Show I 1 laar lhoir I 1 IrV earet ix be anc q fillod ilk III a inel I 1 from tom llo oil camio J the only merit I 1 claim to tile the J howing nara ni tiva i n I 1 that it is 13 a true oy jt ina his a 1 moral at the end of it t lut letl I 1 claim nothing en cn that as 29 it is 0 only I 1 J illy wil in to curry curaj favor with the roligh ou A clement r arter I 1 had reported of scars on the virginia city wine nov dallan Dall daily in ln ikey ino to bo be e adilor I 1 orin chief ani and I 1 lasted ju jut just t it i week by tho the watch but I 1 mado made it in an uncommonly lively newspaper while ik iid old last and when I 1 retired I 1 had 1 a I duel on my lands and three horse boric whippings prom asod iso 1 tau moi the latter I 1 made no attempt to collect however this story concerio concer wo only tho the former it was wa the old allush times 01 or the sliver silver excitement when the po population pulli ol 01 1 was wide a and nd me 11 11 1 if bod went armed to the jtb and d ill 1 alighi an J insults had to be atoned for with the lest best article or of flood blood your system could furni furnoh tb I 1 in n the be course coure of if my editing I 1 made trouble with I 1 a mr bir lord editor of the me rival paper ile ho flew up about some seine little trifle or other aliat I 1 slid id about himi jo do not remember now what it itjin was I 1 suppose I 1 called him a 0 thief oi or 4 a body snatcher or an aa idiots idiot or something like that I 1 was obliged to male the paper readable and I 1 could not dot asil in my duty to a I 1 whole rholo com comeil nil of merely to save I 1 iha nem of 0 nn an individual amri lord van offended and refilled vigorously in hia bis paper vigorous ly means a great deal when it refers to a pers clial editorial in a i frontier per all the fashion among the lite upper elates in that country con and very few gentlemen would throw A awny w ll 11 y nn in opportunity to fight one to ku I 1 a pers person pi in n a duel ducI caused a man to be even more c L d up to thin than to kill two per cops tons in the ordinary v way ay well lvell out there if isyou you abused abased a man find that hat man did aid not ot like it you had bad to call bit bim out and kilt kill him i you would be disgraced so bo I 1 challe challenged n I 1 it ir lord and I 1 did hope ho be wo would ul not accept but I 1 knew perfectly well that he dd not dot want to fight and la eo I 1 challenged ledged liim him in the most violent and implacable alile manner and iben I 1 sat down wn and suffered and suffered till lill the answer time MI all our boys the editors we were re in a our office bulpin helping me ino in ia the ebodia d is mal business and about duels and discussing discua discus cing bing the code with wilh a lot of ged aged ruffians aDS who had experience ex clience in such things thine anil and altogether t there cre was a loving interest taken in the matter batter which mado made me unspeakably uncomfortable the answer cattle camo sir nl lord declined our boys were furious and so was I 1 on the surface I 1 sent him another challenge and another i and an J another and the more he did pot want to fight the acme cat but at last the anas tone than hanged d lie appeared to bo be waking U up going I 1 it was a becoming apparent that ho be wp was going to fight mo me after al all I 1 ought to hav known how it would d be lie he was a man who never dever could be do dc ended upon our boys kotc exultant f I 1 was not I 1 th U gh I 1 tried filed to be it pas was now low time lime to go out and practice tic c it was thi custom there here to fight duels with navy davy at fifteen paces load an dempty lil tile tho the game for tho the funeral was secured we jve went to a little ravine just outside of town and borrowed a burn barn door boor lor for a target tOr borrowed rowed it of a gentleman who ubo was absent and wo we stood this barn door up and shooda stood a tail rail on end apont the middle of it to represent lord and put it a E b on to top of r the be rail to represent les en tt hia i is held I 1 tell d ya 0 wit very tall F lean an creature the poorest sort of material for a duel nothing tut but a line shot could i fetch fotch lim and oven even then lie ho might FOR split your bullet bulle t tion lion aside the rail was wag of course on r I 1 a little 10 too 0 thin to represent his ally body dy