Show LOCAL MATTERS or 1111 I re atsumu puru pursuant ant to li adjournment oon convened i in n the the city hall at 2 pm on man monday lay J january nary ath kit 1571 r gilliem gil cintel lieI tiie tie I 1 lion wilford wood butr is C the council to ordeal order when a certified list of the members c elect att w WM as by searel aia black anti anil read A of members acin the lion on G A black win was callol I 1 I 1 ana conj administered the oath flath of office to the members present A organization was effected by electing the following officers who wera alo almo sworn in br secretary black lorimo JArc rito snow president L J nuttall secretary i A P doremus Dorc mus secretary J DT D T at tarm t arm it K inKton eager K R 8 wells well ro foreman rosemar remar jos as yonn sr r chaplain cannon niovi I 1 that hut tin tilt blouw ho be informed fiat the council tou nril vat or cd and ared to 10 proceed wilh I 1 est carri carraw arje A was reckoned mcw bcd from the I 1 lotio tile perm ment organ b hoay Y I 1 ilia he following ion wai re rc from the beert tary and read to the council orrice TAO ian S Q IS 2 to JO me w saxler of the house 0 pi eliris 41 4 ates of me tei ri lory ef cf il iteli ah sir siri I 1 11 the h e honor to you that I 1 have focused rooms in which to lidd hold the twentieth beth session or of the isidia of ri alion third south street between E tr ast nt comple rind kimt knit fast streets I 1 I 1 have spared neither pains nor ex x n ti taking klicin iiletA pleA int Lint end and table anil and nil alii glad to report that every thing i is now in readiness read inese for your reception and anil would al aek that at conr our earliest convenience mil would adjourn to til the place ion signed Sg nei 1 1 I A beark S secretary ecret ary ot butali connection with this chii corri muni cala cain tion don were forwarded fro frodi III the comptroller of the treasury 9 in relation to the appropriation and n expenses of if the current year some expenses heretofore allowed to wit wil newspapers newspaper postage age stamps bumps and pen penknives kyes for and officers of the A assembly aro are discontinued the appropriation Bp for the current year is ia 20 h NJ and the secretary is ii instructed to lct p the expenses within athin that mount amount and allow T no 1 0 C x in in excess excie sis of it to save et p r n 9 cs in the matter of printing lie ii 11 to have haac no reports inserted in tile the journal except the tot gov bernor a mc Asagi and to hate printing done as often as matter accumulates sufficient to make 8 councilor bated that lie he biad been ix co informed tho the building hu illing fit felted ted up by the iho secretary for j p purposes arp oats was HIM a new ai tand ad unfinished one not suitable for 0 and movel moved that a co manitt anney le he appointed to inspect the bull building ding and report thereon carried councilors councillors Counci lors and torrington W diiro appointed 1 A led on the committee hy by har I 1 the president n t councilor cannon that lie bo be authorized to call to their assistance physicians builders lu illera and any others they might see ee lil fit to enable them to make ninilo a thorough report on in the condition of tho the new w Legi lati vo rooms carried councilor that i a committee of two be appointed to wt wait upon the in ia conjunction with urn adie the and inform liim him of the of both houses and their readiness to recene tiny any communication amman lie ho mw haw ft fit to io niale make it carried ora ried councilors councillors Counci lors jennings slid and thatcher diore appointed on in tilt the committee rait tee the appointed to 0 o wait upon tho the governor reported back that I 1 its 18 Facelo neya to the legislature would bo be tuesday the oth sta p in and that the governor had ted that hat a large room be procured for the pa ae all who alio desirer desired rio to hrar par it read councilor cannon that it if consistent a committee lit appointed I 1 to procure jiro cure a large liall hall in order 0 ial gratify the th wb although lie fie did to go to tho the methodist rocc house which it lad had facen A ug sug the n governor Co vernor was vas auit abitable able A maciaga mci aga was rece received ired from llie file jious announcing that that body do d sired fired to meet the council in joint sea sc sion tomorrow to morrow at 1 10 4 U in on motion of councilor cannon canaria councilor wai inin lJ I a committee of one to confer with 1 I card cittee from the alouse on the propriety of adjourning if a larger litt ildi P a on the occasion or of tile the reading or of tile OV arnore inea e councilor bac wk th that at the council and blonic