Show RESOURCES OF UTAH statistics or OF riton PROGRESS rs FOR THE YEAR TEAR 1872 islar ore sam 1 ing 11 lor garka lm jhc thc tadio v oran its were acro brought egito from A want of dome means of equitable air r ran gement kaireen tho the boil antor of orm oren aa u no two vain ples mada by interests would sith hof boy f by canning mutual kod and aday each LILA bm own amplo to tow bo the lio correct lot ann cnn till tile unit public ng place flacco was KM started by goo I 1 johnson 1 f v of lianton li onton con in the california t corral on strond south street silt salt loko lake city where the ali sampling wol was ed by hand DO birog at I 1 ter u time arcela till ore in haq 1 it it 4 live tona ton 01 and ol upwards was inagh brought t to the corral mil lad Adail ll purchase aft 0 refusal to 1 being tt at ho option of tile he ale alinn were alo first complete bantlin 9 works erected in tho the territory kod and are arc alatua L 01 tt at tile manse of the hit block ila due sough of tho iho U U 01 itie depot end and contain aa a engine of t twenty anty hono boron po isor which a motion molion to a a burr otono mill the whole of lie iho mi chuMy togs mir with a stations sampling Bam pling noor moor and dd private office boing being under goo root roof this mui mill WM wait to u A by blesses SAV lion I 1 I 1 1 l co Yran francisco cisco in the kvint ir of 0 ud anti woo irm by 17 them lom gold about ibo be full fall of 1 1871 to 10 iv 1 2 at iia of chicago 11 ho i il tho prea g ant owner oprice D into tho the lut DOMM rammer ftp ak was wed iwed I by jibing la ll 11 it raiq EBI of tw liu city nalo T lio fotr abo lasinis Lasin cs nolt lake lahe ity snail 11 ing brilli I 1 I 1 I 1 tit abu hlll 1 Is situated on west amt side iilo of the hin U V B S track at the tbt carter of ill south and sd west fet neli and 0 luul in june wl IWI by tico moo J J johnino Johni aulon oo mal eil 1 h ho 11 0 formed a co 11 ee 11 1 james I loolie stiv III 8 ann n of liverpool tho firm tho ills name of LOT dixit is johnson JL coi CO abe rho of a if 1 1 bc jinro Is homr high couo ly by jre J C hoail loy of boston brodio and adi a friench slone mill tho the which is L under ono of a pra colls samp 1 ing hoor floor GO CO I 1 10 fot nn an cugino room private nic clice aseal aar sod oil blocho lut last routines unnur r tho the bu bail atavia carried on an by mr johnson glenn alloo llis saldo track from the V 6 fc jt it ri bi and spacious plat fiat 0 for tho reception of oroa I 1 JI IL S N knobf JL A it a ot art are arc situated ODO tie alock allock north of tile 1 I have god nd on oa the cabler ts aide of the raili ond still k tidd aide nek ck for loadie oain tf aid or orad gl ho be consists of a varr y fi CD phed stationary engine and a 1 awe 0 crusher cru laph rig poor anino room and office ire in an ono olio and tho the bum anino guilding Luil buil ding thrig thiea arki ae ero ersted in june 1871 ly by if 11 8 jacobs coad A co of acid during tho the early part of last summer pasted into tho the bands ol of mouin baxter A COI co who converted them into works baring erect ej ad two pan with tile tho usual t macalu biery liery tt at send jr lil tollio 0 gordon A marray and deev daran rent t colling with their 0 bus builds uless tho rho of f area and bullion of hol of 1 I U I 1 in 10 rich milling or orcia tho the ahmo bulk li Is ally crashed cros ba bat 1 with th poor milling gai aled legia and copper 0 acs rel ono of tile b balk alk 14 operated upon tho the ore or I 1 after having own bran crug crushed died is j thoroughly thorough il y baited ud and nl out evenly oo on tile sampling rici plug floor it la is then by a of what is graduated to 0 o a bulk of about inga hi ill this alil to ia farther azud by hand ciui plo plato az until it ii will all pass through sone a ono englith ru lach s boive 0 thur ss is afraim thoroughly mixed and r agy i 2 wd by lerin to about the quantity of required ry by tho the butr a n I 1 sellers say to BIL n ample azos Lott lCt i I 1 tile oro ore is now reduced littler in fortar or by frona to lo a state 1 0 of I 1 fine CDO enough to gamble cnally it to pass through a beite from fifty to to a humr inca abc amplo vo Is in thoroughly railed md aid act pct into I 1 tho 0 bottler battles which ato kud and with tho the number of weight of oro ire data dalo of sampling and add of sale to tho the great chiri id in perfectly cleaning tile burr itono