Show THE OREGON TOTE that 1000 A me check still module causing trouble ov jn jan IG 16 W T polton pollan was waa before tho the sonata sample committee today to day witness suggested to jordan cashier of the tha third national bank he bo called on carrieo Harr o ho he told jordan it wit vim desired that bit certain gentlemen in ia oregon havo have a credit ol of it seemed that lit I 1 rations would arise from tho the ineligibility y ol of wells in ia oregon bud bellinger ob chairman sirman of nf tho the oregon Democrat io Com committed mince suggested tho the necessity ol of having the tha money to defray these theeo leg fg I 1 e W I 1 buess spoke to scott i a member of the national Notion ol committee on december gib abent gotling Nol Not liing ling was til said about security 1 patrick went to oregon in november or december net last he bo bad mining inte rosta in aalt salt bait and went to look after them does not of k know OW tant dimwood was pad 2000 and patrick 1000 I 1 jordan that witness did not want tho the m mado ado public not a dollar was seat t to 0 any stat a except for strictly itri otly legitimate purposes abo a national committee defrayed the c of part of tho the gentlemen who cited visited some of the southern states after the I 1 bo election electa OD did not kaow kao that vow was used in oregon on a check drabo payable to dimond in favor ot of ladd k rabb do not remember receiving so an unsigned di I 1 from rom oregon in id december I 1 laar ast a ayi OR it was wai necessary that S 3 00 bo be sent that state the Demo oratio com meltee bai bad correspondence with wilh ex senator casserly Cas sorly who aho was toque bled to tl go to oregon but he could not go and tout tent a brief telegram beloro the ibo examination or of colonel polton pollen was concluded senator slot too stated elated that bo be amonoo was obliged to leave and dee desiron ralton elton to bo be present tomorrow to morrow when ho be will till bo be examined further farther |