Show ronce covier people in wm 0 o rii lilii this it will wai ix be remembered in 16 a case in officer r wu mw cla argol with striking rhilip bouyer ith imis knect on the of 1872 at tile the alm of the first fint part of the camu iiii lion which took place ilia lattee c antl nilca of jad lat ii icik ock mr miner mado i a motion to clui liall the complains on the ho ground that it embodied two ft a of arg as and e r the statute the ruling of tho the court coart pm pas de forred tall ul today to dav day i n hen mr BIT clinton ilia prosecution to elect cither of the charges chorges in tho the c a upon which to buo base the trial tho the chargo elected ass tho 0 ODO no budr blat section of tho the climb at code v n bich charges the ibo olic r willi the iho 11 with intent to malm tho plaint lir 1 wu was ban open ilia stand and to of list month clr be had been giving 1 I datch of lie some good advice officer into hill oho hop panl aej kiyon till WI yoa yon are an my then phillipa rhill ipa for li warrant ile ho replied tint that ho he did not want a n way coull arrest him to ilioff tatu asked him to allow lim liin to toko take has bu coil coal they than walked out ot of the iho shop hop lilio like woods wad md up eta I 1 0 o strout until they mine cam kahn dros chero plaintiff wanted wincil to lo call in to git get tomo some of his friends to jo 0 o with lim to lo give bonds tor for laid alti ak At dicu turn phillps turned around anti nil sald aid 11 you mil ind then mal cami down oo on lii fora forhead bead it is ith loa iDock lc wadell riede mado him biml llo 1 a hmil blind man and ho he teotil tEg til hack ile was then taken to tho the city hen at tho the time of this athla occurrence plaintiff said be h bad from to too to in hit his pocket of which ile ho in as by soma one sir miner then proceeded to cloia mr nold kohl yer on the part of tho the and i in an ewer to certain questions the ho DUff said the iho good advice rafer to wu was imply ia good talking to and a infix on hidir clr tile ho car liko like a father would gia lis bla couii some soma fellow in this thid country such euch advice when rubbe mine to arrest lun bun hs he thought the lad no right to arrest it about a wax rant mr inquired blat ho had for thinking thus this quntion question was wa to by tho the for uio ilan on the ho ground thit his lii thought could coald not hot he be taken aa M cri delace mr minor miner replied by saying hying that in this cue case lo 10 iro wined anted to show chow that man in ia this city had bad been counseled no not t to bo arrested without a warrant and thorn was a doubt that the complainant was wa then acting under D cioch mr maxell matson said aid thai ho 0 had to so ilitch clinton slid did ijo mcw whit what the lie law bit said I 1 lo 10 making arrest hat bat it visa M entirely another as to v bother it WM was a goodew good law lw or not uie the law says that an D or oten a citie D coald tract a warrant if arera good ground for bd ieving shot a camo tad commuted commit to 1 tho T h a court by bilog that a lawyer ltd lad sald bild in that court room mon should shoot the police down don liko like dogs dog if they attempted to make latko arrests wilho out mr maxwell sala fid lo 10 it sun bollo od alo police hid oo no such inch rights except here the crime van committed in their pres 8 once croes examination being said lie he lied lis pistol on oa but phillips nor over saw BW it too it bad slipped do down into hit his loot leg and that it was w A d good job for phillips that it 11 so 0 o hop boiled the acason lo ho went with phillips after saying lie bo lad had no right to arvest win him WM was because ho he saw w a hootIn in chith re I 1 cio 11 em tho the Ir lohman Irn linita said did lie ha ionica dying that aliat ho he would rut put a hod faced on rial lips or kick lim out of the lore if lio did dot go out hacho ho tinted to get wy away with irith phillips rhill ii ho he could have dono done do ao when lu be rent with aim ira into hij 1114 licit back room after ilia hia colt coal as aa lio ho led there here ratio homot ku bm and a 11 knife halt tie largo As aa hid bid arm but lo he lad no ao diilio it to do so BO plaintiff hero here stated in oloa ewer dobir miner manor that le called tit t the elo elc store for como of tho the local tylre to go on an hi bid bond ill lut so 4 nono none of thin came out oat lio lie wanted to call at inabu bro brad to for r the same p polle iio ho afterwards stated that mr can hington anti another man beadi whose danio lie ho did not DOE isnow slid mid they boull go 90 lis louda load MED plunie the said was vis on lua bill right fido aide when lan lio ito struck him ho be led bilm by tho right arm 10 lo mid he tle faial fatal how blow by him am donld bald lavo love knocked knock eil mr minar right out oat SAM h a ore the over lid jai eye on account of hut had telling hua bull to let lp p lis hij c ayo a com coca lort blo and that thai was nu tho the bout best wy way lio lie know of doing it Ille ienir lorl WAA boxt put ou ell tho the stand and ratified kati fied bar liag been lu in Ro at tho the timo time alo arrest was wait made no ile acard ask the officer tor for warrant vi when hen lie b replied he be had none anti and Ir phill bill then paid eaid that no could arrest him without a carmil I 1 he II 11 followed the police