Show OUR III EXPORTS AND IMPOSTS IMPORTS FOR THE YEAR 1872 ono one of the most interesting aud and val tal ualle of our series of articles on the Reso resources urcell of utah appears this morning it gives in detail the gross amount of our imports and exports for the year 1872 which when carefully easefully examined proves in till an unmistakable the rapid commercial cool morrial strides we have wide made during tho the year find and the great increase in our mineral prodie cioni consequent on tho ito development of of our such as thoe will do mote more towards carry carrying frig to the astute busin business gaind a arl abroad a correct ing ng importance of our territory than any aay amount of general information not backed by figures and will low to 10 capitalists ita lists blat utah is really the ibo most in 1 lil itin ingfield g field lor for en enterprises or ofal all llInda kind 5 to ba foun I 1 in the entire western country statesmen too will read in the figures wo we present this thia mornion morn mor log a lesson teaching that the territory is pasting passing from the abo extreme or of ecclesiastical bondage tnt taa maal gra gratifying nd encouraging condition of commercial prosperity which r will ill ultimately dc ilroy every of tho the forai cr and anda j male our pop illation not oly oaly gool good citizens or of the republic in tho the strict sense of the word but large contributions to the iho national wealth the cash value of our exports export fur for the pat past year cannot fill U much short of five millions of dollars noia not a jarff amount it is 5 ot coor enormous ilnia bhea viewed in in comparison with i our commercial situation of a few years a ago go when we could scarcely ship a sack of flour or i a load of squash i in the way of export and nd when our whole revenue was dependent upon the ilia traveling emigrant the nett nettal ll vf cf the stage line and other such ruch trani tran Hint tiit and petty sources sour cea it is therefore with juit jua we point to the exports of over twenty million pounds of oro ore mined ai most at our doors worth on an average 70 per too ton to the shipment of eleven million 1 1011 pounds of bullion averaging per ton which tells its own bid of tuc buo shelters smelters sm elters within the jear abila minor articles such as wool hides bides pelts tallow dried peaches salt ec to swell the amount and show to the iho world that with railroad facilities now new avenues to wealth will tie be opened up calling for the all ld of capital still and labor to further assist assia in utilizing the vast treasures with which we are surrounded roun dedin in boundless profusion not we tie least among the exports and which way bo be noticed in the list for december cr is ISO pounds of pure lead from the germania 1312 wo works As near the city and although a matter lor cor clori congratulation at the dose close of the last 3 cars operation yet at tle the cloo of 1873 wo hope to ti record in its place as a still more desirable desin ble artiola or of export white lead manufactured near the c ity city the products or of stamp mills in the shape of silver bricks will bo be furnis furnished bed our readers in a fw few days sod and will serve arve to show chow the immediate necessity lor for the establishment of a united states assily assay offiel affect in this city our imports for the past year are really startling in their foot footing neica ling as they jo do th immense M c nse trade of h ts ra bat year in in certain specialties when the eastern and merchants see sec that wo we have during daring the ibo pat year imported nearly nuie nille mil uon of Igi assorted sorted merchandise I 1 they will more than ever seek the patronage of salt lake laic merchants dealers in machinery machi nerr too will see eca that nearly a million and a half pounds of every variety of laborsaving labor saving machinery including inc ludin adins steam engines etc represents so many dollars that are worth competing for while wagon builders will naturally count the number of wagons represented by the L enormous n amount of over three million pounds and conclude utah is the best market in the west thirty two million feet of lumber imported during tho the past year indicates io in the strongest manner po possible sible tho the necessity for immediate railroad connection with our immense immense groves of timber in in in the southern portion of the territory whereby tho the largo large sums bumis paid to california nevada and the central pacific IL road read may bo be partially ally saved to the territory while tho the importation of in nearly early leventy five million pounds of coal vi will ill fortify the position taken by the tribune some time ago that it was it a business worthy of more serious and careful attention than had bad hilberto leen been bestowed upon it the importation of over biTt sixteen Cen and a half million pounds of produce shows that oui our own agricultural resources have tot bot been becia equal to the demand sad aad that in this respect there is room roola for a great radical reform at home in the way of raising more cali cabbages bages bacon and other articles which have been imported in ported largely our more pro prolific I 1 I 1 fi c neighbor california the importation por tation of over eight million pounds of railroad material li ii a matter for congratulation more especially when we consider the readiness with which our people adopt the narrow gauge system of railroad building bail ding and the tha asi wal tance blance that system is in the development of every portion of our territory taken as a whole our exhibit 0 of f tb the 0 exports export and imports lor the past year mot moie a truly indicates tho situation in utah and should govern the national nati oual legislators in m their future fluture action moro more than the mero mere statements of partisans seeking mcking to bring about a condition of things which would be ba prejudicial to a continuation ot of ruch ucal pro prosperity as vc me now chronicle |