Show THE TRIBUNE to io use a common expression exar eino n wo we have hare been frequently hauled haggled over ove r the oal by different individualist individual fi for not dot being b clog i sufficiently radical in our treatment tit of the mormon people red and 10 in denunciation of their practices ei ii anil and hare bare even be been D accused or of a leaning towards the mor mar mons while so far ati as they aro ar 0 concerned hatred and ill will has as been our ecward for persistent ejr ex of their theocratic practices and denunciations of church rule in utah from this we infer that we bare been traveling in that direction which will ultimately result in the greatest good to til all parties and bit bat our course will i materially aid in a peaceful balut solution ion of that problem which baa been known to the world for a ter ot a century past as the mormon problem the tribune inserted the foi following lowing at the head of its columns over a year agg ago tnt DAILY tr idaj A FREE IN LIE PENDENT rEN DEST NEW laper R IS ISKOT N OT TOM TIIE OF A asa T renso q bality OR oil SECT mi BUT DYN I 1 TO TUB THE INTERESTS ITS OP OF tills THE WHOLE nl vall WILL MAINTAIN TIIE THE OF nie HIE LAWS thu this has met the approval of alright all light thinking thin Ling and liberal persons persona everywhere and has formed the basis bash for the COD conduct or of tho the tribune wo have made possible a liberal press in utah opposed to lo church domination and dealt gumly by ay a people tho the word liberal bueral is construed by us to mean rights for far the great miss man of the community who we consider COOS der have been simply victimized victim iz od as well as lor for those who aro are the antipodes of them either in n religion or po lotical opinions we to understand on sm with all its ita evils and are as noxious anxious and hara worked as as any of the old time reformers in the endeavor or to bring about harmonious relations with tho the government by exposing the evils and pointing out to the people methods for far their correction we INFO have long been of opinion that the only effectual way of influencing the people tor for their good of cap ing with the power odthe priesthood lad ita exercising a beneficial be ne fical influence I 1 abroad is 13 to be first fira independent of the only course wo we aro are assured wha which ich will lead to that fusion failon oca here which is so desirable what mormon or anti mormon ilk ia the country does docs oot not lunowa that brigham cri young has always balado a weapon of radicAl bm by converting itin it into tho cry of persecution and what mormon does do ow that the leader leade of tho the church ch has haj always feared tho bian whom he could not force out of tile tho country by the might of his crele power tho the lessons of tho the past and our understanding der standing ot of the designs besig ni pull and character of brigham young we propose to profit by in order to effect tho the divorce of church and state ih il utah which wo we claim claims is afar a far greater evil than tha polygamy itself and we led feel confident that such efforts if U persistently kept up cannot but result in the practical abe annihilation hi of the objectionable features of mormonism and the making nial cing of a hundred thousand people citizens wo we have felt impelled to 0 o mille mao these comments comment Sg feeling that to some ent we having been subjected to it a cross fire of f criticism is as unjust to our mo as 09 it is detrimental to the liberal cause canso io in utah I 1 |