Show I 1 1 ick ai i ID I 1 I 1 I 1 ja X Z I 1 I 1 i KNEE CAP DESTROYED SHOOTING armay AIT BAY farens IN HI IDAHO 17 7 r cash is seriously wounded by J T A johnson trouble over ft A water RI kasht glat TRIBUNE idano idaho falls idaho july n 0 20 o idaho palls falls was wag startled this arter afternoon noon by a report that a ahoo ting cingar had been I 1 ell enacted acted on the farm about two miles north 0 of the hie town whereby W jr cah received a ball bail iron a winchester in I 1 tile the hands of 0 J A johnson joanson Job after the johnson john son rode rapidly into town and surrendered to the authorities ilov ark ile he refuse to malto make any statement about tile the matter I 1 mr was found in johnsonb field arid wd bald he went there and partially i opened a dam that johnron john ron had placed in a ditch through which they buth both run water for irrigating that johnson I 1 was all th the e water and lie only wanted some for his stock that after opening I 1 hie lie darn dam so as a portion of 0 the water W would clum flow down his i individual flitch collson Jolis iod I 1 ode up to him on oil hoise hot asi back armed with a rifle ride and naked asked him it he had opened the dam and he ad in inett bitted d tho the tact fact johnson then insisted that he tighten up the dam and threatened tin catered to shoot him it if ha did not do so suid and he be refused whereupon johnann fired two shots the first cash but struck ills horses borses neck the second taking tee t in his bis knee completely destroy destroying in g the L cap ap and shat shattering terin tins bone to such an extent that a an n amputation of 0 the lep leg may be nece necessary s sary while riding I 1 lite into town johnson ac cl ol dently discharged his gun and shot off of one of of his hill toes cash Is 13 considered a a good man generally attending to ills own business johnson Is a a prominent farmer arid and well to do LOST BOTH charles charlas alirena ahrens falls under it a moving freight train TRIBUNE SPECIAL 1 idaho falls idaho july 2 20 00 A anan giving his name as aa charles ahrens fell ell while ahins undertaking to board a movi moving ng coith bound freight tonight and haid had both hie legs lees tilt cut or off below bel nv the knees he Is being cared for R it the present by bv the citizens of 0 the to town n says pays he has hall a sister by tho the name of mrs mra bell I 1 living tit at second street san francisco TWENTY YEARS IN THE ren FEN sentence Sen tenca pronounced on slayer it 0 herman IA 0 o halley hallcy mali idaho july 20 today judg dudec e sentenced herman harman L WEE watkins watking t convicted in tile the second degree for the killing of 0 matthew ot of muldon june ath last t to e twenty years at hard rel labor jabor in th the e state penitentiary ri I 1 i XAY MAY BE pardoned J idaho pardon Con consider frank armstrongs Z case TRIBUNE SPECIAL boise idaho july mi 20 the doard board of 0 pardons today considered tire the case 0 ot f frank armstrong Arni sentenced to life le imprisonment lor for raul paul culpert in issa the prisoner was wag seventeen years old when the edme crime was committed both botta were beeri sheepherders and quarreled in incampo carlp in avi evidence lenco before the trial and that pr presented to pardon board armstrong shows that culpert attacked hini him lind and that tho the shooting was in self de derege amse the prisoner will mill probable lie be pardoned in october the board practicality agrees that the I 1 hime chime was not moi e than manslaughter and armstrong he hns served the full term under statute IDAHO CROP conditions I 1 I 1 D P mccallum Hc Callum section diorec director t or at idaho ralls rails reports I 1 the wool week ending alunday july IS 19 IMS IM opened with heavy thunder sto etor 1 dig nii and copious showers followed by bi weather alth ith an abundance ot of hot sunshine arid and frequent high winds the rains were of inestimable benefit to dry land crops have been greatly in need of 0 the moisture but interfered materially with ith liasing much of nt the cut cr crop OP asa d damaged am and the standing ba hay y v was a 9 badly lodged efel ge ti in many places in tile the ext extreme reme southeastern seedon section tile tho tan rainfall I 1 was comparatively ively aud and the drought has been only partly relieved grain la Is tor for the most part in excellent condition and promises promise more inore eli than a n art an average crop in parts of 0 the wet western t abert witt boon be ready for harvest the potato crop Is doing nicely and many early potatoes potato ea ot of line fine quality are on the market garden truck Is in a good condi condition tio i 1 generally the fruit crop Is doing well wel 