Show iron iron nine mines oleo eliot aatu in great abundance and nj of 0 bality A of this hu hast been estate tor years TUH in tho the ships of blut furnaces tucum that produce pig pl iron nut and in foUn driest tatt js to aimed in machinery throughout that tbt section I 1 remember now 0 emitt thil that donegal 0 6 it dodge nis mule 1 1 la 1 cotch u we vc were C tossing crowing ill the plains to 0 o inver denver seven years ago go that giue of 0 us in that coch coach would live lite to am K the time when ilia greatest put park of the iron oro ore samad for railroads nil and heavy coatings in tho ilia united states would t la in tho the valley of alo moan taints it lo 10 with the Luil built Jing ling of railroads to southern utah and aid tho the inda io dalry bIrT and nd proman that chat charac rocho J ilia american people tc ciCi we roy may look for a speedy verification allon of the prediction such splendid fields for yankee skill such opportunities for or the ilia comins oo mins adl not ion baidie tile ilie plon ecar ud and prospector are re enily there ilia speculator liu has two been anti will till go again the iho minor cintr the and na all grades OX of for ore ro turning ani their eyes TM and nj towards it are pointing it during the ent have been vo no less than three companies oremia hero cicro to construct couR tract railroads to tho taboo ca coal fl ilila nr dee ibis the bullit 1 I ia i being agitated in novada i ovada to roads to tho the same point said capital and will sak this ihlia held an anil connect it by railroad with til oil iio octant points emit cut and woot weft sow 0 o ih thin my intention la alt 1 loff g or dint laira kiy be pica b by alb I 1 h t alio a 1 tinner eliom alio or anil malo the id I 1 location lion of thessia mines may bo ablo able to obtain so fomo ina of uio ilia benefits of their Ind perseverance and hardships baid nd that nil ali of iacia he coal and iron mines bunc nil riot nol bo gobbled bobbled up by speculators aal railroad poor ninn 1 to bar liro a for fair chance so 0 o frIen chi work for ilia of tho ilia pi olvia amendments |