Show P FIC CO akst 1st 3 T ayeni has hag left ift the lie los JM an geles star miss aiss major Cash Cas limans mans lecture in vallejo ja january duary was a W 11 II gould has bas started a weekly paper in san bernardino ncr nardino called the tha argus marriage mai rings were celebrated and eight divorces granted in pioche nev during 1872 first assistant engineer bradfor Ur adford a is eng engaged iced in inspecting and testing thebo the c re ia maro island katy yard the police commissioners bomm aisse losers in in san francisco wont repaid nn an officer on the force unless ile ho pays paya liia his little bills bile arizona is said to bo be superior to texas for or tho the stock block business and texas is considered the paradise ol of stock block gron era it is estimated that about h hare ave already been subscribed to the stockton and visalia narrow gauge railroad A ring has been formed by a few butchers io in stoc stockton akton for th the 0 purpose 0 of controlling tho the moat meat market m and t to 0 freeze freeza out some of the small dealers two men in butte county near berry creek named philip tine ind and jacob spindler had bad a fight about stock block january ath tino got the worst no arrest in san Frao francisco cisco last week there were GO CO dea deaths seven coven were of males and 23 of females 0 f these 52 were of white 2 of black sad 6 of copper colored persons two boys in san r francisco francisc or named james million malion and mitchall cooney hail bad a fist auci january bolh when the former the worst of it stabbed the latter with a knife on january ath john miller eldest son eon of christopher miller of santa cruz had his leg broken in two p laces by the falling of a horse on which ho he was rid riding ing to Pes pescadero cadero tho the steamer costs costa elzica from panama which january alth was towed into san francisco by the constitution also from panama met with two accidents bir her I 1 eri engine 0 ine stopping ag twice A man named williams left wisconsin and his wife last summer with another woman settled down in san jose JOBO under the be name of sh shaldon cidad lived well was recognized and ha bs fled again A german named albert westphal nl has been missing from his homo borno in in sin san francisco since january jannary ath lie ile had exhibited signs I 1 of m mental dc raB rau gement lor jor some days previous to liia his going away while the plains and valleys hive have been enveloped in fog and drizzle of late the hill country of el dorado placer and other mountain cou counties 0 t ICS had been enjoying deligh delightful trul and warm weather the beautiful white while deer recently by 1 P IS 11 cornwall of san francisco altona Whid bys island died a few days ago aga it is not favely known what tiled it but it is 15 thought 0 to have been nostalgia 13 latest donner lake from the summit will be on exhibition coming week at the rooms of the art association in in san francisco and will then be sent to C 1 P of new york george miller an employed of the sweepstake plow company iu ala ah meda county while assisting in handling a red hot rod of iron lately was accidentally hit bit in the groin by the end of the rod producing internal injury of a serious character it is said that michael reee the p italia t proposes 0 t erect a first fi rat C b a market building buil diu on the ground at ibo corner cornei of vallejo and dapont directs san francisco and which will have a frontage on montgomery avenue when opened A couple of women wives ives of respectable spec table gentlemen visited woodwards gardens san francisco a couple of days ago and cal and flashed awong among rare plants until they lad had caused some damages and got slips clips enough to start a garden tho rho re report port that tb they ey were or ar rebated is not true tho the stockton Sto citon arton herald learns that the central pacific railroad N company intends to ask tho the council of that city fur the privilege of running another track froni from the freight mhd along the edge ede 0 of the wharf to the lureka warehouse to load their card cam direct from the river boats with wheat for the hay bay |