Show 4 BY TELEGRAPH S am EASTERN K now york in the tweed cavo caso garit gany 1 trifled 6 1 j that lie be left tile city babau 0 of 1 r 1 t ened tho the saler tion no iu re rc ceitaw with wh laughter It line said mid ui in regard 10 arn billi hilla blout out aich bovold ho vu 01 e shined on OD tuesday twenty ITS five pet per cent on facts fb wall iru just jul john garvey it brother to androw was sworn mj and to lo tweeds 10 lo amp abdy I 1 in kirtio Ki roio and indan to lis kiil liil frd ah of jadw who azo after andrews abir Au ir be b wl ull was u tile only man lie he dreaded A b amow ow storm will a bagh vind commena here about 1 4 p m yesterday and anil chicago A torri torribio blo snow storm litre lirra early day morning mora ui anti with lit of atad vz olence Viro bably bout about ten briches of snow BOW hu boa wien and nd drifted about baill bally in no trains left lacot gamt highl tho the ex dal nobui or borth wrt tho 0 roads firo are at dubuque duboque keokuk and burlington and bad art arp on n tho the flolo lino bno to A special ua a oakes ames kv yesterday before the ho C X mcf 0 biller exciter intense indignation g in ill it colfax acl to alia 1 as to lo infant oil ansly false il it I 1 in s tart AT his colfax 9 had win bac a abe I 1 ath ill of january suit ame allies lad bait toon roon lis lid damori bucs civically taw to lo a tint that cas Colf axi wom t correct garfield am abw cou cernin lii OK am A achl to aa adl I 1 de alc ui hufh h titio ti tio uti tf of kolly kelly sava ames oti benic A t him is 1 dam damnably and fulst the i geu add a meeting varl ril iv ud and mined to O in beelat of 01 truth at and Junt just loc it ii enli r s thorf that ames hu boa been by be lit liia d connel 1 n gel that he must either loso lose him abat Z in C con g 0 r the mccomb anti he has rive led fad nd 1 tran atkaln olary bene to aini ic others to will antho the suit now cw orleans Orl cao henry r devins a resident of this city and nd tile oldest member of the bar dil died yesterday aged OS 63 cr cars M warmouth lu LM arrived t ti testify before tile senate committee on suit aud elections the 3 W E it N los abat A few days hy tso ago the ha belles of nf A n acton lc ton vitro cre found t tho foot of axi foot icatar in fa tile unk sink of a alov of tile ban ta t axing mountains at the top toll cliff m a of tile tha rocks ih a live if wild ws founds boand loading to ilia ton that tho the all hd and fell lulo IAO the air ig ia a 8 mystery i the jury in alio caia of alio va pro T yrio tort of tho licci L diun for violit wf lie to alio acro vr to agree aud wre c il Ire lulo A mm man named spencer silencer night before last shot chot lum hit wife from v bout liu ba hod been set rate rated 4 for some time mrs mr silencer bi lencer was sup eup ff bv keeping boarding bouno at mankosa Man posa mill spencer Sic fired through a dimir while lillo lii ado was sitting at alo up r talila bablo lat u comp tuy mill her ber mother and rb rd Ts tile shot took in her lead head and will till probably bo be fatal Rc noNes A company of cavalry froni from camp halleck wt f this thia ra mg en route arcule for the kat beat of tile tho 1 madoc I war A lire early this thia moral g iwo lons im not 1 fred martin whilo while attempting to get on an 0 o bound tram kt at Wad iwo ill lost ids til hold hid md and wax was thrown on the track almouist tho the entire train basaing over him cutting off ltd his right arm anti smashing hia big right tout fout so 0 o b badly aa AS to amputation san I 1 A private cable dispatch lant 11 t evenin ing a ono A U eve I 1 that be lion 0 L kok forr keelly jul juab h 0 of alio u a 10 C court our I 1 I 1 of 1 california 1 ia fal d died ell f L Y al 8 p pm m 1 listings italy T 6 Grint to n nit cut 1 liidi u bleat ia conly 1 1 I and 4 a abo at aa tit alio hospital I 1 1 thick ho ha cao not 0 elmot ca 1 hendricks arrived this ibis evening from tie tho flemer rahon apprehensions at that place are that