Show T forwarding commission AND DURANT CUTTING or ORE one ANID AMI 1 1 ED off as of ore Dul aullion liOn orrin A ABD dealers dealer in ID HATI cony OATS OATH BARLEY AND AD CORN I 1 air AKU I 1 s for b act relight line W frutko Fru make ako lower eted toh fast et cra rn cities than nur any other company THROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN extra extry inducements for the shipments 0 o a air ORE 0 K AND BULLION JAGE FOR on SALE SAIE or hinton coal for the entire portion of utah latall y havo have large and were WA houses at ai MAT batir CITY MANDY STATION AND AM the th of utah southern and Aine rican forte fork railroads having amplo to atom any ady amount att W freI address all 11 to A CUTTINO SALT C carr mr oct 29 tt tf PAINTERS 9 ETC sigild REBELL 1 11 1111 I 1 11 taldie w ww w jol I 1 Z TV TIGER I 1 t I 1 I 1 if i buo Is I 1 K iby wiy be in the well known PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER who WM wait formerly odthe firm or of beeson d A whytt find points with pride prid to ur the walker house waters bros tend na other jobs too roua to mention as jobs UK ailts ABILITY TUI liage alln IN the BEST IMITATOR or WOODS AND MARBLES IN UTAH and refers to the hall for a inca intoccia d aa work give us ui a call at our art giver at watters bros bror jewelry arm alry store tf u INSURANCE COMPANIES I 1 I 1 I 1 IMPERIAL M P E R I 1 A L wl 05 it I 1 at lIiS V i h fir vatE AX E ok 0 J it LONDON I 1 A in 10 ka t FIREMANS FUND i INSI MIL ANY or 01 MAN HAX L tn l 4 clam 1 aamlid teiki boll cited toabe r the above trove tell mil ble comp companie com palca anim apply to I 1 11 I 1 A lawet nee Atre aft 4 I 1 ST p PAUL A ca co I 1 I 1 we NN taid aid la ap capital surplus cupl oooo co ahi chicago cago losses paid in m full 0 ILL GULOW secret MT J S 0 BURBANK Ir resident rr ile R MANN DIANNA ag agent ent SALT LAKE civi barking house hoa AAM or A we W white whit co P 0 box in tm ing UNION INSURANCE CO N the severe J lid d unprecedented 1 IN CHICAGO TIM THIS OLD AND RELIABLE VISE VIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HAVE THEIR X M ahng rl C JW ad to the original amount and ore aro sow DOW pro pared to do a racks MODERATE H R manna c 01 local alfonts Alron ts WALKER BROS aci agents for ij rib dis 11 HIGHEST gash CASH PRICE PAU you IOK W VU xe FM do Z cl CA 1 cc 31 le CA Q 1 41 b t cc in im 0 41 P p 19 ca ca R E v t F r CL assortment of ply att 2 ir at al siegel blo A s 1 C NOTICES satch lodge no 1 I A r A A U X regular bold at t C n a OM lut oat T text I 1 the 6 ad an ml off fourth friday TWO a of ta in on w embers of 8 ster lodar d a 6 nd 1 D I 1 in n 9 hoot a 9 KB a on cot h JUI y I 1 I 1 toen alfend I 1 3 b r olt MW AL fittro ary r HI godf HO 3 ar A r A K M ito heh bold tt at liuo olo hall BU fast eft to T banday eipl Is 11 fart wi f to 0 a second and li fourth M ruih it mouth mooch ct at sitter sister T sita sojourn ing brethren in toad rood are r cordially invited to lit act tend nd SOL or W M dicara sel ajr Argen ift led laxly jit xo fla X S A r A W M af 8 anted of this lodge fi h halil old on 00 the ibo tint first and nil third soda a of stemple oh tt st kunlo ALF liall hill eul A CHI street members ol of outer 4 M i and ad brethren broU iren la in al food tit c arg r it A W ll 11 W w U M W H bun secretary dl tf story lodde awl no ko 4 A P F A A W tl prove city rufth JL hold as ott oil the amt regular in nd t third h of euh h A all al t maon re la a are r invited tomed il ad I 1 IRA b st L sw W U CRAI CBA 11 f SWARTZ secretary A A 4 A ft it st L johnt johns lode 6 of or ton no I 1 A and A a II 11 L incur at muonio rall hall mala adalu agreed tret every cond ad thurly of eb mouth sojourn Bo journ an an fn ing br ethern are co at ly incited I 1 to 10 attend T E F TRACT T P r 0 M a le Soe stetary tary P T tribe imad 0 OK fal it 11 amt itla stated att councilor counci loi hold at t ais fa arthall rt le hall second south boulb every wednesday Z nt ar it at balf past even 0 Li brethe is iad con in food stile dir a to a attend T E S NV airro orr a R millu cfall leam no 1 I 1 I 0 0 r mt meet