might ad journ to 0 o another room after formally formally the Counci lort cannon that tile the abc arnis lie bo instructed to fur ch and officer of the council with copes ies daily of at the alic lt aliet A cirt salt cof ulo ale and og den daymont for the same famo to be mule made from the territorial tiri ial amirr tion carried Couri councilor ciler cannon kovei moval chat lie ille council meet tile tho home ilowe of itar It cr enta tile jaidt tomorrow to 10 morrow at I 1 p in ced Cirri cd adjourned to tn meet tit at the tha rome kime on 1 tuesday tho the iab dili at I 1 I 1 ji I 1 in III otiose diw the house was called to by tile the chief clerk robert 1 I campbell bell A list of tho the names or of the th members elect having biting boon furnished fam by tho the secretary the sonic came wore were read and a quorum being present tins tile alom house 0 F roc ceded to organize org aniio by choosing the following officers offic cra orson pratt fr 1 jcak k cn IL 11 J L campbell chief ae cherl va et I 1 11 smith ich ass tant clerk catiti art sergeant nl at arms 11 S camp amp be ball 11 er it C badger lore fore ILI guao alk 1 P 11 1 pratt Cha judge E kliu has smith vaa called chaffain in aal flain the oath or of office to the iho tue berA and off elected the council WAS vis notified that hit tile the wast vui 0 and mil ay iy fur for bitic Za mr M r taylor moved that thi the church papers papera bo be procured fur far tho the use of the members will officers wi and the ex ci polled be allowed by the coin 1 attee I on appropriations carriel carried tho the lion gentleman paid eaid that the W waa g poorer rind and the state richer hc I 1 tho ll 11 propriety of the ciote lie would hair bavo 0 will fr n the motion but bo had bad DO tat bablo ill on which to m write rite lo in ruction to the ol 01 of the Secreta secretary baang prepared rooms roomi on sout boutu street a committee was vu to accompany a like comun cobun td tec from the council to examine the same anio slid report on cm thi ir condition F 1 I richards Kic hards L farr fair and enoch been were a committee to wait it on the governor to inform lim liim that tho the house was van organized and abil ready to a any that he bo hare bar 10 lor r the panic the com COBI back that his excellency would be ready to dohrer his bis message on ob the oth mb at 2 p in YO A 0 fir further ther dimness was wag i in n the llou c beyond that reported in t tho he proceedings of tile tho council tim tilt rim FIRST john tailor in tile the house homo and Lor florenito enito snow in this the council moved that copies of tho the druyff drurey A on salt lolo lalo ilarae and the of ogden jen junction be supplied to each member of the council and the I 1 louse it at tile tha expense of tho the territorial treasury of course carse this thia motion wa was i carr 4 unanimously upon truo true republican and conati tul tut lonal ional i ples as everything ii u billich ach is ia done hy by the all u kingdom of ool or nothing or any or of his apoi lolic upon the same republican and nil cone cons titu bioni principles principle the it and the amm were deluded or father not admitted to cil her tile pr or council but the upon a truer reau republican and constitutional principle intends to force itself into both coil council inca and without pali ik litif 0 g permission per miwon or condescending to the territorial I 1 hr J t day received imbor important cant information from froia col J A hudnall in ID relation thelic 0 o jhc thc of ibo blockade lie having just gat through ahl it from thi the ra kas nr tr I 1 judnall found at t impossible to d get gee any definite word in rela relation tinn to the ho character and ami extent of it while in the ea I 1 an and a it was BM not until lie alwag rint right in nwllie tile snow noir chat lie ho comprehended lion four days and night tile the I 1 aldin rain on he ie VMS mis traveling con with the snow banow which had filled ur tip tile th cuts and sherman Sli ennan some or of tile lie cuts after tile snow WM demoted presented ments menti or of like frosty material more than twenty feet hish high the A arms continue for a titue it will lie thial be f found 0 and impo abble to 10 keep leap the road open in diew i lew of thin hip we say fay ILL us peare or in other wardi a trace alro with the clements cle menla WORK WORIC CONTI cannes XE there are up wi wa di of a hundred teams at work in little link cottonwood hauling ore to tho the ivi or of tile the utah central the snow ism n ic ceral cral fret feet deep in the canyon I 1 but thi lie is taid said to ie excellent far the ni inen find W itin biffi aulty t in working wor liing under