Show at je s galum tho the is not responsible for the views of 0 its correspondents it alms to bo be the P paper of f the abo people and its ita columns are open to all having boad to belluni to self jay requiring only that it bo nud respectfully it WHAT XIAT ETTA ill N EEDS there is hi probably no DO single eagle man in all utah who will duny deny fur for ft a moment the proposition contained LQ in my loiter letter of cat cot erday arday that there then are three gnat a 1 presa ilig men or wants to make this ar territory 1 atory the very garcoa of the b centro centre of the viz lii lire I 1 largo A 0 immediate to our fr population 0 p 1 1 lation 0 61 min cria fari torment nerv gardeners fruit 1 t grown growers stock block skilled laborers laborer ju in iron ire silver and copper cc r and mach busts rul an in u of capital capita so 0 o great tint that or every honest labor log inan cn can borrow me doocy acy kt at ft a rate dot exceeding tw tris per rent per a no to lo be used in ili in ining manufacturing or ly anny regular lugi busin businow lw third A during enrin ln rin ilia next year of narrow ganga railroads from this ihu city to all 11 II ilia coal al mines of itan din atto anil nj tho the iron dit din brietis of deaver dealer now the ibo anten A cold in the states tits the lut last mouth the iho deot destruction ruction of ct orchards gruin and truce irm ol 01 all guidd will intensify gmal clr de it a of teas i of thousands of far fartura nura fruit growers taid working men of nil all kinds in tho the rast cast to migrate to a region where tho the winters are re mill mild luo ilia summers cool and oj where fruits 0 rc 11 etc c t c oro e L r 0 u eye t injured by frosts ilia northwestern no r t b w e 0 t cr n 6 tates loria lono including N debt gall indiana illinois Il liDor wisconsin sad DI N braska 11 ill send end utah poo pie this comin coming g ver it if their people c cm bo be mida mado to the trite con of ibis ory fiat but it if the PL koplo vito lio iro are now BOW biro a desire to kemp hoap suld dilvo po wiy away from lure hire to capitalists find to warn jadw radway by nicu to plu 0 o clr lur dionny anti nj talents vee 1 I be m lit ro the tack is in easy ono and tho the way nay alry iry dimple i aro are the ii only oo 00 tim tor for ilia iho next year is r in ili mil tho ilia noil k is ia done lat the iho telegraph huttu to fright cu tile ho pomplo lasta ly by I 1 any ny caw cana of swall rill limox ax that ocean occurs as a fee fearful r f ni carrying corry hig oft holo hole neighborhoods I 1 11 house to pallud dou by the folus of tho the ally city a cou couvillon lillon occurrence in jwo citti let alio llio decharo that bat a all 11 Gen gentillo a aro to arming lu in I 1 of free biado among the iho and 5 buffi will run liidi I 1 live dtta with blood to via d clr I 1 ir ri hlila if iq bot to alani all el p looking fival the ibo east to vt atah h for a new hoine lot let a parcel of officio meet in ili the and instead of naf the ibo injecting with prayer it lot A anil 0 o oon on tho ibo lench curse and give notice bat any ono ho ili fiala front frodi the tows of the ibo will ial be shot do bonu a like dop 1 10 lo io intensify the fears and awalen chato tho acu arlt anty y of all lot cor ire on d cuts from harbing ton exo notice weekly that abat graut will to morrow ID I 1 ilia bi batteries butt enci on one hundred hundri odthe of tho lacre that ho he will send gt rutial bond to adael goneril morrow with his of I 1 low hl C to cule it thui this people ailo to lo licia he peace ace abild to 1 dimaur iian from daiv of their li and C iaus in alio b arco to slid and carr earning ing oil ot of tra lu Ju lit U I 1 dio 1110 imo luon do loof of ilia fAli torn harteg at their irpak t lible lea be 1 on oil higuch dally daily rood ao an thin Arr lir all aj hereto fore and wt ui all can call koo that it lt IA 12 caay 8 uil tail to 1411 10 abild Cui and out of viah lint in it if tile lio work thus thun bo be ilk tin n let alia nadi nil government nil fill ilia officers offic cra cicro I 1 lira vl willi ill broken down men who come here to fatten fallen on oil public ollit ol lct men w aitho I 1 lye DO incas no DO liu millem no chara ter no credit no interest in tile soil loil the mines tho roads ilia banks or any pro properly here men who seek icek thu thi plane to become lua U y senators and na juda still who binding bani liD them selves together ioto into secret n by kud anti support their ringe pullet 7 by power of public plunder tile character awer nd conduct of all U soon anch orOcia lit nall all known broad abroad is the most braia to top atop and dd opt the inward award itow flow of population oca 1 mi of 0 railroads ml rod and let it only bo cont continued kud ud utah can soon be restored to lai ib condition a banh desert A short abort amo of cudco oro abo writer of thin uw flow in na now w york a front from Lon london flon england rn gland inquiring it was i sale lalo for an ninart to herc if won would raould the mining company who nhu had bud om played him laatt heir firt first payment oil ft a mine capital Is abw tywina 1 tirom 1 0 id b who live la in chicago Uil capo at 1 au t I 1 ducoit ind and other eastern cities will never como come to bilt it lako to live lire so 0 o long AS they are dully warned tint that the iho bairam alio wanlo pomplo i that tb life and add prope property 2 ar trip ine in deorr r j c yet a bawd Is i arm or liquor and aad saloons control there abo bourla u aad bid to la IP drw |