1 cutting of the first crop of lucern lucent Is nearing completion all hay crops lit in the northern noi thern and me western g tern sections are apparently short but b u t in the castet carlein n they CLIO fully up to the a average v era e tie the I 1 second crop of lucern Is crovi ing well ivell stay mar I 1 cost them good offices TRIBUNE E SPECIAL 1 mine idaho july BO 20 the split in th the e p populist party will cost coat them the chance for the best offices on the tha forkl union 0 n state ticket so no the leaders of silver or republicans and democrats bay any ux ex sweet 8 silver liver lican c claims hla his pat baity ty Is e entitled n titled to 10 the ene governor and a majority of the ilia state stale ollI cers democrats are claiming con car cressman die big prices tor for ra hay 7 nevada farmers expect big prices for hay bay this thin year and are arc holdi nir back on lin tempting prices of 0 Is S former farmer wheeler near lleno Is 19 seriously thinking ins ot of cutting his wheat crop that stands shoulder high tat for hay s J bryant haa already decided to cut his wheat tor for hay it il was tile the prevalent opinion that hay would be hay before b toro the spring ot of 1899 more bencini suits A federal warrant tor for tho the arrest of 11 G enders was issued at chey cheyenne enna on onA monday fonday the complaints complain IS recites that anderis andr ni haq hai about acres ot of government land within his big inclosure ile he was waa released on oil boil ball tor for hla his appearance at the hearing thursday enders has haj engaged counsel and will fight tile the case cas 0 to the bitter end this came ca Is alaid aid to be tho the beginning by the government ot of a series or op pro intended to break up the ot ili the durn dumain by the big corporations po co in billich have liun dreda of and thousands s ot of acres within althin their in c clour eg in A this and neighboring counties about ten tell 3 yearn ears ago aeo tile the sams same loh joh WAR tried by ot of the iho general ci land oance MCC sparks which it was alleged at the time A ilag as tile I 1 main cause ot of ills ha losing his hea head di I 1 in n this section now dow as a then the iho most powerful P erful political influence Is if interested in the violation or oc the law HAY HAILEY LAND OFFICE william A a who has beta been appointed receiver Ke celver C 0 rr cap on dencie tit bun a 1 1 ll I 1 alley a aley idaho july SO 20 william A 11 0 d gi man lately appointed and confirmed receiver of 0 the halley idaho land office was a of 0 canada but earns came to the united states when young soon atler after of 0 ake as tit ia s signalizes signalized hla his loyalty loyally to hla adopted ado country by three year service under gen Rosec rosecrans ians while on duty as it a scout lie he was waa taken prisoner pi laoner and paroled as u a member ot of the thirty I 1 I 1 Z I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I X I 1 11 1 y i 7 V I 1 11 bocz 4 6 1 1 T I 1 1 1 I 1 A t F ll 11 1 I 1 I 1 P I 1 fid I 1 V 1 I 1 71 I 1 aw I 1 ah I 1 I 1 II 11 I 1 I 1 L 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 if 1 I 1 it I 1 I 1 if 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 ivi E I 1 7 ke I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 infantry of illino when the union hall bad reached north nebraska h fr was among ainone tha first to ca establish a store etore and harne virneas sa shop hop nt F t that terminus and to follow the pr pro 3 iresa cresa of oc the road until it rear reached b od corinne Corl utah since then hero he har ham 11 llad v ed and done business in ogden and icahn hut but has beert engaged io fo fori veral years om in little wood n iven W few miles south of 0 flallen while ranking his residence for aff golf and family in that town for or the past ten ito or more years yeara the report for tune jane the opened cloudy anil and coll coli with almost daily frosts arid and in some parts temperatures below tile the fre e point the cpin in varying amounts arnoult i fell ell generally on tile the and 2nd and foll followed aved by a period ot of d dy dry y and somewhat warmer weather until the bilth which with ft ath tho the few following days constituted it very wet period tit more 0 to settled conditions and exceed exceedingly ingI y v warm arm weather prevailed for the roost moat palt pait during the remainder ot of th the e month with except lops of the ard and an d on ii which aich dates ral rainfall was rf reported burled at a number of 0 stations light frosts occurred in a few places about the close of the month crops were retarded more or less by early cool weather but the warm and seasonable reasonable temperatures fillou