ilo ilia indiana would try to SE get 9 away to join capt jack gin wheaten la ill preparing prepa to build boals for ilia 1 U of guarding tb the lake laka bhora of tho the laia LAI A iltz and keep the indiana from coming for water mater tho the troops aro an lying quietly in ia camp peril derp carli Ite ports from district dittri ct iv that mines are ar oi better every d day TA at a depth of 53 fee foet in a mine known so aa r dis di shows a largo deposit of ores and carbon aka a les of good food grado gr 0 sale darco alego gentlemen interested in the estabi ibm of a colony or of silk ilk growers at santa barbara are tow now 1 ax 1 UK vach wh ch ajo baa a on r L abard rd a number of c grants ex dresely for foe that par poMe two whale burrle hadd I 1 dd da before at kalliat POOL point A surrey mido mado by craford Craw fords par of tv tc ILI ai pacific Kall road surveyors front froia I 1 ia city to Te Teina moso ao by san luis luia rev licy valley demon st rotes the lie bouto to be much ewh moro more practicable than ampt believed went wat out to survey i a lin has from yn san luis rev bey to lo san ian gar aiono run returned dt day bifora anfora bud and ft I 1 having cianni run i a very 94 9 4 TT jv I 1 abrl art general in a recent speech h at t moir defend d claraine from recent attacks on en TUB lu military mil ilary 7 fame II 11 he dwell la in terms lenni of batrous on thol mi iMry ajr of which be illel arod wait binte troal to that of a y g ed E r I 1 in ia tho the german gemini army the pits paa S alinn y 0 of f t abo h aho hoor ur an partial 2 I 1 aag snout in alio he bajc b bat at to b a be y would justify r bazaine ne tile tt assembly lut list evening m a a bill hilll screw renal tift lor for pa m n ten lambers of the iho bodily am re arrve till in france fruchia in adit tion to those previously futics say KIT that coant con ot pui paris will till visit tull count chombor 4 in i a few days li to a in kawl to alio duio dig hip it if anticipated anuci that chambord will insist en co re ata 11 the AS file royals royal jandard tan dard but 1 wi till ll I 1 congeal to allow th alic earnly to lo kp U alio trio tricolor olor of the ilc interior has bu in ic formed tho the committee of thirty that hat tho the Gov emment or dring to fill vacancies in the be to toko place tb the airet in ia april beveral garlits connected with a 6 bancull company have boon rome 0 of f thima how who 10 lo are I 1 occupy high 1 I eions in the finati ci world among amao thild ui is aid to be ui all ti of high rank madrid i I 1 marttiini great biti vito fielda at ike 16 lloy I 1 dealer native tho the if 0 of f be a abolition Tra tullie and nd pro aves clubs brilliant ican site antro a made loilo eod and the wea intense I 1 the commit committed teo lit in ilia cort coric 6 oil the obo aljo of in porto alloo illco estimate tho the to ho be pirl paid the iho flavo owners of 0 that ihil islands rl ODO buu dreJ and nd af pf roll ratio the aul il lu jetur jetter discarding thu the lots tod and dis crowin lai ecat with their intrigues A decree has bm been soloed erautt A A codori plan 1100 to loii lod carlo for or 1 im lug i a to k olio cable bireta 6 aud and culik cabs aa bert re el hjo ajo two been received by alio cherti Co erti went frum forthe or the perch Luo and of inland tc ulo 0 tb court SON con ioto n dauo a dolff bao for the db vf fir 1 j Ll juil binm lizo bt A here that ilia hie dow doh get er empress af crail ia u ill ili antl life jizodo do 1 albl of I 1 1 Lo condou the of lord L alca u ill lo 10 burled buried la in abbey the Govern albrit hu has ordered ft a preliminary inar late into tho the to ilia north tac we a 1 more lo 10 rc laram are wed from the tb L m ia raw ship north I 1 fleet ivel 97 known to bato bau ban arad saved lin iklodi it b bavo 8 to their a KI big alj ski 1 ill all rr dal n clr A bioni 0 ti 1 1 1 artrip tl 1 if 1 p 1 0 O rp 0 I 1 tho ho V 1 h ril dpn I 1 x 0 r 1 i flu f t lil g 1 arn Y n |