Show X la 11 nr CON CONGRESS contress aRESS T join jan ag mr patterson tho the petition poli tion of D 11 chamberlain F ii Cord cordovi ozil and others ol of south sooth carolina and oaid he would not ask it to bo be road tea but in moved oved that it be ba printed jo a alo record ocard ll mu mr alcorn objected to p at without a reading the senate joint resolution for or the appointment of a to attend the convention convection to inquire ioto into tho the relative value ot of gold and oliver or was wai con considered si dered the petition was wai then road read and or dekoj printed it declares that many statements in ia the late petition ot t wade bampton sea ond others recently remeall V presented in tho the senate semite are untrue and od incorrect the petitioners petition ers review at great brent length the ho condition tion of south carolina Lao lint affairs rod and claim they were legally elected mr sherman Sli erman from the ho fl oatice committee reported back the hous aba bill authorizing the ilie coinage ol of taco 0 jandard silver fiber dollar and grob iab tender character placed on the ibo calendar id ia reporting the ibe bill mr sherman said euld that tho the sonata bonato hiving extended the time limo lor for the dilver commission to submit their report the committee thought it abo to this bill now DOW when the bo bill is ia consi derol derel ho he would submit a substitute aut hormoz tho the oi iago of a silver dollar wishing 1 grains craina standard silver to be ba a leeal la I 1 tender the pame as 9 united states slates notes cotef bad and to be issued in redemption demp tion ol of united states slates notes on demand ol of holders ho of 0 which 2500 no is ia in mutilated mutilate tl legal textile tc fractional currency and nd no na ion iogal M bank notes dotas and ool blink gold tho the paper money modey will not bo be destroyed de troyed the leil legal tenders and nd fron frao dional currency to ta ba replaced by othor other legal tender feeder bud and bilcer end the national baul rold cold noto note a oo on account of the redaction re or of the eiren circa of banks backs anda and the united notes redeemed under ati n net act dball be 10 cancelled und hell to lobe be pirt part of at the sinking land provided lor forby by tho the liw to bo computed thereon as lit 10 tho the case ot of bonds redeems redeemed the second section nu an the iho president Pret ident to throe three to attend toy soy in 10 on tho the subject I 1 of reli tira vis values ordered printed mr hohti ton quoted irom from there abo record showing that sherman lad hid as eaid ij that Virg virginia lais unlike other southern stages was at peace mr johnston heid beld he id that this was true the races lived together end and the president had bud no right to eana troops trompa there abero because there had been a earet fight at b the ike previous cleet tork the constitution never devor intended the iho army theoli bo be evoked merely to kaeti the peace but that it should bo be need ID a concert with tao state ciaio authorities in ng ilo dollie incano sito violence ne IR 6 corrior to tho the attorney generals instructions to marshals he bo said it if this thia cong fraction or of the law ads wa i right the Mar marbais bals could take lake the ibe governor of 0 the ho deate from his ouida or judge itom from tho the sod bod them to tervo ia posse and abua a boverei RD I 1 anto it 0 might bo be overthrown ito explained zoana bow the were tir gid and a voted the ticket in ia petersburg mr said jt it was VM of aittia whether ri tt a few were or were not at Peter petersburg kburg oo on election doy day the great question was waa whether the abo department should bo be allowed to control the ibe ballot with the ibo ormy it if so congress had bad boon eting time kiino in ia counting counti og the voto veto military at tho the polls polle to influence votes filled him with blatti for the safety and perpetuity of a free govern to tit the laca so of january 1875 deo lanng that mili military tiry inter terenca with any branch of the tha state govera wes VW to our ideas ideal of govern merit and aad abw what change had bad como over the provident ideal that he bo commit tod note he h than dop dap reca rebated ted lie cot demrod judge 19 D loose interpretation of thelah abo law mil and abo use of th the military in ia aiato govern masats wp ont and aid its congregation about the ibo capital oa pitol fraud cod vio via fence had the iha glown fall of other republic wo havo have hd h ul irand fraud and aad corruption sod who be cao can toy fay alteo tap third bird step would bo be talca taken 2 virginia Virgi Dit bad lived despotic CoVern and aad could it it was waa for the northern people to my may whether they would cogent to the cudgo ohio tar clr whyte attributed alil trouble to tle ilia act of the iho sending of troops to loop keep peace at al the potts mr withers wither submittal a bill in aa theorizing thor izing the jud loiry corr cittee 1 soto aud and report whether the attorney generals Gene rala of lav touching the elective iran chisel september alb ib sap wait waa correct