Show ia A been in ill analyzing jling lea ira water and na re avs that ahot the average quantity or r an bill pi in I 1 the groat grent is ia 3 41 1 per cent tit in iho atlantic Allan lic ocean from the Flu alar to GO degrees of north latitude the WIM tallen irom tho surface cents ns IGO 3 gol pt per r cint cent of saltI alt and nil water taken train from various decilis it below el ow feet contains tinB P cr cent saginaw naw lilic higan lull has one oae letter carrier CArri cr a rink a woman who flold limbia allm and nil who regarded it aa w a crimo crime ind and daily a Tring aad a es la in alio evening g iho boling people hold briddle cale where they fritter away the preparation prep ration for A Ilo cheater girl in i a note noli making in indignant t i 0 a n t c 0 ln p faint because a moo pi pit t 6 b 6 c c 0 j jnice ni c e itri on her till silk dress in I 1 the lie ray pays I 1 never while hile men ellew will I 1 go to tile ilia polls poll to voted vot abi may go tor to anin 1 1 in before I 1 will hare bate mj iny 1 eil or even jeopardized A quarrelsome st louis ioui I oui couple arro oro the llie subject or of epi tarlis anil d an aad d tile lh limit band d I my do jear what kiad of 7 d a beono do you yon they will give me when I 1 li brimstone my love lover wn vins lie ile a reply travelers in the iho orient iffe crate gems in their aloah against agardt tile the time 0 of f noca noad so do we enshrine precious preci oai memories mc moric I 1 in our hearts brighten to lifo life when darkened by or desolated liy by sorrow afif life is hardly respectable spec table mit hii n db fast tk no dukiet or nr affections that thai constitute tak ask is ln lie life preserver I 1 Is this li n a temperance movement aln bearty grogg ban been appointed ito i 5 t bradford vt va ata N toioi i h 11 is to be 1 bilea by any outward touch as i tile llie sunbeam ry furred credi torii those who do dont AL joe djoi I 1 I 1 |