Show ATTORNEYS AT LA W C K notary eublio in office atto noy nt cit I aw callee ini ia abuk 8 bal ballaine laIng silt salt ialo city citi utah I 1 ai tit CC CC C I 1 M ENT lt ailt nl tor U d lad ud U 8 borTe burve for U ash lihi AT lip WN WY AILA W 3 may building opposite rot boffice L wamil D r c arac tio before bonore the tb courts and general land coot coat t tl td d uail nail and it killing boing cast cue a specialty 13 00 lis A a GEE TV Attorney ost att levy lt to loggi volt to U ui 8 marshals 0 r F dorril norr MAH STRICK LANO adlaw rooms block opposite federal court city 1 4 37 C II 11 0 DI Q it Q ri 9 AT LAW boom NO ko 3 over the lh Post salt aake city utah 4 2 j WM AT federal court coart building miln main street laks IAU oily city N BASKIN BASKIN DE WOLFE at law 0 E deveral national bink bank baili ing up op stairs imla B D B n q JAMES S B mckean ason SON AT LAW omoo boom 34 20 and 31 21 federal court building main street bill lako city jtb J C HEMINGRAY attorney elt at T ia rr omal bootow to 16 ul and Is 18 moderal coal t building bauduit BaUdu ig mali AT ati CITY UTAH JAMES N KIMBALL ATTORNEY AT LAW over ji gos beak bali adt bals city lm IMA I l MA M CW C W BENNETTs ATIO AT ALT lawt LAW 90 0 O MAIN STREET LAKE OITT CITY ad D ap X A V u 0 tt heit IV A onil end judicial district beaver oily city lv Ifa tiTer r county U deeb tto Tom tory all notary 4 milli ASSAYERS FRANK FOOTE AL misa ow M am 3 83 99 MI djin sal brit I 1 lit oily ono tout door north of walker cro bros I 1 alton tion I 1 id to I 1 sample bottles A atad all kludj ol 01 41 banica ban ioa ba boot froma from k diel autis 1 boand to md turn s on oa following jay day ob mal J ASSAY OFFICE main street matt ailt lako lake city ores carefully assayed foot dl fro from M a promptly promptly atten attended dod to md and re turris md made the rot tol loving ow day chargot moderate mot orui jonn joint mo Assa J B be MEADER ja ALM awin cs under vialta d ilaug buk I 1 SALT BAIT tarr LAKE orry OITT I 1 I 1 1877 special sale W ale 1877 H walker W L P X I 1 brothers brother S braving a completed stocktaking will roll during to tho the next GO CO doys days I 1 f MEN a rm ME i 0 CL dilill U 1 11 a AND ALL LJ W winter i ote r 6 goods M AT 75 15 cents on the dollar N 0 cal aud and soo see for yourselves I 1 I 1 64 I 1 1877 SPECIAL SALE 1877 New Store new goods new firm I 1 FAMILY 0 tho no aci ahto uh to monona I 1 ta the h public that 10 jiobu bu opened tt store tori of choice family reilly and nl fancy groceries and provisions cigars and tobacco cop confectionery etc tc lisping hiring bought my goods la in tho th great sutera ml and Wit butora storn markets lot for cub X soil to tc S alio rim merchants Maro hute from tho the country and oj mini camps will save HO money by wring tail and my goods boford elsewhere olah Br dislers Cis lers Bu building main street BT satt SALT orrt DM deo 4 HERCULES POWDER we W with to 10 ml call be b attention of midi ud and others ot of oar rl alor or to a fw point of of the over or all other strong explosives jhb strength of the li Is greater thia than that of toy any other explosive lo la via it Is the iho opinion of d chemists to 10 whom tho matter liss bu loan 1000 referred ro forred that DO compound HM boon invented that so 0 o promotes promote uio the vi tremendous force 08 c abo 0 lya min pic mil loa as tho the same un time it perfectly u at to transport brills 1 lad 1 BK S ee ond UM the tha materials of the mattare prepared and therefore gr a f itt ca t depoo dod upon and nd ilia best molts u will 1 I 8 if f r aj length of timo no cu can bo be aa good lles lii Is absorbed bi orbal lato t uy y natural earth II 11 ll is a mixture of trl bultro oe with other which ai 1 por per foot explosion which prevent sol nl afaro eipl olo and od do troy strays the mo offensive fumes nr tile tho el eipl olon fourthia FETY abton wb atto with it la fig proportion to the lugo largo used as with ill the fi creulA coated with our oar preparation