if agreed rend to a mr merrill presented a petition ot of be aoi tell truls S alca to certain 11 ou on tha lb capitol lur fur ilo of completion the ibo original pith ol of eta a dud ad that llo ilio million and a belf to bo be refunded relon ded by the centennial CommiE siou bo be appropriated lor jor tach such purpose and the sonata senate resumed the consider allen of the report ot at tho the committee on rules revising abo rules rulea governing i ho bi tien sto agreed to in committee of the be violi tied ocl reported to the iho ate Ilena iniz the ilia lion bee ate aid adjourned jiahe PUSE A allow loz lax the cleol lous to send tor for paper papers its tto and tit bit during the 0 of I 1 ibo i house was adopted by HJ to 70 1 A sir mr patterson ralle unlimited 06 resolution recognizing tile iko chamberlain government in carolina re forred to the ibo c citi oci pow om after tho the mordi our I 1 I 1 r mr hir milca ties called up op the ibo PI t ls message bont about the iba occupation 0 ot mr jones at length on the subject mr lelide frai the ibo judi cury diry commil committo locc cc leporte tho the refusal of the louisiana to produce certain before tho the house committee and coDon doR wito nito a resolution treating the set geant bract at grins arms to ting ring thorn them before tho the bit bar of the hose mr frye of thoom mitt said stiano no republican was present when the ibo report vati agre agreed eato 10 ile tho file doctrine dool doo riDO trine aniced as ag monstrous under it there thera wis wa no la in the hn country not liable to bo be called before tho the houst committee and compelled to in original records record 4 bid bad no DO more to do with the board than be as ai an in ID hd had Tbt bard bord was wa legally constituted by nut but only ol of the ilia con had deformed its ita duty under coder alio the ahto law nod male the returns return duly arid and ic if pally tile hou houi i was waa precluded from going behind them the tha only lower of the ibo hout was to inquire into publio public slI sirs or net the ho country was wag ia ucb ouch a condi condition tiou albat congress CoD grosa ough ta U tike notice at 0 it thia he be would freely admit con gross should inter foia to prevent murder outrage and barbarism terba birb arism he n believe there ball bal wen lor for eight years a deep seated purpose to prevent cerium ia louisiana Loal aiana from and that these citizens wore were deterred by and every g in some states were na tio preme in otters tho the united stilow were mei had bad D n moro more right t trial iliof these original papers irom from louisiana than the aba gin an ties of Lont hid to lo take the united stata papers in now hew orleans uj lied won mon who went to t war lor for states rights become to 10 fat far converted by defeat as to bo be ready to doola ioa a a giommi too toe might courty 0 carry away the archives of a SUN court rt nai as data irom from a democratic investigating committee even to lay day the louse committee wad wa indecently from abo national Nai ional com us its whole manner ot at con coa the iho national Bli ocal campaign ompa gD its ilg correspondence Ule Mlee grams rams eta asa ai a member of that list com committe comm mitlee itee lie bo had advised tig in ia letters telegrams eo ao knowing per factly wall thero there was nothing thero there which would indicate fraud i ia a tho three southern states tee biliet cd that the lb republicans b bud d carried those states honestly hoa elly bud and that they would bo be counted tillou fraud contempt none laughter by the democrats and to ia the galleries gallace mr Luil grall I 1 do not hot think the be gentleman has bail a right to charge the be party parly with when aileo his hia committees robbed poor orphine and add widows in depart mente to carry on the ibo campaign feitl feu tl applause in tho the galleries mr pryo fryou 1 did not know when I 1 gave cave the gentlemen from california liberty to oak sex a question that ho he wanted to is little demo stamp speech that would meet 60 bo approval of bf the on that side mr luttrell do YOU deny 0 o you gereon tho the national it lle eso p bibau nominates committee nod and you knew abw that hut poor widows and orphans of 0 ho were mado lopsy to kiy lor for the ibo ilia camP Agu loud Loude call alito to oa the on can old nijib I 1 mr frye abero is ii a committee or of mem berti of this thia home batelli gout members of the which is is investigating vesti gating that very tory subject the coulm itice will find dad out und and answer the hi gentlemen gentleman shortly ly mr luttrell atema at led to a mako make another re park bill was kin informed by the speaker that bat the ho from was waa entitled to the floar vell bir ur aid said mr luttrell he bo bulldozed them lighter i mr frye deo declared larcel 11 t the ii lion can committee hold bid never demanded demi oded or naked mikeil arom tom such mob people as aa mr Lit litterall trall lied had oa the ibo contrary it had bud scot out a very polite bequest con laughter to gentlemen v who ho acro era commissioned by tho the arof went dent and confirmed by