Show congressional Wal shing agton I 1 oil 1872 a petition horn from wendill wendell phillips hipfl bud and others lor for a prot prohibitory liquor law var carpenter antor in the judiciary committie Commit tio tito mb full an filkil a majority report advent to this bill 2 or r the relief of ly the alio biaton fire fin edwardj for himself submitted ammo a minority rity report in flavor vor of uio the bill loundro LoU Both nuro ordered printed of tho the committee r reported 0 adversely to several lilla to amend tile bankrupt law stating t ilia alio committees reason hertford hert for that they would probably lie ix sit mi ly by a novt new bill on OIL tile alio wright irom from tile ho majority ol of tile tho judiciary Judic iury i coment carmint to too IN reported a bill are rie ri pealing CAling ahng tile ian I an pt act and all and amendatory imond atory ats acts on ad deflor uio tile first aret lay clay of next july a 1 repent shall not ili any NI ay affect any pro co edings lit bankruptcy commenced lao lusts to mid bald doto dato a directing alio 1 e attorney to report to tho the u early as aa practicable tho the operations of uio the dellill deputy Y justice tor for the put past fiscal escal year to gother A ith 11 ll such touching tou cLin the operations of 0 tho the present year as u may be available a till bill directing tho the root cukr mith atti ilia to co contract tract with the leib bidder within three after ulrey days public notice for carrying ilia made between sw francisco australia amerlia imd and now new zealand touch P log at tho the sandwich and navigators liland islando abo fal 0 service to be monthly for ten 3 care caia irom from july lat IB irl in ID firsta fir findt sla clax american built ol 01 ano drons barthen und and at a compo n ilot dot ill A per analu iLD Burn in i inferred carre d to on rout post offices olac and pont lol roads dewart offered a resolution wet ibo Com mittro on Post offices annlot and lot I 1 load to inquire into and report to tho the as 0 oon o 11 as ail tho ilia cout cost of construction and d market value of existing halt now tn in Q successful opera operation tiou within tile united states and tho ilia character of tho the and all d special privileges connected with them coulling conkling coul ling 1 I b led to offar ciati r an amendment to ill alio 0 rose I 1 u laou and it wu was laid over alio bill of six steam assets of war via cial leil up with am ail amendment reported by tho the naval commil coin tee tec to increase tho the number to ton ten arg argall ucil in favor fator of the bill lis milton it aa r colo cole shoog a ix new war mar aca to ho bo enough and that there was waa of legislation to PrOf promote flOtO cement re 0 than li I 1 I 1 in 0 ilia alio xavy tile alio hall bill vu f 0 r it h c r al du to CUM class by Ht morril 31 orrill me and in favor fl rending action tho ilia senate adjourned bere ly by vona heva p prodding pr riding tho ilia house for lit bil nging suits bum for against tho the united in trilled baasen I 1 circuit courts for of the genova award and tho indian territory of Ok labama un on motion molion of iv ic laud land a wait aj abated adopted pa pacing ing who sicto bucco fril in 0 tabling tab lins cou beatt expenses MA tito voto veto on tho ilia art solution wu wait 89 to I 1 taj and a motion to recon reconsider gider was tabled by 0 O to affif M in n tho of scene madu by stall of if that who were din dinelly catly interested had voted it II turned out however that all ilia mombin rhonl bo to cither had not voted or were not immediately with the exception of two who thereupon withdrew randall moved to on this hulog and adopt tile tho reIn tion alleging in a very wall loog preamble that tho ilia goat island bill palmed by tho the house lat last asco Cia ioD allon was wad under va TI fracas representations anti and reque the bil senate to return the bill to ilia house egg lived le ittai 94 days nn 76 laa thau two tto ti irda io in tile tho dinghies Lin chua of lit tho the committee ou oil judiciary re portA a hall explanatory of certain ctr taiji amend aniu to tho the law in of it moved vs as a for ono repealing rf fill in tho ilia bankrupt law italy entirely Car carrieri rieti IT to GO co ind and ninlin tile of tile the rules nile tile ho repealing of tho the bill l wl led a resolution from the bo Nati national oual WL woman mani buDr afo Wix ithon and a trum wang congress Congre ai by al ap legislation to I numan tail cid tens in tit alio seve aull lat in flair lenir alit it to vote tote adjourned |