Show A I 1 1 it is in not often we let our pride crop out to a very great extent but we cannot acl help g feeling elated dated over th the BUCCO 11 for some weeks past in return for the liberal patronage now being bestowed we iro are making every effort to amile i jue i a metropolitan journal for panic time lime we have givon givan a larger antolini amount of original arid and selected reading matter than toy soy other payer paper published in utillis and it gives us ua renewed courage to know that our efforts are appreciated by the publio as Ls w manifested by out swelling subscription Bub list g s wax was extra full the to speak in af pf printers enters inters pat par letters amounting to Us MO einai which was scene emi more than our general m average crage per lay day this gave to our eleven collumb of reading matter 1 the th I 1 patronage wo accept as an approval orthe of the course we are pursuing yi in reference to the loss iio 1 bucs now before the people jf if the territory and our friends may rest we will not swerve from lite liala laiq already outs out |