and filed with ich ro wiSor litta liev been hot limmor an constantly for six months mittit no sloth ECONOMY we W only ask a fair of c this ubal to be to every miner who has hard I 1 ook lock to bo be broken or worn in brator to tx be deio tod and hot iova that any ny one who will tab uko tho the trouble to investigate it 11 will be ba sati oded that ho he eu can UTO save or 11 t by liming the bertaln Bero Iler alN oulea we W knoer many parties clog it in hard rook rock that tbt ra binco gruter saying la Is this thi worth saving we should think so I 1 try it I 1 A fall fail stock of both note hoa I 1 ud lad 3 2 for ulo sale by GEO ff SCOTT A CO agents 1 00 1119 ildi v pioneer lamp store lamps from 40 cents to 1600 each T STOCK OP OF LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS IN II UTAH i li furor a agents tor for the 0 PATENT TUBE LAX labroo P on the iho principle of uio the ooran a limp lamp brodl of the irocky mountains alno alao agarito for the iho PATENT FOUN r tort to alt on oa icy any OM pipe ilpo Chand shor or OU oil Chand allor wih give as good a light as ou am willi altti 1 UTU tin go g 0 60 per par coat cant THE BEST COAL OIL ANO AND PETROLEUM FLUID r by bj thi ilia cu car loki barrel cue case or gallon an at meat of casc w v cra xa al s at very tory low prices A carefully toot took of much as buos bollot bou bolt nguot holders Hol dort fancy cape and saucers naga magi tic etc an 11 now new good just Import od qc ats WHOLESALE RETAIL DE ALEUa 87 first S south street SALT LAKE CITY 4 I 1 NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY of 01 coudon england assets 77 7 r gold UNION UMON INSURANCE COMPANY 9 of 01 tian san Fronc lc cal assets 7 0 I 1 I 1 1 ogle LONDON ASSURANCE corporation of 01 london england at 1 gold HAMBURG BREMEN RANCIE U CO 0 of aso asetta ats 7 T i gold J FIREMANS FUND INSURANCE COMPANY I 1 assets T 1 I I 1 f gold losses pid paid since organization ST mr reliable mud mil neou agents ADU tato lor for the th Aqui equitable table ut la in all 11 parts rt if Torr ISM HUSH HUGH abeal HOTELS restaurants WALKER HOUSE the mading leading hotel of utah centrally CEH CEPI TRAllY LOCATED I 1 lameg CITY A NO u the anost views of I 1 ak surrounding mounil enort and ui i oroal sea hilt bako and bithia 9 i nr dust walk of the Ib Dole eti eta X to of this hh how boom ill bad tho h bables nal equal to the fant colw lions of pin pan franc cuco a u they I 1 ft 1 ajl I that caa an L be 1 la in market M vi well in that ot of utah it II is in conducted strictly as a first flatt dim class house ln in particular IB A griffa N proprietor 1 I aa av S hotel X I 1 n I 1 EO S SMITH formerly orni OTly of 0 the alion G vr HOOK bu bas built so nd I slowly turn bwl commod kons rotor at L nggam 1 travo on re will fiod boa tho the bek bea and every no oom furl rutt OEO GEO B e SMITH 4 3 I 1 reen WHITE HOUSE I 1 blocks block second south st ono door aut ut of 0 rost office 0 O tho the white if bonu aln the tha tat beat sonora for or carau il ani let largo gd at uia r booma 0 me in rat twe en entirely MW anil az good bcd nanni it III nol nard n ard to S 50 per tiny I 1 nir to booma dotard board per wile is 0 a day Ity rod noil abbt and th bwl 0 of mer serve I 1 at tall all louri free irah trout MUS md abor dollci doll cui ios constantly on hand prop GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL HOTE L C For Foria oil of the ibo walker boree an a M baillo ciack ta want salt lain city to accommodate my batrous I 1 1111 W at goon by bj adding another story to the ibe or O r bonti aj my table will be t foaud supplied with the beis alo market hotd it being w 1 01 1 t to miko mako this aig lb first class hokl 0 01 dolde otil wood city THE BAR will ill be a applied ith wince claora I laora sad ind J bigo of ibo be acry I 1 driest bra brada vil 4 at n r cu dilill S DYERS HOTEL r attached MEALS it at til all noar flours DAY and al NIGHT eddy icah sad mil IK T proprietor TWO supplied vit tit all