accurately clu tily hut but the squash was all r right glit if there wal any intellectual aslia difference between the ilia squash and his head it was in i D favor of tho the squash well ell I 1 practiced and practiced cil at the ino brn b rn door and could not hit it and I 1 practiced at th thirkil thi TUB rail and could chuu not hit bit hardfort he squash asli and could not lit the h I 1 would ifould have buen entirely dis heartened tied but blit that oc Jc rippled one of the boa boys 8 and that encouraged mo me to hope at last lait we began to lear hear shots be near or by in in the chii next ravine we knew what they meant the other party were out practicing too then I 1 was its ia the hist degree bistre q ed for of course those people would bear our shots and caid over tho the ridge and tho the spies would find my m barn bara door a wound or ora a scratch and that would ioel ay iy b be c the caid oame of me for of course cour ste that other man would le bo as blood thirsty as I 1 was jut in 0 A little bird no larger 1 irger than a sparrow flew by bi anil lit ht on a sage f rush rull about thirty races paces away and tuy st second cand steve gillis who MM mas a match with a pistol LOI much ht let ler than I 1 was snata oil out his hiir iiii bliok baiot tho the birds head off wa iva all allann ran to pick up the lh tactic dauie and sure enough just at lua moment somo ortho of the other oilier duelist came reconnoiter reconnoitering ing over tlc thc jhc little ridge ri lg they ran to our group token what the matter wis was and when they saw the bird lords jorda second said that was a shot ahot row how fit off was it eteve kaid with somo some indifference cc uh oh I 1 ito preat distance A about b out thirty jacck pic cn thirty loaces ii ice blevens alli alac C IT ito ho did it illy myrnan inan T taid aill ibe mi chica he lid did 1 uan can aedo abat often well yea yc iio ifo can ilo do it il about voll vall about four times limes out of five I 1 koew tho the little rascal was lying but anever I 1 never said aid aoi thing I 1 never told limn ho was lotof a disposition to invite confidences of that unil lind so go I 1 I 1 let cl tile the matter rest real cut Buti it was a comfort t 1 lse ece 11 those people it pie look tick nek nod see their al when these abc ao Mate ments they went offard off and got lord and took lim homo home and when W wo 0 got bawo half an hour liter later ther acre 0 was waa a noto note allying t that hat mr lord per declined to right fight it was a narrow escape wo found out J rd bit lia his uearl I 1 shots ibbe if he had bad put those through lh me il would atwould lave narrowed my sphere of u dose a cod deal tal would have well tell nich h cp I 1 be it in ia fact acl true rue they the could havo rut put pe pes s in n I 1 the a holes az and used uio inc ts a hatrack hat lal rack but lit what is a hattick hat tick tack to 10 ii a saia man who I 1 leali li ho e iiii as intellectual tel powers y I 1 we would id scorn such a position pos iliou 1 have tuition this true incident of my iny personal history forono for one purpose sw and one purpose to warn ii the youth of the da day against the 1110 pernicious practice tico of duerling and to plead with wilh tsieia to war it if ibo rs and I 1 am maling molting can bo be of any ally uw use to sun lay school teachers nad end papers interest edja 0 the moral pro progress grets reia ol of society ety they are tit nt liberty to use beta aul aud I 1 6 mchall all olen lt bt grateful to have theta them widely so EO the they may jo do as much g bood ta able I 1 waa young and foolish when acu I 1 cl d aliat feinan ge inan and J I 1 thought it il was very lino fino hod ao very grod to bo be a d ue and blind upon the field 1 or of bon honor or I 1 but I 1 am and more ex ed now and I 1 am 0 op P liose ajo ito dr catow f 1 am glad I 1 ind indcox cot to enabled tu to lilt lift U up MY voice adailia it I 1 think it is a has baj immoral tiling thing I 1 think it is every llull july to 10 lo do everything he be can to discourage dueling I 1 always jo do now I 1 discourage 0 it upon every occasion effs iffs if a man were to challenge me ina now now that thai I 1 can fully appreciate the iniquity of that oI i would go to that loon main andrake and tiko him by pheband the hani aid lead li him ua to a quiet retired teti reil room and kill ill liim him |