROSPECTING OIL FIELDS ITew Wells to bo Sunk in Central Wyoming Properties TRIBUN13 SPECIAL Cheyenne Wyo May 22Prof Wilbur Wil-bur C Knight one of the best informed men on Wyoming oil affairs says that the Pope Agle and other central Wyoming Wy-oming oil fields will be sclontlkrilly prospected by two companies this summer sum-mer one composed of Englishmen and the other backed by Belgian capital In the later King Leopold Is a stockholder stock-holder The wells now down In the Popo Agle Held arc sunk on very unpromising un-promising spots though all have oil The new wells will be sunk on sections sec-tions located after a careful examination examina-tion and lilndy of the geology of the field by l the best experts obtainable Prof Knight says that the Held can now put out 1000 barrels of oil a day if transnortation facilities were better |