Show BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY Chief of Bureau Foreign Markets Agricultural Ag-ricultural Departments Figures 1nuihington May 2ihc Senate Coni iii I tee on Rein I boil with Culm today heard Frank II I I Hitchcock I cliiif of Limo riureau of KnriIgn MurkfiH rtf the AKI I cultunil i Dcimriinciu icgunllng the beet hutir Industry and also Andrew W PrvHton of Hoston president of the bulled Fruit comiiany Mr intoluwks testimony i was In Ihu nature of an crjiliunitliMi nf ivrlaln ta bkH priMKtnil by him and which were nv erred lo by SpcrM tgui Srvlor who him apiiaitd biiTTv a t 0111111 1 Ice of thu IIullMV I Mr IJrirstnn sualed that his company vn1 dotn inlncljiiilly I a frull build livw yet It o1t 1linl a tuiKar business in Cuba which ll I I etiahllKhid JIHI yjir In I response to a question by Sinator T ller Mr lret lon Hinted tile I he was one of a evnllrute jwnlnK 173W1 to i fV COo irre of lind In Cuhn No dellnllc plane had ben decided upon he raid into i in-to I 1 hat dlpoaitlon would lie made of this rocrly |