slid and uio the irrol 11 they stopped it at the lie ho they had a little jaw lat it did not hot amount to anything from froin theio theia aby went up opposite kalin in bros thiu rhill eahl lo ho to go in there aloon taid fald coree co light siong thill hung lack a blow little and a and then the blow ties nas girta he did not sea aco what the abo police had on LIS hand at tho the time neither did ho VM am any thin then ly by mr minor he ncncy heard use boady nay bol ottrous language lao lau guar guage mire haydia and maxwell for the prosecution mado made bhart so sokchea echea condemnatory of the afo ufo kofl of bruj rais knuckles and further stated that tin an may dhoot a landown man iroini on the e tree I 1 but lathe he lad no DO right to use a barbarous ves pon mr informed the biage that ito ho hl bad no DO right to elicit more oid caco than would show abott that to offense offence led hild lucia cemmie ud and that therow cro reasons to that had committed it mr clia clan ton then remarked 41 4 1 loo out m ditth mo ina to uudo stand that tbt I 1 aral like a grand jury in my rights that IB ia that hat I 1 have no business to lar L nr but one side of the iho question mr maxwell ro ailed riled ia m the wyen when mr air clinton paid you cant cram aroi thas down roy lay throat as aig A fool u I 1 m I 1 intend to hear loth bidd aides of the question cross examination ty by mr conlinn cd witness coald not to aho laou ago need at th tho oli store i dl iliah Ili hlll iH did dad not go la in to ask iu k for bu bait tharo was vu tomo some joking going on OB there 1 afo I 1 a law AW put pat hill ali land hadd in lis pocket and take it il out but could not abcar ft hat ho he hid had la in life ida hand band as ho he jid did not lot moo anything never uw saw the wound lot but raw blood down glaia tafta face james if pardee WAS u lima ilin ili n put on an tit uia ud and stated lit l that he be we wu on tto the street ou on wo uio night in ia milosaw ho uv ajo ujo pUlu CiJI in ia changoor char cherco goor of so mu one but could oot hot tint that I 1 it we iru rhilip N ho acu up street ailien lo be baw standing about if lohn liro ilore on oa thun lie leril a blow and leara some one aa my jr 1 1 I I guo como come time along now BOW also 10 1 0 heard motion CD one cu call out cooper ulio take the other side of ct lim waith order nals 11 u witness did aid not as the ho viall bim having la in charge as it nu dark but saw lira lim put til bin land into IDO his right bil ito io luil tru knuckles OB at the time same but taboo lo 10 lia land from we patt lie was about eight feet feel froni from the lulli at t the alo tune k harle harl adlar wu was flan sworn anti and de deposed it to luid iu in kahn brad aroa awro lit the time limo uio tho tellius striking trl Lius twit plata lux knew nothing dochin Dol hin about branc saw MW thill bacaj ltd loli brck mil and ill it tar for Ms kohn to id luj lad lim liim he ha ikel lu ia a tone teme dul not son 1 phillip Ihil lip on thit that oc emin biro tho the ini U 6 lu lie ins rv ral blamed today to day ata tt 2 oc u lokk AT A I 1 ll 11 t ad u mj hill taht no lou tsuji buur scoot J con too fur ilia 10 lo la iii curili curt Li of etab nl at washington ou cut their ey wallis or capre by if that is a fact candidates tro are at t a ern lilo wo we would like lao to know inow what att ell tact poor or cr will do if ic uley dont succeed 11 nent lant orant Grant letter botter let id tho the foar bo it conjointly and koc kp p ayio ibo A MODEL amodel Xo NOTICE ricE wanted A good god carrani ia a Fa milley lot lat dow homm att of zest kut temple on 60 eili bhutan street BLI bilis cc ceiward W lagoa ages 3 to 6 per carru our corinno corinne r ri ends are ro being just tit I 1 on ae of ahda al bif f ulo ulof F coming la in ail 0 o fler after christmas Chril maa we W ATO ro pleos ol to on particular name being acid within a pecullar po cullar cullor institution josti tatton where lio be ought to hivo have ln ewen long since him with a it bidlo once on our oar streets with our aws brad in it afara an n uncomfortable of nix mix troah we thought abw that hal al ij ready rcy been spun for such a neck AS lie ho wore frore dattolico cot Datt lico of course v we forgive tho poor clotil lot hope that theme 1100 lim ibis um time vill mil furnish liim him with suit BUI wo forgive him as M an let act of charity cli rily on our part thinking probably that foils fol tip lop the to wont be b so scrupulous eccle aboy armnad ul ut now THE years tear day the bands 0 of f UK the city were out in fall force the cheki ni floral tho the tooth tenth ward and tho the camp bands serna dod the bo chief business places and tho the of prominent ci lizona distin clion tion wo we waro pleased to tot licar tho the vast I 1 5 I 1 aluch I 1 mado ly J tar outa I 1 national boys boy baing abo yonn Kit As 13 in an organization orenia tion they bood to gross and nd bra are elting luicir older competitors abard nin gioi those floso who com rose tt it ot at course ato u old oil musicians and tho ill only thing deeded to make them proficient in ig practicing to together Athar etho of 0 ti compliments word much pleased cil ud dil x pleased a arbilla for i a repetition a 0 ilia ibo omara occar ronce which doubtless will mil bo be extended jn in due sewn Thol istad boys h huge timo time |