ground round and nd alice mines will in all probability 1 eor eon dinue lively through the winter lank inal int ing it big yield of if ore on before th alic c caring TACT other ili strict follow the example efthia i gad nd they will le be in a favorable position pofi tion in the he io pring provided their miam are re lukuc valuable lua Uc if they are not valuable the quicker the fact the belter for all mn con corned benn d Wha whatever teTer the result i iq ii q to lie labor li ii the true policy fit at nt i HA 14 A george Q toll told tile he people io iier on a lat last sunday at the his that bial tile tl surrender non bont tenets unless tile ard give a revelation Mv elation wel are not bauch so ao jusin ted with will the llie grinding nn aling or of tile machine locc I 1 inc of 0 I 1 laid yr year ant havo have no doubt that one will be e nin flan through in in duo dac tinni polygamy poly Eamy this ago g do in a it ill influence to tin tile power powe taw ml FRT orth oIW judicial 10 macli 4 to day at al 1 with a 2 large cibil calendar cilen ilir the suit of the eurel mining company w 11 ll 11 be tried again V anro presume itro aum Us thail iury wilc ficili 1 0 to o terii jer diet ct trial beside I thia there are arc many other wits of a similar character from jintil tintic Jin tiC and ami other distri judge strick land accas deter ruin ed to piro alvo the rico id pie ofhie ditrick ditri cl ct tile benefit or of all nw hec casary judicial JL tho tha third TI iSril Dint rit court and lie elio grand gran jury meet again this mor al 10 them 11 threat deal to a do if all parties are ready we ire hear it that the prosecutions for murder io in tiie cise of brigham youns toj and ore arc to ti go over till tiff spring neither I 1 14 arty aad 16 be road for trial this he liebbe the base me it ii probable thab hit the tha cottet will not hold bold a hing I 1 I 1 I 1 i 11 we learn arb with regret 0 OJ tile death naylor alor a member or of tile the linn firm or of nailor bros wagon builders of this city lr fr wu was well ell known and generally respected impei t afifi if and nl a of children tur IRON OATH was by the legislators yesterday without the least sign sign or of choking cli oling they had bad row never been in rebellion against tile government cottrn nor si aided aled and abetted its il cn cinica well its ila all in the wy way we look at it a thing it appeared to ns its that so of thoo tho o present lil had onto once n pon a came time ei forgotten forgot cn their allegiance allegianis to coee samuel if hey had bad not been in in actual arnn armil against hint him eli el 1 or OF tva itice rm A nr licht dauna dw una oil upon the ilia A orld with th the introduction or of ris littion twelve years ago dru dras lie he went out nl and ml acu riuo ration cant amo tn in the arn w of tho the people were opened to ur tile great fact that tho the wiy way to core COM is in iri in strengthen and its vac am not net 1 to piece thern them at it II y ddn d amine i 9 thern of tile tho lat little io wron gill tre ahry h y hy Y ft it loon hennia rf canio evident hot M a meet of pl ja tuning vitality lity into the f ble 0 ream arts agn tho the we rhoun corlna inza 1 ion and reforming billioni Il lioni bahil ol 01 LO no rat tion then WM was at a all com cobl anble apar to to ta tho the new bince then lin of ff attempts have been inide to rival tho the liters they hw lie all 11 II failed and the ho rowl in 10 iliad which was wa commenced in is still in pro arft nothing ran can top stop it fir air it ft u m ph on ali the now ac knowl rJ cd I 1 anat ur t p amal li is it tia mt m t ie fur of all ailments anil and ei liu boa shown that rian tation bitten is u a as well sam tho the beat guard against epidia di dw to ISM ja ja trim enose who ho are arc in JinT want Fint of neat quiet lodging tili call on mr tappan at 10 lo fie commercial hodg ing room cm commercial streetor street top op goibe the G ra ian bakery andlee ilis rooms bura engaging elsewhere see his hii i cl c fil HIM hill deputy 17 S mir mari clial gilson tl ilson yesterday yi caught J r biggen who ii ia charged with will ing money dai on ft forged arder frone from lie aril national bard in in t beocity bio city we have hate not nol learned whether lie still lias 1129 tile Il money loney the telegraph bulletin has tit alio following ogden sabe ath ll 11 15 rh ra the ali C P train arrived at 1145 a m ay todar to dar the U P train due to D night lit reported report cJ 12 latti late the a x train leitas on time C Q n K 0 d 11 walli fargo uco forwarded yesterday to icca t vi allar tf of new york nine bars of bullion worth frow the meadow valley work 1 F l W ib |