Show 1 1770 I iun CENTEX NIAL KIAI 1176 to TOE tax PEOPLE 07 or nm nil stina brim congress recognizing a and to t lie hipped patriotic heau asa heo of tho people provided by A acu approved M march ad lial md june am I 1 72 ree e ty tho acir tho centennial en I 1 an of tho of f the united U atoil b cil america be atle bratch tl lit tho the city of philadelphia by an later nat nathinal anil and universal exhibition of tho the grandest md and dacet character the firt of thoo acu provided for tho th p Li leteff of tho united states consist consisting ng of two tiro members from each beato md end territory to organ and conduct the exhibition that Cora lori hm bas been boon duly constituted commuted and lu las entered upon its iba hy by tile enil abt act in ill order to the money li for the tiie expenses ot of this exhibition md and celebration celo bration congress incorporated abo ill ot centennial lavard ol of flounce finance As toul suf abary lary to the centennial Cummi Stion sad and 0 aided vided for the loan of stock to the a t n 0 un 9 0 gr ten L n mil honts of dollars dol liin in ono ML million killer of tin dollars each an amount which if eased equally among the would not require moro more than twenty ave nto cents from each cach person la in meting the ibo board beard or of ri fi banco congress hod had ako in N WW view the of tho the klock kin among 0 g the people of till the stales staka and in th tho a ratio ut their population theople Th abo erple in accordance accor danco with too tho of alili is act now BOW have tile alio opportunity port unity to bacomo beco m a owners of the ibo stock slid and to K share la in uio the management in proportion to the ahe amount they BuU crib books will till remain open olven in tile hands of ilia onto until the lint birb day of march llarch next licit len tho the aldini who havo have thiu out ul ill lie of uio the time for the election 11 c tiou of ilia lioard of directors which uch will lo be after itter thirty days day notice at tho the time ot of U ug toabe tu tho flock stock an aa Q f tiro dollan 11 per share must lo be paid to uio ilia agent after tho the of tile cloard of k anene the iho duo hilj ill cia called lloil for by them in install of avro dop do tam im per share abaro which will not be barur than may lily july Sept september calber and no november vember of or cr t tho 0 whole amount may bo be paid at the time of adur afur ilia aljo organization tho the akintu 11 bf I 1 the board of licence will till without to tho the quota dl bl lutted lulled to c cabb milla an so ij lat i in ia its ill conegp lion BO 60 virt la in its ita povl suit ud so 0 o il ill i itji r aulta e lulf to tho the batly f 1 w ofal a t h nod support of LD piu iu llo u will n nu of the lh adi ucal it I 1 of 0 ajl should I 1 ill all CillA Cn to knit had el id jb it is in the ho duty of the hu comm et oloa 0 a ta tu 0 deparo reparo re Paro tho the way to tho the doors door I 1 but u t lit in their lovi reign rahl rig litand ud auit niilo iho by their al kid alone eatn it bo just juit alid dievsky of the industrial toil and moral of tho the nation dur dumpf the ibo first couture century ut of its III exta tence ita receive after alio to or ol of the lh board a large lare efi graved ft r of stock executed in uio ilia belr uv v of tho ilia unitta bloam lu ju the iho U ut I 1 to of tho the engra engraves ti firor oes art rt hearing T 11 lu our national pro rem and nd cote memo of lf l f the hu colitt linia exhibition I 1 it ij that ill bo be imn use not villy anly as a wol wo L k 0 of art but bul u all u lit in IT imm am tu to bv be balista do don a fro froni ill 1 ora tivis tj RLUE ration dowl eolior to tho the I of nl tho but crilma the nama OL OE lie ill abw sip pearlin the lit PI anted of um this great emit natio lial crl ota i i uy by all n early mula yon will ivill tal W idt liti JIM ilar ali hit grand which almi tilling and nj band bandemor mor Arnt rican alft wil vill rear to fili fy lyn lation for thi it if ril lein ici and to mark tile made in a century under ilia of A ITCO fro J morrell chairman ranus tirs tile nl john V L brayn new york georgo H 11 collim rhode laland john jahn 0 kt storm Orm N new j jancy racy n B loran L hatt jimm T ar IMI I MI Mryl anti nl jo john b n lynea Loul plana fv tr V wood alf alfred mi T Oo honi eluo 1 |