try every at t 8 p adin 1111 sea rutha street WV md aji o in gold tan diAx am kr fowitz 1 ir r tho the purpose of first month at t 8 hplu v AD su SUL N 0 J wol borr r secretary jl tf LAHE no 4 t WS i 2 2100 1 0 0 V r inert a ciary ery I 1 rides y p evening nt bait root seven w p min m ia faults fauB hall odd fellows lu in good standing tAndl ni are invited af eci to confer degrees diorec on the I 1 la a every mouth ag a half r atut A seven clock i 0 I 1 A sum P 1 lak N 1150 c secretory ti t r y oa tf WAGONS BAIN WAGON WAG 1 I 1 11 1 i k r e 1 factory Estal lulea ill 1852 and have bave ever since been sold old find and u used to la grant numbers in all the iba territories wilt trel great success they are ri now DOW doing IT 11 T E R n R I 1 T 0 it 11 Y V WAGON ON HAND VERY LOW ALSO COAX AND BROEME S celebrated concord carria ken cops on hand badil find and receiving la in large jarco assortment first wagon depot month odthe of the Ro nERON ca tf salt like CUT city corinne toil and ogder ago a so 4 C 0 1 4 tco rw da OS v A I 1 6 K X 2 9 3 S 4 M 11 i 9 0 0 42 a ig 8 a it 0 j 0 I 1 1 9 00 0 q 9 0 cd r 1 h S 4 44 5 S 0 0 6 1 3 ai 1 c dic CB I 1 K I 1 1 a I 1 ia 3 r 3 5 2 IC ma tt ji 4 I 1 at CO 4 a 4 w j g go im so I 1 ba 1 A 50 0 afi 1 tt 0 catt 0 CO JS i 60 00 ma g ax 4 0 4 A E s ca w 3 B Z n 9 0 11 t 0 s M M M 0 6 s R C fl 2 a M m n 2 1 4 A 14 r s aa aou 1 CA 0 w si 1 I 1 da rf N X a W an 0 aej ESS 3 va ti I 1 0 U 4 A pai 0 ma C 25 k p W 5 g ad A at 2 TS to 1 E cia a tn 03 ua E ed 13 Is 40 0 seg h 4 y CO 2 12 da so lt 13 ma g 4 ea E e e ida fl 2 k I 1 sow 8 to j pac 2 iq 0 VC M k 0 ae 1 h wt td ri 4 t e P 4 so 0 0 4 3 0 0 14 1 P 4 5 3 a 4 E 0 I 1 u advertising to 1 the oil which vl wipe mail 1 01 in their kamys 11 modem proverb Iro verb L P FISHER ADVERT advertising ESING AGENT rouque 30 20 it 21 Mer merchante chanto exchange STREET SAN SAM F FRANCISCO california mil and subscriptions I 1 or the I 1 MALT HALT LAKE DAILY mm mm and for rats published to la oro orn fon and 3 ovada utah idaho ion ton colorado Colo rudo arizona and territories fandrich Fand islands island the th I 1 loaff lons mexican dexl can ports ral japan find caldo now zea land a he A colOD lefi the tb auau uc bt baek kad ad eat europ advertising ADVERTIS INU has created many a new had enlarged many RD an old bui luew hu bea revived many ady a dull buB lucu has rescued many burlacu bux lacu go hir has many anny a falling bu boniness TIM nao r e r many R s laivo e b usan and 3 dyl lay kuy b ADVERTISE air S BUSINESS NAME bhore bt toke THE PUBLIO PUBLIC will still tf junure isauro n Vort cartau nue ir IF it is DULL I 1 lf i T N ii baulf U ai altor r at I 1 1 I lulu with the alb uj anul dula haq tt ad advertis bg kliu kli 14 U A CHOI CHOICE C E LOT OF CIGARS just judt BY WALKER BROTHERS aco CO pta ati it occidental FOUNDRY ano and in 13 lint first street san ban Francl tco de X I 1 RON of sill nil descriptions nt 31 abort ibort ex ID almo on attention bald to cn sn perLor blimes and vice diet amon among goatbe abe clings of till this aro a nell known callahan grato bar of at superior arlor merit tor for burning croon inga ln call fill sup a telco an hare jack screws bu perlor compact and leitl effective home bower iowa romps Iain pg casti laga ingot Aay lu and arts and ud Kett kettler lea sod it a great A variety ol of 1 other and special Cas aunis wU tinsa niS A 1 I BOLAND D prop Ir opt si ste B oland coland are ro the solo manufacture cr I 1 Is of D the i IlEr BlUmm r tay an the putt crai erias having oft ajl the ibo improve to luosa gaall jaaj or ar at ai tile tho occidental foundry the 1 to deli deliver verall all alanm sol aej parts thereof wit allu lt not Ar ralty lu in the bt b t style and at t prevo dished the iho trade ellb jib jibe m j I 1 AwiLl ties to erection dec all ik iro ro cautioned against makiel selling or aging these paus except through itle authorized agents luia friia all bleder db Bolat idof the occidental foundry s I 1 11 URN D I 1 A M 0 N D SUILE CATARRH CURE REMEDY prepared onla by IR DR A F EVORY nea 0 o a pont st 1411 H r cal at aar 0 castle