Show Seventeen lit ward the saints hid had a good time tim in the iho seve ward bobcat house oo on sunday evening eTC eve but oberd was soma division in camp elder full occupied the iho pulpit for a tune time devoting devo ticK his remarks to the frei born bora sons aona of zion assuring thorn them that our oar young elders ciders aro arc almont perfect enough to beef bear off the ilo kingdom and load t hill people jack back to jackson county tho the old older elder got a little to in his discourse asserting that our oar SODS bons will go gl forth and ono ODO of them will bo be able to put a thousand thoD sand gentiles Gont ilca to flight anil and two of them too tea thousand to night flight now a largo large number dumber of the iho hope of irrael who wore setting in tho the back part of the hall bad aa been dista irbing tho the meeting during the whole of the ev collig and when brother folt felt hid had finished tho be bishop john henry onty smith took look occasion to disa disagree groo with the preacher ober pointing to tho the young elders cl dorain in the iho back part pirtel of the room oil all a complete denial of bil bi ila ho said baidoo we aro are all hoodlums that the Saint sare oro rearing lesniok nothing bat a bot of rowdies and blackguards black guards nod and I 1 iu in the worda ot of the immortal marshall ono ODO of whom the bishop is ia which according tl ta the bishop the great privilege promised the iho sons bonsuk bf zion of each buiting a thousand thou ungodly babylonians to flight shall bo be taken irom from them and ad given to the loida battle axed alej a very scry wiio thing it ir deed decd for those who thirk shirk tho the job upon poor lo 10 thon then jobo jobe henry scattered a little in his talk but bat he bo kept kepi close to 10 the first principles of 0 the mormon gaspal ira he wanted every faithful saint to watch bis big neighbor sod and report pro cretal trees irom rom timo time to time to prevent the be ol of bad houses IQ in ibo be midst of this thil people if the brethren will just keep a thorp sharp lookout they will discover diB about three houses of prostitution on each block to ia the word ELDER SALT J a 0 |