Show art EASTERN dispatches NEW YORK tiled albany 23 win will of the iho argon arga ga a tiled tit lilt put four this thin morn mom in g or of tho the Democrat io state st committee I 1 tile troop ahl illin tinya sot a let cleard biroan now york 23 tho relish baish troop Ill meliva lisp carnol not art boon been aicard front from bile left r land for if on D tho the 24 ion montant tant 1 I ras 1 As on lioard board about WO sol dicia from froin various reg intents the iho greeley A IneZ ting of the bo committee Coin mittro wu held hero wm win ortin it it WM was announced tant g alif t i S A liaa already been IM sub ul ascribed scribed bed Im ident orion said that it was VM do sired that every state and town should sub scriba to tho fan dand that from ono would lo be received As soon as M the luf laa were closel they should bo be sent kilt to the treasurer arc jimr win W niles WM was appointed it the ilia com nd t gren green treasurer it was vu d decided M ded to collect I 1 and nd erect in central pirk park A bronzo with of krayilo tram rem NT nen ana nd place a sim im I ylo Is memorial tablet mtr air the gravo tt at greenwood A scanlon lon in oarl iiii IniD rooklyn court in a case n lit rein a woman claims 94 w wio 10 ot I 1 ono spot r dea razed a large amount of tits liu dentate De cf iLik state a decided led son nation was created it by y th a it CC befth of tho first of tho the claimant whom filio deserted thirty atus ago 50 and aim dead nale of gold bids bida for gold amounted to four millions milli at 1251 0 the government told sold a wil lion at 1353 4 G ii washington 23 21 A bill n relieving from taxation alcohol used lor for pur w imea a revolution reho lution the allf allegation gation that hit members member of t the aliouse hivo have ln interested with the anil and cloux aloni city railroad which had recell ell Bu baily in lands and lad had boen in by credit MOM glicr ter and directing a committee of tile tho unit first appointed poland a to in to the matter and report what ha 1 been interested alerc te tho the bull and alocia city railroad liand II andall till wanted hunted lill all attl included all sit baij III lio lie would K illint ly ilo 10 to so lint but tint that lio lie was vaa afraid of loading do ikumi tits committee I 1 Itan diall thought differently because it was pretty much the samo clan oi birds that were lu in al of thorn thom randall then moved to include tho the central company Comp tny stevenson conson cons tn ana nil the resolution wm win amended ind and adopted tho house then in committee Commit loo of if uio tile cholet took up tho the consular Conan lar diplomatic appropriation apa alta B dill W in tile the senate a few were a anil nd matlo from committees tito tho wil wilan n committee thin afternoon examined oliver amen ame form crIT president of doff alir tho union pacific tho the floco bouic committee Commit lCT on A eions thu his mor nin g lima beard architect 9 con curning tho the estimates for pit b I 1 to bral dings to allow nearly two millions millio nii for or tile tho continuance of tho the court homo ind and pout petit office o altnow at ica lork arlt two millions for that at chicago Cli logo and ono buo million for that at st louis ILLINOIS nother snow soran benth ebnother AB or of granville handres han pres chicago 1 i 23 A fierce northwest mow storm him has ln been prevailing here since daylight if it continues it vil vall another railroad rail nal blockade kimbau kimball and old an CIO full into tho hom llo 0 ile he was waa rescued and taken ciomo b lilt ul d lil la a few hoorn homes claim it was TI a suicide Bu icide lint but liis its friends declare it to hayo lu been an accident gov oglesby who was waa yesterday elected benator Bo of 02 state resigned tile office ot of governor today to t day dy bridget wrid get was sworn andRa umed the duties of go coraor FOREIGN dispatches ENGLAND ENGLAND little janto of Dl cotant again reduced london 23 tho rate of dit discount count in the bank back or of england bu ban been buo ouo percent atit now four IF terrible Marl JIH alro ol of n nn ral inn nhi ati to only it iia ul of the be faoa lifonti oved london 23 tito report rt of ft a 0 afine di last night io in uio tho Clia channel has fins just ayt aved tito full kraat nhip abili north hicl balled from baut ro levei if da 6 ago for australia australi alm mi altu tit rafi bEngLis exclusive exclusive of her crew was in cc collision I 1 dision at midnight two miles oft Dun dungeness Dunge geness neNi with will sit an for ign slid anil was as cut lo 10 tho walara clec only eighty alto pcr sons ron aro are cnown to have leon been saved J it le id lo be board ban found a watery grave no N ia paid I 1 b by tile tho to tho emigrant cmel after t tuo to collision coll teion and ala on lier conro having tile to lo their fate I 1 lion lien the collision colli diou occurred last night lo be to ceu the emigrant still north orlu elect and the the ii of the forrace fornier became asmo and rushed frum ruin their berths ty to en acry cry portion of tile ship m hero they thought they bight bo aade and ULI utter utterly refused to obey the ord re f tile tho op p tam tain A bai as it last bajt re u curvo obedience to his commands WAS forced to tiro fire upon tuo tile horror stricken people ono of thern was wound Lil it was waa that if tho the had obeyed the iho orders or of the CA cap act jojn wn more of been the north dt WB as lying at anchor at the bo time li buo cuo of 11 ilo file collision I 1 clr cargo ot ballwey iron three hundred aud and top on no drowned tit abo CA captain in memol ill of tho the ill rated fated tedi tio nimo 11 bl tho 0 it abich aich ran into ino the blimp hi I 1 L lii D not tt lt been but it is id I 1 C cd toi to iivo YO been iro from of w 2 tito oard board of imado of tins city liu jim collur fl I 1 reward of for lee dischi cry LATIB tho steamer learner 0 hullt rin ran down and sunk tho emigrant ship north feltt oil off dun bences i now BOW believed to ito bo a gumo craft iho damo namo cannot be until she readies reaches port aitio ml ILki stair official giotto ottati tt ati there them ar kro 0 no BO but ditl renac in the views of great driban tied mid ausna in reo ard to 14 tile ho movement tit central asia |