godbe x co AKU for VIs territory adzi dzi ing PROF SHELDONS I 1 I 1 ww mm south sou halml one door west of walker V t brothers GEN I 1 S OX ON AND AM 11 EVEN ladies and nd children ou on go day and after afternoon noo 0 soiree cry it I 1 I 1 U 1 salt lake iron C co AM 0 HENRY 1 secretary OP OF X Y ENGINES AND BOILERS MADE AND REPAIRED TO ORDER MON AND Ii nASS 40 ASTING fa DEL r or ara promptly t is in ft A aner cat iron blought tit nt lite ali market price I 1 V sutherland Dia manager nager alolf block depot PO box 50 1 I 5 I 1 4 T EPIZOOTIC I 1 EPIZOOTIC I 1 EPIZOOTIC I 1 EPIZOOTIC I 1 n great discovery in veterinary me medicine acine I 1 X rot at A SPECIFIC for the HORSE EPIDEMIC cure fectea ef in from i three to fow foar doses PRICE sl 1 00 per bottle I 1 Who wholesale Whole lemle tale 1000 per dozen jakir rr and RETAIL by Q U F CULNER CULMER CO block salt tako lilko city utah uta il from ft a by letter idler or telegraph raph mill hlll cecelie 0 immediate atte allou Ni edic c by ja tf if I 1 cunnington ji A CO WALKKR HROS ta alker BROTHERS CO wholesale and DU detill behlers in T WINES W IN ES LIQUORS CIGARS I 1 0 HAVE A splendid STOCK or I 1 foreign i domestic wines brandies gins ac BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES anil and MI an immense of I 1 I 1 il case liquors and bitters 1 A AND ND HAVANA AND DOMES DOMESTIC CIGARS ARS 0 O olava lil 1 nil an sive LIQUOR nul the ho largent birri Lir ri stock over held la in vieth wo we oner offer ar inducements TO THE TRADE sole bole agents lu in utah tor for jr it cutters CUTT CUT TiRS Kirs and S T SUITS CO S celebrated WALKER BROS PO CO rn ch of more jamas WIN cunnington CUNNING TON acon CO 7 IC n u I 1 ala T W pa acs W 3 CS m T F 1 Z wholesale and retail grocers havo in tore store a splendid plon did new stock suitable to tho the season including rime vow hew RAIS RAISINS INSl CURRANTS APPLES CITRON AND LEMON PEEL I 1 FIGS CANDIES 9 SPICES ANCHOVIES 9 CAPERS ENGLISH PICKLES CHOICE GREEN AND JAPAN TEAS mocha jaya java and rio coffe coffees csc AND everything ELSE TO MAKE UP A complete grocery store family orders filled at wholesale kates and goods delivered at residence I 1 rhee FREE OF I 1 N CO dam 11 I 1 if I 1 6 9 LAWRENCE are arc just in receipt or of a ruil rail and complete stock of I 1 FANCY I 1 1 4 3 STAPLE GROCERIES ML MX A i sra CANDIED CITRON LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL ZANTE CURRANTS GERMAN and FRENCH PRUNES LAO AR SEEDLESS and bultena RAISINS DRIED APPLES PEACHES PEACHE PEARS SPEARS blackberries 13 FITTED CHERRIES CANNED and BOTTLED FRUITS and vegetables FULL assortment T SARDINE and and SAUCES SPICES and HERBS and MACCARONI L N HOMINY aad FINE WHITE BEANS BOGE BEANS BEAKS SPLIT PEAS aagep TAPIOCA beam BARZEY BARLEY TWIN IWIN BROS YEAST CAKE SUGARS COCOA CHOCOLATE HYSON GUNPOWDER IMPERIAL AND OUR celebrated X 1 X I X av L JAPA ramp F Is obrea or III KIMBALL LAWRENCE dil aiu lc it ad loans ill negotiated on real estate an attention paid fria to buying slid and soiling neal HEAL ESTATE AND MINES MIMES blokes 0 1 E N TO LET HOUSES FOR SALE VO FOK R PM REAT N T TRUE BURNS sc MARTINA RealE and mining agents rr 1 xa iia 99 LL niofito CICo nall lake city cloth l lall THE SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY i WILL nr HE issi ir 11 an i I 1 THE INSTANT I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 no moro hore counting isoldo or offie should 10 ho without it tt a toy t ally il IH ciol ani I 1 1101 tal all 1 lia udd MH a tit I 1 s hond roil 1 0 ali y MI i 1 vo 5 i dv g r w g jsn 2 f t d t n 0 af tb tr 4 n J r 4 jib ail d 1 rth n r rm ewt n es tta 41 i 0 o u area ml t iiii out irth in lbs ih a a mb ant ADS give ly farther uorca that llin hig d inured ica the lh aid 11 mio aldo a or I 1 11 S lopped 1417 to lo the ali local e 0 true to ID 14 dietrict ditri ct bed boig ii 24 nis mel m at 1 labor and improvements t len iced than am 11 ar aci ill mv d ann lid an aia am at actual minion flum tr faud applied ari i U for ir the ali sold rude the it D 1191 iad 0 o alt rr nuoi ii of t i d tonal 6 nom ver the i |