Show I 1 CITY NEWS roller rolice bornt f tho the trial of Wil willim latin branion drandos Dran dou for or larceny wu was resumed lu in ilia alio rolled court t 3 r clinton Clin lou morning it at 11 a in before tho the fl holo hole lt list or of goods aa u sn in our oar IMBO WM proa tieta la in coort court far for identification mr clinton informed the he 1 prisoner triou cr that the prosecution 94 far nsf aa M mr goods gooda were concerned ltd bad closed lit its and it if ho he Bri nilon bad toy st for tho the lo bo wu wait pre prepared lared to beer them tho the prisoner prito said id ho be lid bad none DODO with the exception ot of tilt the person of whom ht be longlet uio she clothes tuil and lo ito did not even know W find liim him brandon then thea majo made a rambling end nil contradictory list ement and would doubtless have hat still till lad imd dot uio the enago stopped lam at al I 1 10 lio 0 O colose clot of lu his remarks mr clinton wd tit tho evidence against lim him to the iko mens belonging to mr Ja was conclusive mj and k be should hold him bilm in the mom om of floo to answer to tho clargo prefer against him at t uio the first fint rogil iram sitting of uio the probate coart and in default of bonds iio be commit him to jul to t await walt his hl trial just jat as the tha forego log sentence WM was paced mr martin profro tor ter of uio tho I 1 unclog fencing school it at skating rink hink appeared in court mail mi J identified the tiro iwo pair of cf boxing gloves As wag being tho the proper tj ly of r uio ilia U sill I 1 liko LAW theatre and the tar tiro 0 fado log ing fou folio As ids hh own por property mr martin win was born mil stated th the foregoing facto the iho ir not aking tuo able to station I 1 for the bo r to ioa ofilio goods bot li wait iru alo jmie 04 mil and in debault lio lie would ht hato to chain poll it out on tho the public works work tho the prisoner not having the money looney the letter As the only holy not being a believer be alner in the doctrine loc trino that tho the decree of tho the angel wait vu near amr its fulfill men manti L nil tuno time shall hall be no moro more thos parkinson stole i a watch train from tho the jewelry store loroff of mr harvey narcy on first farat south street day before in oriler order to khot liap p track of low time was moving along ong lut but anfor innately Inn attly for him ito 10 called to get it from rom mr whore where bo be had bad left it to bo be repair cd jast j rt at tho the game timo lima that the pollee called on the fmc and la in order to adjust tho the little misunderstanding they lip alred PC litford before mr clinton yesterday who by ilia by is u an n cibert pert in raa ift and it wait TM lin clio covered that the ibo witch watch did not dot belong rightfully to the police or ur ile parkinson but bot to mr circumstances we this peculiar turn larn mr 0 thought A fine of M 35 mould bogust the thing for mr to A uch in offense off no NOTICE UMA mr A W ajami is fa we tho special acci tl correspondent of tho the uj and doll all u to subscriptions and receipt tort hOMmo any acy paid to lo mr adams during liln ilia trip will bo be appreciated by the tribune rr A publishing co F T brimus I 1 flroa room bouses boosts to rent RZ advertise mant anari rd secretary blick black mil and wile wi arrived list last night from tho the east kirasic acturo uit that willing stick to um of it hm has tn been borrowed borro itol long anon b tars hl u i A 0 O io in iho western union telegraph offitt for gw goo dagens is i 1 soled of heat buo abo left kit in may lust last fur for arizona with I 1 ft of mcd A 1 jones bc ale corl cord V office luce Pi odio I 1 I 1 OIB CAnn irmis adoras wo call tho the attention of our readers to our carric carriers rs address and nd wished of a new ow alar which will lo 10 to them in ia person hen we hope ho he will be generously remembered the address itada ilida hu has tho the meri toof of a goemon poem on ilia acar embodying its and its ill history sod ati will repay pr erusal a of tho ito audit po dofita which wu was to lave laro beca baa let hell I 1 on tho the bening of thursday next n h ili W L postponed on until tit kinniry 1873 rosr poor omen k alo abo public A bill ill ri remember member thit ihal this iha being now new ilay day the rost post bo be the delivery of letters etc from 12 to A 1 ocl odoll ocl only lout lost from gilmer i Bilu Salis buryl burys amuge muge between bioche and labi october 0 bar of bullion N ko 2239 A ot 1 arill I ills bo een for its delly delivery cry lit at atus fargo aco co s in salt lalio city I 1 a RAX 6 i hiitt DAL L tho franl now heir bill to lo 10 oven thin evening at t the ho walker lionso promises to bo be a doe flir affair aubion cordially invites all 11 maans la in good standing to attend this evening without out further farther invitation wt wit direct the attention of all 11 those thoc the kenio cis of it thorough ciell to tho the caril card of mr doretea nuh 1111 morning mr B liu loco boen tn cu rag bascil edita ou tho northern Nor thora pacific railroad rul Dail roul road fur for il I 1 C i 1 I 1 I 1 IF 1 I 40 I 1 I 1 COME hour wo are tr pleased to lo announce tho ho arrival aniro of our old and nj esteemed amlow sir TM JM curler carter bottom bennalt bee iwa tb sent from us BH for several acks on very try im octant tu sinead last ut the result of which ho be brought homo home with him in tho the person of ct a charming young bride wo we with wish tho newl Y barric complo happy cw year aal rany warne of tho the season mason idill ill wo call the attan tion 11 01 of a public to tho the NATrUs ement of burns martin heal potato agents which appears in our columns colo niM their elegant dow office cm can to be found in kimballs Kim balls bans mock elock no 99 so 80 much properly hu his dahly changed lands that ilia of i a lad ratto agency became a end tham the gentlemen having go 80 much rul rill retain as they tho hince of the abo business community na vi na at tho the grand ilc cm cat bo be found A gret great variety of goola shipped hero here for now sale 10 lo mil and which uch are to tho the publio at very naci the contis to of lit hog begot cw butter lect ioco cured lamm breakfast bacon lioi hol ity itly cuts buti or of various ili lunini ads flour ditc itc etc ctr r koe ran as u wull am u public I cill call c ill and examine ilia stock ST of the coni com of the letter tarm of this school both thu and girls girl departments arill bo found lu 12 our columns colam this mor marnina nina it bask an with regret that the th rno CIPRIS of this extol kal have lately ltv to refuse tho fur N to its Nari maritius tius by of our young on account 0 ft f wint lut of to 10 accommodate them but bat it il u tit that lairo to so extended shiar commod tio uland lal aitt they in are now to la a UI all who alth guib to aunte it ia I 1 ita lordly adly to to D ind to 0 iw I 1 a ill of having ilal r dren attitio at t alio tit a of ills bitin arm we va lilinda of f st lit aul duio Kl school ioli A a luccki TUY att antoc filom to solve olto tho utah problem then than N down doy u |