Show I NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 6 j Philadelphia 5 Chicago May 21 Chicayo pulled tIle game out of the tire by a single a two hajjKor and an error Both pltchcrs were hit freely Attendance 100 R II 10 I Chicago Ii i IS 1 Philadolphla 5 10 F3iitterlpa Rhodes and Kllnjj Magee and Dooln Umpire > ODay I Pittsburgh 6 New York 0 Plttsbnrp t Pa May 22 Phllllppl shut New York out toiliiv t with lWO scratch hIts Van Jliiltrcn In stealing second In the sixth bioko his leg at the ankle and will probably play no more this season Atteruhincc 2MO Score R II E Plttsburt C 12 L 1 New York U 0 Batteries Phllllppl and OConnor Evans Ev-ans and Bowermun Umpire Emsllc Boston 7 Stv Louis 1 St Louis Mo May 22 Boston won U l > dnvp game from St rouln In hollow fasn Ion Willis wits faultlessly sup > ortcd Attendance 1GOO Score R JI E St Louln 1 II I Boston 7 30 0 Buttorlos Ryan and Nichols Willis arm Klttrcdge Umpires Power and Brown Brooklyn 9 Cincinnati 5 Cincinnati t I 0 May Cincinnati lost todays game through t errors Roth pitchers w ere hit freely In almost every inning Attendance SQl I Score R II B Cincinnati OC 5 1 l Brooklyn 9 12 1 Batteries Philips and Pell a Donovan and larrcll Umpire Candlllon |