Show il EASTERN dispatches 1 MORNING REPORT NEW YORK the th firm lilii avenue AK noe The staler earned new I 1 loik ork I 1 about five alv ibis after noon the fifth avenue theater adjoining the fifth hotel neui As completely burned lost catoe acary at about out 4 25 stiletto wit raa pret artt dial discovered covered ascending from near a root in tho the rear 0 it tho the I 1 theater ad although though tho the firo fire haro long before that tuno timo bro in the ho lower parl of the building the abo matio malanco all coca lad moro thin dispersed tho the tor tar the th fifth avenue tho the street side lido and is the abo lint first building west on co thit that towards clu Ati anicito aticito cito la in scarcely more thin than fifteen after tho the dis cowry of the fire tho the whole in as ablaze IQ nil all quarters barding tile lilo so much mach etaw it and lit up tho the bur rounding squares us HA though emt so 1 I 1 from awell well arranged there 11 1 J to be ba considerable delay in tho the arrival of tho ira as 99 fully into nice lapsed irom from the time tho ilia fire was vis well under nay before any engine neared the iho luj and at on upon the their lr arraial tho the usual alacrity seemed to bo be maling tn in getting the boson bosi I 1 here wad u great excitement it at this hn time in the fifth avenue hotel hotst Hot Jt am it was waa feared tho the fire oula spread to that odi fico and nothing but tho the hotel hold irom from ru ruin to had the high wind lately eeik existed tod the aholo block bould cold doubt doubtless lets have hato loon leon burneil burned tho the engines at seven metca were on tho the rumi of the builds build LI ul L al ill chrtt title in orning ing ilo nho lialo loilo sale dp artmon t of 8 IV gcoy ocoya co no 1300 2300 broadway was waa dama godby fire to the amount of 33 mesdames gill cria A davenport aro rc reported tobago to hito lost ot their diamonds dimo nii mid jewelry tit t several thousand dollan while hilo at mcain evars A clark ato ro lima bony losera all ali ilia musical aad ad orchestra 14 arary and music aro are des destroyed troyed mr daly has no oo on hu has prop arly j tho the atall of it paper illel ill ll at Bro brooklyn ollyn on caused dam ago to that building to ala amount of A portion of it la in the root roof of F A buila bui lb flour floor awo adjoining four fou wagons and trucks and DJ lalling 3 2 horses bora luule injuring a there othor the damage to the flour wall la ia tho the weight of 01 snow on tho the root of the capt r mail canard the sott bottling ling of the framo of tho the building nei 0 o fearno all the custom or of making now new leard wt calls wm was Konc rally observed la in the city and ud Deigh neighborhood bor ED zally cillers callers boatly iho rounds la in kichi glas tho ay ocr very bontly precipitated patin a fit vf by tho the filling failing of a scaffolding at libarty liberty copper bruno cr uno in 1 dr count county Y cop 1 I I 1 it acro 1 ori or I ILE E wit 1 aal DI iset of ef ibm severely A 1 has presented 1 1000 to the aud fund for or firemen ratio noda fountain explosion A soda a water fountain exploded at t macys factory on street ircel last night UDO man wad injured and tile abo building badly dam agod fifels farci elting store on charch street was burned last hut lit night gh t mal nl lit new cw orleans orian A times now orleans dispatch states it is ia reported there that several of Wor moths tax lit list a 0 tied lied one gitmed manchard lic IK IKI I ink ing i a for 20 OUD it in III also 10 lo rumored that abat tile there will b ia an at t I 1 mp t to inaugurato tho the st to oni cial call on tile atil jai biot land I 1 u 3 antici lidd WESTERN dispatches california san sai francisco 2 SUc nry hill i a sailor ailor was nm shot hot last evening by robert OM silly mato malo of tho ilia fit 81 lucy the jho bull ball took look effect in tile tho for load 1 ho maa wu mint to tho has wan now years year customs viero generally rilay although althou gli ilo be soother vim nu stormy tod a d disagreeable I 1 alo ile receipts to A 8 evans erani family from tile beitat at tho california th etro MO ere tasu ilia iho steamer china brought chinese and nl only 1117 oce ja little korv people colt bratel emancipation pay with much closing their fea tivi tica with a grand bill ball at the itric ull FOREIGN dispatches BERLIN Jant artry I 1 prosecutions have urn been engh toted against it tint roman catholic journals lit in thia abu city and pro meat inco which love tit alio oveat papal excitement on tun this is in throughout tile emparo ben yon von littion las li loan specially sprint od cd president of bf ilia iho prussian council v tl j balin wiry itry KONG H in islea 14 at R leggere hoew da II ass by iva offee yellow 31 yr mr wade she british Mi lustor lias has reprimanded tile tho 0 groat britain at nio po aho vho ho acted in con COD with ilia aminian consul to lo settle disturbances at If tho the minister of the btty the latter for bat llo lie lad JUDO does A second and aad more extensive axt avci flow of tile bolow iligir Ls is reported damage culpable cu lable lalle ENGLAND buduo january I 1 labo abo io pis of great britain for tho the quarter c a anz dec sl 31 twing ling wi an vf of fio file cier tho the pl duta quarter it is id nii rumored Dorod that ft a lui larow russian leall loft ivill loon bo be put on OD tho the market lj mrk 1 I li TL callant V varr 6 fine T iw 0 uy abo Boulo ardis wore cro rj with laore day throngs the abo city tho the most a I 1 m ted uco bill I 1 11 he war at vcr v mule a a ess Pra I 1 a lau 4 bald ills usual now tut artt ilia diplomatic body 11 lint rot od no N u decro mule made tho president only a tow luw words knitli ith 1 6 blom blomberg bers of ilia nation 31 I 1 ful fullow lown rhode f opinion were ro cor cort Jully hally cami 0 and lica ruly ilsio ilsbo libbon 4 I 1 liaboe jan I 1 alao mul load freal aitio janeiro dec alli ill strived iri tul ota vitro milre having brought lis negotiations to ft a close clono lad had been honored with rith a public tach was attended ly by the chief officers of tho anti aj dimling of kilps baito LOA indians who made m ido raids into uruguay brove W a and ihan tick back |