the iho c ct f gall to sod ul from idi ja 4 IG artini VALLEY HOUSE opposite the temple salt brit lie cay city dotti U tab it to ll a quiet clean stry now a jui abo 0 trav olor ud and tourist can aa find and rest coo block from main street md and wad bloc blocke a from tho the lUll roid station fitchor filat street car u or omnibus wol will tao talo t ao you to the house home to 62 2 per ir dy day special itt by tho the week DAHLA proprietors Prop great western hotel t formerly house HOUM I 1 hoath STREET 1118 home list b boon been thoroughly rano tuia T va od under now DOT rj who he goar gair satee nw rood good olom clean wa and nd flait claps alt boud board at fricas corresponding with wilb the tamai SALOON AND BARBER SHOP with the flown JAMES R nOB PINS s rr prop salt bilt llao lalo city 16 3 am I 1 COLORADO LODGING HOUSE ALTA OIT CITY LITTLE kimt door north of california 8 table miners and everybody else tired tarol addly Dd ly to cl call oani can any tune time day or tit and got a good bad door always obern I 1 fir 1 you yoa knock the place has bu been re fitted and aad furnished this spring md and offers the bot boat kc ac commo dalious in camp bolme bythe by tie mouth wook easo raw give as 08 beall K ODO mil all and taked tallo roat rest COLLINS A prope 2117 2 salt ilaha inaha house main salt lake alir accommodation for genits A open day and N ight this 11 atol being so BO aiu known both in europe sod america u the leading hotel IQ in utah lor for tho p tnt twenty years bu thoroughly red t and add fora fura labod with all tm in prove mente now opta at t reduced ru nice loorna par dar CO 60 to 75 cu cis rooms pm per weck wyk 1300 to allo boud board biogio meals ao eta licad por week 1 1700 3 H E COVINGTON r ARCADE CHOP HOUSE erpf naba it OF 0 nale a LANNI AZ a attalia sart james dinwoodey DIo Din woodey woolley proprietor wb hite fiut acted up op tat tai J d b at stowe writ bo be solved up cp to order oo an elle action and li but boa style air the th of merkt OPEN DAY AND eve thin the BUT tad and AT lornia adf priora a j and wis us adt ma bia IAB OVERLAND LAND HOUSE SALT BAIT WARM LAKE CITY cleanest cheapest and best koom per dy day boa fo boo room luid and board per dasy to 10 boohr oena had board per IT wk 7 day hohnl per loo bluche metals goes RAM TO amiliea AMILIE 8 BARBER HIIOP AND VONE CrED TUR TUB w A PITT prop RR EXCHANGE HOTEL HAI OOS AND restaurant to tho Is depot sall brit we lao olty utah good laith ril and baom Arco nimo 0 lations mafali atod loroli myrtol harved al 1 AH hours breakfast DrotA fut to in time f for ehy aral tow LOW prices tho the W B Is I 1 stocked blocked with irith good arne alo ale boer beer cigars smoking byoune lad biow it iwo rip 10 lo ao in con connant conDo nent ott in we 0 o baro a store with a fal line of 0 OLLO WillES provisions clothing foto to ao ohof afar club cash B H y V prop pro 2 LA 7 i leo u r ra itt P is I 1 castee Carter cas tee evansa evans 10 00 PIL A ir I 1 V 1 successors to thas G C carter r 0 awa A fass ft r W i is 0 WHOLESALE ATO AND r du IS IN I 1 r I 1 ogg r 0 12 mars 9 lobac cu evo P P 01 ea I 1 10 it its ra he 0 iti it ff 2 PIPES AND SMOKERS ARTICLES T TO ill I 1 01 CO butts OI lCt old virginia cable coil dwal t navy iti aina 11 tv BO 30 betta tod sod wales L dt DA cos co corydon C asis IV 1 ali lt 4 11 30 baits sad caddies L 1 L lq aj S butte red oj ei cM li pwe ae coll boil 4 and BI 6 tiled keen artt anti dmn C it I 1 ILI IS 00 1 1 40 0 butts colt coil T alt bat goldoni hire botts Bome B NO 14 20 luu butts frutti little flit naw S iscyle ali kiwit rt SIMI IM atts W 30 20 butts bull and dd bd caddies adil cd il goli goh doubts IUA R g H 20 butta 1 if it and ini nd B 13 inch ewul I 1 is X TZ F 10 lf fo to 0 3 lorillard Loril lTd a md and ito ibo osva Ot atmil Mil N 1 1 rf 0 I 1 AND VARIOUS OTHER otner BRANDS aly LN la EI ak eeg 1 0 CIG cloaks MI bt at go 30 abon lb on M 2000 1 ia 61 1000 11 il j 2 to to ka t fi 10 I 1 ail 1 1 0 A it 30 70 to rw W tiago 