following ing caused rapid growth arid and by the close of 0 the period all vegetation was fully up to the season dry land crops though several times threatened with drought have received more moie moisture mui sture this beason bel than usual and june buth round found them much improved over the same time last year wherever possible water was guined upon all crops and as a result all initiated in vegetation Is in excellent condition grain ad lanced condei fully arid and reports almost without exception indicate it a large crop in sight potatoes and harden garden came cama through tho the month in t rood d condition all varieties are aie re aly for use thrived and a at t the end pt of reason cason wa mas 5 at its haitht the croot othu lu coin tins has matured gutting cutting Is in progress ranges ii aro ro food and ilo ing A ft aften ell en I 1 I 1 I 1 i 11 I 1 I 1 0 J it 1 l r I 1 the mean tod tal uie for state was CO 8 degrees 1 6 degati oes warmer than junel ot of last year the highest monthly mean avast wat al a beyette Pe yette 0 9 degreek deg reea nn kind d the th e lowest at lake dc mcgreer greer apro peEl pei lur reached during the month w was a 3 10 I crees at and d the lowest 23 at on the and and 2nd araking tin an absolute range of 79 degress for or the month tire greatest opal local monthly canite ron of temperature was 70 degress at arid and the least 41 44 degreed det rreta at I Lako View the average aver agte precipitation was 1 07 inches 0 ca inches lesa than that thai of june 1897 the greatest great cst amount was mas at tollow jacket inches and the least at Marys marksville marysville ville inches the greatest amount in any twenty four hour period was at downey inches inched on the ard 3rd anil and 2 nth average ot of lays laya with 01 in inch it or morn of letter 6 clear dacys dayi 16 10 partly cloudy 9 all and d cloudy E prevailing wind direction direct kui south average hourly velo velocity rity from records at idaho falls and nampa 91 nilles miles maximum maxin lum hourly velocity VL at idaho rails palla miles from the southwest on the alth notes from fram dai dilges gs ida tribune driggs ida filly IS 18 mr J ar pam bannon non with thu the government surveying party arty passed through hero here day on an their way to jackson hole end and th the yellowstone their work Is 18 por tain ling to the timber reserve salt lake ailor i ilor to the valley are aa A a follows 1 I waddell 11 and family james griggs arid and wife miss marron alargon airs brigham young sirs mrs kirn kim ball bail mrs noille wells mr bir 11 II K glidden proprietor of the vika ranch jackson hole Is over buy ine up pack aind in saddle horses avello lie ex et peats about tolly new york yolk t cursita tour I 1 lala this seaon beason bea son ur mr Glidde rt Is building a resort in jackson hole the having season beacon has haa commenced farmers have an abundant crop A mg agli ill iwler john W manning arrived in dalgo sunday evening arid and registered at the overland with philadelphia behind his name lor for at fw few houra hour lie he set act a pace made everybody everybody dizzy says saya the statesman ile ila I 1 now boarding boari lins with N sheriff oliver nothing nv was as too good for ur mr alansing 11 he e w wanted an led the best bent track the finest room the t he choicest chol wine and lots 1018 of fit it gild and everybody e v t at his beck and rail whon when he ie str struck uck the 0 beek town those who saw arry him indy believed a millionaire lillon alre th hall had arrived and d inning pio pa 0 motors picked him out for or future PI plucking uc tut but it turns out that lie he did not have a red cent in hla his pocket for several hours manning proceeded on his big merry round issuing bogus begun chieko calore in the jiner ning he giai inquiries as to the most moat reliable jainel r an in L ahi h 0 e city it J hu J u j uan j t I 1 I 1 leil e t t j to buy u f few diamonds d a n 0 n 1 s for f yin r his h 1 s f blends r i e n d a 1 whlor V li he was i talking of ills his prospective purchases purchase on I 1 officer stepped up and arrested him ort on a cl chare barge of obtaining money under false pretenses prel anses ile he was hold held under a bond of 0 50 arid anil Is now la in jail in III de fault ault ot of it 11 indian pupils tor for this tha east twelve indian boys bobb and one onil 91 I 1 from the indian school in nevada have hare tie dc parrett tor far carlyle R there then the boys win be P blawd laced in the band h md and n m III servo serve in that cupa capacity city a couple of years yearn in preparation tion tor for the Ws ili 1 indian band Is to bi be sent to the paris exposition anil and chich will consist of 0 about one hundred pieces |