Show POLITICAL convulsion ut IN ENGLAND Diri from london to tho rho new I 1 york dold inform us tion lion in tho ilia liberal party over the manifestation ife ire station of republican of several prominent members member of the gov bov eminent including the tha premier hiki WE in a recent speech at the man rion pion house mr gladstone said that sir charles dilke was perfectly justified io in discussing the question of monarc monarchy LF and republicanism this and other camba lare have alarmed the liberal conservative serva tive and the dale of So Somer meret ct and lord halifax both professed liberals are arc endeavoring to form a coalition with the tories will ill te le l e effected effect td and the tories once wore more win win the control of tie lle country if the coalition project succeed f when parliament 2 dombles early in rebr february uary an amendment will nil be modred to ilia queens queen speech declaring decla that the howie has no confidence in ia the min lin astry which amendment if carried will compel the retirement nemr glad tore lone rail anil via hii cabinet cal jinett with the overthrow gladdine Gladd cne the era of the B ritiro bridith republic will hive downed for it boull almost certainly ta 1 force him blin to tho the of tho the republican party parly it IL will then L IA headed by the greatest english lacci stated man living ono one will be in jolin john brighte tn place who for fort a quarter of a century has been as a man equal to the tak of if leading a nation and who has really been the bucce mc cesor bor of the peal great sir robert glad 8 tone has ban not only tho the superior nu prestige ax as the leader of the liberal party in the house of co commons ammons and also nl of hamiag been premier but he ii its in every respect toe the superior of bright in the task of grappling with coming should gladstone boldly tale take the lead of the republican he is is quit quite 0 equal to the work of founding t tho b 0 british republic over which ibbe if he lived to the consummation he be would bo be tb let first president |