71 73 VII ij 2300 40 0 1 fi hii 9 10 aou pa 1 00 10 0 0 a 93 0 I 1 0 0 0 TOI 1 1100 1 0 TIRY KIEV ill 1 lol 03 I 1 la till p per n As elou 1211 1 ill 31 t 10 0 1 M 1 I 1 I 1 or tf fano CARDS 1 HART HAMS 8 lif PATENT W it ilta NOB noa 19 and I 1 ja loin POKER AND FARO cal ak on PURT cilip WYK I 1 JA notions etc etc V arct rest inducements offered to tho be trade and librot abott 41 ii tilory we make bako SPECIALTY IN OUR B MIL t OA THE LARGEST STOCK OF CIGARS TOBACCOS inias as pa g I 1 PR qs 5 S aex I 1 01 00 t wd 1 9 A 1101 1 sillier 61 ax I 1 I 1 10 tt ss vb I 1 F e I 1 L 11 i III 11 IF f I 1 pot UP elf W is C afa ai il e a JWJ I 1 Is v 19 V I 1 I 1 r L U 4 I 1 V 0 0 6 0 ecos bla IWO V CEs ASBE L HOGLE A agents cuts ril S ia pe samall HIM eab LL hois OR SE NAM jn RT fi ATTi I 1 r Z im 11 F A I 1 7 to CT V bmw P ia S ii 9 Z co s I 1 11 V kjear 1 0 E X v eay ma X W va f aalf Z 1 I 1 7 I ij ja 7 J 7 T A r i 1 I 1 1 basra 1 b VI u c e HORSE HOKSE NAIL 0 CO 0 I 1 i t 1 r CHICAGO II I tho the star nails naila axe aie au all hintea finished Tini shed ana aid bunei I 1 ready to drive and ana made from tho the lest I 1 sa 0 IR W JL Y IRON X ar 93 N 6 6 for we ula by all dealers samples ml free oa an applicator asti v JEW a vista r am s I 1 MY fifty styles in elegantly designed gases cases containing I 1 AIRY PATENTED AND NEW AND ll 11 M far dolo data atop thoroughly FIRST la in every ewt ahm iiii ecat I 1 oro u conceded to be she bo I 1 I 1 ir aa alio world every instrument warranted YEARS loil and satisfaction fAction guaranteed amit md and braoo lists with wilh information sent to my any address x io am ika kajy it f ILA ID W whitney hian ey holmes organ company ka vim aw 40 sz ax X IQ aal agents for knowles steam pumps STOCK ON HAND alta 8 i I 1 imling pumps and boiler feeders an ais address M alb be CALLAHAN salt lake chiy M WASATCH FLOURING MILLS HUSLER GEBBARDT proprietors to CrIff mon brothers Brot ben offia idabo I bakery tory po go 31 24 baioni south street salt lallis olty HA haimo TING recently purchased poro buel mil and antiro ly remodeled ewt those riou ring mills milli wo etro biow prepared pro with but beat milling machla ory la in the territory to bi public with a 1 superior quality of 0 flow flom waid equal to abo bt u bridda a 2 JUNU JOSH ILLINGS yary HATM A I 1 4 if TW low lust got ang show how f and ail a pod adi I 1 ft di oulion got W shows ill 47 01 31 tITU who win will gm give you foot iii ml and gnu gai anice bar hu work vait K A few doors tort of court I 1 CRACKER manufactory I 1 11 II 8 proprietor waal street opposite wilto walks boom bill bali LOW city utah cinner cinn tr oriler promptly rill rt S E MAY notary and coave conveyancer allica with robertson ar A mcbride iilo over a 0 at scott d 1 cos coi plain main street bait lake city 81 8 1 A 0 abram A jackson of alt liu hu AS 11 jumped she iho country CdO Diry all benoir are ro warned not to bruot law fur for iii ia my damo lost R DEA it VV ait oit HAIE GOOD STEAM saw MILT thor A L I riming lining mill shingle abill biding mill and JAW tables all 11 II in good repair aldo dai houna stables and cc corralie corr ira Alil 10 situated lla toj twelve wate of t milel aly ida idaho ho plenty of timber silo belo f 0 1 r luu be r from lors hall to corinna auh b apply to 1 11 H U USE 10 0 corinne utah butth 1411 0 TOBA TOBACCO I 1 M R W WOOL of tha mir tu ass UT IV A BRANDS 0 OF r CIGARS any aay special brand mado mada ti to arf wo we coo co only tile lh ribs iii ba resl I 1 u a jila U vatin sad and our the jabbing atif 0 o main Di alla street a 2 DOORS FROM cossa sg 1 EMPIRE MARKET I 1 I 1 e JE a who it ill tt rat olen should PA SS b fal diw went 0 AT LANNAN P JL alt grow fal and jolly upon his choice roasts his buic juicy torn steaks k par MIS his corn fed his delicate lamb alad nj al his milky w llilas bite ve his 11 aprim prime a legs of I 1 rajo I 1 THE leodino ia pa ma 1 0 nox aigy at 0 serl W to loi ing common or n joeli jull lJ buttes bo liu |