the ibo senate to help to run ran the campaign wa it not understood that every one who declined to pay an 09 should by be discharged 7 mr jeryo not and thero there was never a laan atkey twice toi for a contribution mr luttrell tul trell because if ho be rc fatal lodol ho he was discharged mr and it niver never was suggested that should be punished for refusing to make a contribution trib ution and aad thoro there never dever wag sup BD contribution whatever to lu the ii cpu b licad nations committee Com from ilc dl pai cut clerks mr cox of now york slid bo be would not follow the argument gumont ar of the be gentleman from maine blaine which had bad boa sufficiently by the of the ibo gentleman ent lemu irom coli cal furnia ornia and by the ir cheer of the ibo gallineri galli gall nei tried the polut before the house was simply whether the iho anthonly of the ibo hausa should bo be to re garbeil gar deil by ibe board ol of Lout louisiana siana mr katoa ka toa argued against i abo resolution ol ution it would a precedent that tho the house committee commil teo co could old summon a state governor to lines bring state papers befaro batro it or clee ase bring 1 into ate contee k I 1 it ir ao oo 00 detato if licer 0 or r paper CO board ltd be ba ab a thus bould mr hooker asked what sanctity the returning bourd board lid had which pre of d ita to giving the iho haase commit ff on ea us to whether thero there had been an n bonert voto vote to la tile tho state WAS allore no power of investigating this balting out oat of 0 voice T 1 I I 1 mr LIT bilfield oilfield Oil field abo lion ti oo 00 quoting from the of when aben a hi bi I 1 was wa passed excluding any ny idea that ia petition as to how bow the iho vote volo N went oat inside a buto abound be bd presented or heard acard in con gaps Us he q quoted doted the famous plaque frood fraud ain lo 10 L louisiana in ia IS 14 by which poll loiis ot at the state yet nobody the tight right to go lebioda the voto vote of the ibo Us ho appealed to the democrats to raus rau s hi tiro they assaulted by this thia net act whatever iacia a wis was of sovereignty in 10 thirty bight states if the union mr pavia davis of north carofine Ca rotina asked why ito republican pub lioio committees committo cj veto vero sent seal to won southern stages by great grant and pi laje in the th galleries mr gaisell choso who went to Loui elaLa meat as aa invited witnesses a and a d iha his commil commilles commiK tes oa asked them to joi join a I 1 them h a in in helping to re ouro auto the count of the votes actually ao luilly 0 out al 31 the they boy were vero ol 01 liy Y no do wears there to direct anybody ain ia louisiana Loui ilana to violate the state laws la i mr bit davis davia asked tu alicd by what t authority the president invited them there theft M iff qaid old they went by the au borny bority which allows BO an american 0 ili id ravel travois anywhere in ia the tha 0 country on gitry mr davis asked why for or four beers acim ii the party had bid thrown out the electors elector votes of bov states sir mr hour hor slid ia that it 11 wig was a only plant within two months that tho ot of interrupting by no io please in the tha galleries anil and oo on the flier bad arisen and be astick the speaker before matters mould be presented to enforce the rulo IID hato who IB door dorly bod and if it kappeas lapp coB id iho ibe galleries that thai tb ahry y will bo be cleared i tho the speaker coincided with wilb the suggestion but objected to the assort cortijo oa that the practice hail had grown up ibbia two months mr r hoar withdrew the remark ab air sol tho the speaker promised he bo would timidly rigidly preserve pre Boive birder clr wood of il now men yet regretted abat mr gardola had all owed i a pr per lit litan lican an allusion to c lose hla admirable argument do wanted an ian debate ile iio held beld that the iho states had bj not the tha sole eolo right to appoint electors it wm was restricted anil amil under Con congles gres dional supervision mr opposed the resolution tion I 1 and was wag asked about abe inter ferenzo with wilh the state in tho the oregon case mr fir garfield expressed the hope that if there wei wai no do right to oti quire into that araud without willious willi out violating the constitution tilden would ba counted la ia the ibe provi oui question qu was vis seconded and the tha resolution went over till tomorrow Tho speaker presented a communication ni ui cation from tho the recusant that tho the desired dispatches wore were not in hia big howerto power to produce pro duco it relented released ito ho would malo make every effort chort to got cot them and if no ion al lo bo would woula place himself in costa d Y re Itel erred to the tha judiciary judic nr committee oom millea I 1 mr houton ll from rora the t judiciary committee reported a per witting orton orion to laloo pro ei in the ibo ob chargo ergo of the Ser reaul it i tarca arnn to now york fork to consult his physician sod bod for his bia return on fn an dy day adopted mr BY glover a bill re movina leg 11 disabilities referred erred adjourned |