Show C CITY I 1 TV NEWS norm bonci mr A W admit is S tho CLO AI borreo a of the toltec and dolar ani to rm ira subscriptions forthe seame paid to mr aum during doting lis ht trip will be 1 appreciated by the rtin ling co fa to T three room boll to trot sea advertise meat meal LOST from froio gilmor 1 I laurys stage tc lc tiron and idil october br bar of bablon tiu Ulon 10 no 2238 A toward tir of will 1 sit ell for its delivery at wells fargo A 1 l cot COs office offero in salt lake city I 1 HUL HALL HU L the tor for the sunday morning lochoro arill willbo bo the ma urn amot af moral Mor light the subject va good one and will doubtless bo be la in a masterly MASON M NOTICE none A bwll special of ill t month lodge no a 2 A r A A M fiill it ill bl be hold tills th friday evening 1 ILI I for vi ork la in the iho V F 0 degree an all brethren brilli rca to ro cordially coM lilly invited to all coid DIOL 7 WT Y to announce thit that a matt lag ing will lo be hill la in st SL birks school on mon kon day evening gill at for the organization of tho the choral society all ali ro ot of ninilo mado md anti others interested are re cordially cordin lly invited to attend dad dino or smallpox baill buill rox tho wife of mr fd ward I 1 verrill bring near loredo on jordan died bilof of emall pox on tho the night eight of 0 january lit lat so a new mcw mills reported in the iho neighborhood ilay sheldon the ile rocky it Is irell to arrive on saturday to fill the pulpit for tho the congregation until the return of hitov mr welch services at 1 l 11 evock sunday morning lat it tho liberal institute sib sab lath dah at OM the public are ara cordially iD invited Vitol co kimt litt night the of 0 anat I A murphy proprietors of 0 tho the 0 bcd ocd acl dental saloon were handed over our cou 11 ter in s 1 wry very substantial form farm tor for which we fi grateful the above gentlemen gentleman are do doing ingo I 1 ory cry rodg etto trade without much moch parole we notice their saloon M a it thing to i well patronized ank TO MOUT wo call the ibo tion of our to the ha interesting lecture to bo be delivered dohr ered tonight it at independence hall by on chelc the iho first farst wo we lure bop ud and that the reverend gentleman will have ft a full fall and audience the lecture will corn comm menco coco at t 7 ad mitti mattai noo loo 25 cents proceeds go 50 to lo the lilies library association of thu this city to tl we chatin that in consequence ot of a gentra Uy tp dedire buo mr W G mals will deleat on sunday next at the the principal points of hu bid louture c tin on which the severity BOT crity of tho the weater prevented to so m bian any from rom lear ing list last sunil stand ty ly on this occasion mr mills milla will w ill it is fa elac tho iid balance tf of Us 1 eata Llod 11 abat wu was tho the nature of Melchize deks 7 14 nall on sunday morning next mr BIT J frands Fran cid a minister of tho the Carn church charch will preach lit it ahli place and la in the evening gov GOT woods wooda will review life of Jesue tho the morning service comme commences aces at 11 and tho she at 7 wo we are arbnot not informed as to the iho theme mr french francis hat has chosen bathe bat tho GoTer is in a vory very important tad and attractive atmo tivo one cue and treated as a it will be in a logical tod and forceful yet mannor cannot tu lud to deeply later inter a cut all who may be b pries tnt ot on T fan tho tor of the largo of bolisay eatables rall has boa 1 hul I a 1 good run of trade since binca bo be open opened ca ef nt tho the orand restaurant just below godbe tl cos coa store wo noticed there yesterday all bamo bomo atry fino fine turkeys turkey led chickens albo some borne butter md and bacon thoy they have hato on hand a largo of vata also iso of boica boxe toof of fine md gaj flour floor etc the above goods ore ro being sold at very tory terms als tho has to lo 10 of t away tho the bublo generally should impact tho the above stock otonce at st once aa j the go odd A tm telling tile lilo hot cafeo A dewill wo we received the hi follow following ing fiaai ft on a at t ophir 11 an article in tho local column of tho the mining journal of tha stathis ebel the moil emall pox pez hu has md made its ild appearance ippe irinco tt abu place aint lead ind unwarranted report Zoad it surp mo here very much how hoir each an u article could lira guald by tho managers of said its per was waa it done to ingaro ophir city or for the ibo luk lack of busts ousts DO items or locals I 1 if toi for tho the former tho the injury reverts to tho the authnel tnt bori head only if for tho litter I 1 would advise alf wo its ill local or anthor to go and purchase so a mirror as the dolfax store lis ln quickly liny to lonely retreat and hilo bato hu his 1 pew tor for tho the balance of lit his daya anya which tro are tory far smart toca men never long on a behalf of the ilia citizens of ophir district I 1 ae dar false near or tt at this a single the aboyo dai Assa TUB ox kiong atra well attended the th typographical ball held at tho the lour ward schoolhouse wad quite occur when the bo typos lab a 1 tingo doy aley lib lab a tine and lo iko 10 likes the tha walkkr house party wu wall ilo ilia kees ca of about IW persons baing refat at lut tho the LAII LAS fp lendl anti but bat a lack amk of energy could prevent a party assembled there from biring a s gay timo ou oar word taj parties ru da barilli wa lua holidays both the much amusement the U boys boy so go la ia for enjoyment whole to wed kail and vio via with each othar to make loh day amoe ling more than ord apary occurrence oo buncom boll ball at tho ill ward last int nia bt vial filled to ita utmost tirl ana the light faD wad TW trill trl pd mid lh ill no co of QI 01 a land being present 10 L filancia lat mantoo for good music haing been the of tho the night it b to ico thoo atio can off duld cuu care moulin la a capacity md anti eanoy to not cot only in ia the bu allace but bat by making now low uil loa nig log ones thus hm spread ill an around to lo 10 happy is the me a object rt of liro lie loa nono none but the tao into narrow minded mil and the iho bigot cant ca or would object to a Lither ilig of 0 friends and to enjoy ait hour occasionally together dub bob there ato u same mm in base note ros ito ire so 0 o that they tiu ill a clr enjoy themselves nor borlet let olborn if ill they ey cm call cavolt it but alius to uail kind pi fiori boyl loom Jenco such natures datum ue are ru rare being tho be result of ailia la imperfect effort of nature operating on the borsi byln similar lu the deformity of the strut fmc tore we 0 o have board a 00 a the ibo wb e 6 lut butow acir compla indus for lainof of it I 1 anti wit trust by iboa that the ibo ace rot hlll ill learn artra wisdom |