stono milli they had bad to bo abando abandoned ned as it vu ty round impossible to remove tile whole of tile tho previous tho bigio particle of which ridged lodged la in the johile of ito of the me ma thereby being liable to cause caim error by portion of rich bc baoming oming mixed with a poor no and vice rice react A archi rem iopu 1 I 1 an soil fie tho the territory cit tends from tho the sah to th tho III paral parallels lols of north and from ill tho ikue to the iho rhth det dettoli Toti or of longitude tho the arca in shout about square miles ibo lut jut consas taken la in the cari 1870 1810 allows tho the population to bo 66 this thi liu been 1111 IrI binco on acco of the lamiux of in gal operations operation r ta it hid n other r cal carim lyca and nd ray may now bo computed tt IdOO iX tho the climate is 1 vc very ry fill ambrious kisa heal healthy th T lorenso cold coid and lost beat are acil tho the summer bommer sawong id dry md and a of loog long continuance holdom 0 ckon cum tile tho yer year during the I 1 L to ito abend of G u OT c in III the mountains on th 0 lilg apt points it hardly it I 1 11 the proportion of land imd Is of cold ILI Orald small mill tho ills gener ai art acter of tho the territory being that of some borne tracts of oft land onil line floe rich neb moll kill of superior quality fall fail to product ccola ccopa 9 ow tog to the tha superabundance of an cry na other office in acrid substances Bab which encrust tho like surface of tho the earth but bat successful experiments to ardef rt claiming such guch land havo ave been mado tell tho the results Ns mil out very proUt eblo tabla tho the fandli tile tho tho the mono taina for ings and of gravelly loam ud and I 1 sell adapted to 10 tho the growth of wheat lad in J co corbato reato wheat what to is ills gacht product of the Torr tory grow to in uzo SIZO still dd tro are of of superior quality in the southern part of alo territory cotton is cultivated and madar 1190 almonds and aad other oilier tropical ruin fruits mi are raised IQ in that eca lion tile tho climate and goa coil ire are particularly adapt ell d to tho the production or of fruit peare all c wants plume plomb ana nd r am frosts are ro produced not only ju ilk chetat abunda moo but ol of the finest quality owing to tile ibo long drought drough 1 which prevail daring ibo the ibo AATI culture of tho the country Is carriel on rt at a heavy el incurred by irrigation in tho the land bay bo lir penso arto to bo be insured mycral times time to produce wheat and barky ind and for indian curn corn and roots roon the cf irrigation A conlin uhl upon in clet taing out ditches and dams oil oa much of the soil KI tho the ditches liaro have to 10 to bo cleared out twice a year good wheat cot corn U 60 ad I 1 ve uta blos may ile bo in ahead ane if irrigated tho the lut report on tho cl extent tent and of irrigating u copied from the rec I 1 in a I 1 ibo 0 onia sill halt 1410 ally fly Is out cd IM and although allbough mry itry from the fact that the work luiting aou steadily folea going OIL oa ever since may sueyo to gives orno idea des on oa the subject at that bat data abo number of canals ties nu th ho otal length in rods rela re la Us wai lio catl of construction udini dams dami the of acres irris od tl coot opt of canada in profi ico ST th 0 hi F 4 the ibo quantity of i lind and budor and abd the crops raised abo daring iho present fiscal avar AS local boil by 17 1 campbell lq of the iho 1 I a office wheat acres 73 75 OW ICO dailey to r I 1 1 oats I 1 indian cot col a 0 nars I 1 uny cayll sorghum ora I 1 11 arabit 1 I 1 fruita ye vc and Y 0 bal 1 clops 1 I t total M ald 1 1 clr acris of the ibo vart ua products to ll a u follows follow wheat buRi Atis 23 barky i 1 30 fists 31 ludeau corn 20 Iota too ly lay Is li Is 1 I 1 IV front the alie 0 dext tho the q start city of yea product reload nuy MY be b estimated as ag follows follow I 1 bulitt buli tl 1725 Doi barky Is at 1 1 arri Lr ri i i roll lutt I 1 uty tun 1 I 1 kaow tir ti r i stirly ilaine lat 1 the LOU kiu YOU of in 10 ibo r to the auditors Au ditora Is lit I 1 I 1 i for or wu wait ill aided me ful luau furiat counties amount 1 I 1 salt brit lle like I 1 I 1 9 12 1 box ilder 11 IM aw a 3 i tab I 1 Vi I 1 I 1 3 cache 16 6 kiami bammel nit i 17 utan adavis amols IS g I 1 esaw 10 I 1 s I 1 atin 10 II 11 K x 5 WW it 11 morgan I 1 i II 11 millard |