Show HAS NOT SAILE delay in securing the naval convoy given as the cause it is known however that tha t the president himself has restrained the general until I 1 he was C completely prepared government it is stated has profited by the lessons taught by the santiago expedition miles reports that he has ten ir transports I 1 ran sports ready to sail washington july 20 athe the war and NI na ry depart departments menti are now engaged in fit making all ot of the arrangements arrange menla for th dispatch of 0 the porto itlean expedition d and watsons eastern squadron T f yi r has occurred one of those nat urai lii il pauses in the progress of the c incident to the completion of 0 on set ot of operations there belne being no possibility of 0 the receipt ot of news ot at a great bittle battle or ot of a surrender r ther aas aa less excitement and less I 1 hildene cIl c liln dene i ot of nervous strain than tor for 11 II I 1 li rust past G C 1 n Sili cas expected departure was it a aln deterred the explanation 91 given en nas mas that there noa inas expert enc d at santiago in securing the nav ll il c convoy n va y for or the elpe altton it is known ho however never in addition that tile the fredde Pre ildeni t t bilms e if has restrained gen extent tent of adjuring him in mile to lo the e ex c til nest terms not ot to commit tho the oily folly ot of starting mari loi fo tor r porto pono rico without the nii mot complete preparation NO LACK OP OF SUPPLIES the government has profited by tho the leens taught by the santiago expedition asile aside from the actual victual loss loss at 0 III I 1 if at might be expected as the reb i a badly calculated start it 11 li T d that our relations with some 0 h b r european powers would be in 1 ill measure at least lea st impaired by t d derae erae morn moral I 1 efrece created by defeat dencal to or r tho the ding g approaching fl A amin ar arms iris orthis stage of the AV ni al ler ref etoie 01 a it 1 Is that BO fal fai i 0 ahe department can prevent gen milt a forces will not be a short a 0 t b A d or kif 0 tent to protect them iv ir m abc lh tropical rains nor ot of the that bat m vac ere so in mi i of j d it ter I 1 at the beginning ot of the sand 0 movement transports LOADED an miles kllc a lepo le boned rEed this afternoon 11 had with mith him wn ten transports it Is presumed have aboard sev c 0 i thousand arid soldiers although at al 1 it t two lo 10 of f them are filled with equip n it the 0 me men i aboard board ship are sut suf fenn brorn delay precisely as did tile the s ri aho vho lay in tampa bay before th departure ot of the shatter expedition tn iti cuiry made at the navy 2 javy depart m A 1 co cl ascertain where the delay had er n in n securing convoys was met mei x tn the h c s statement tat ement that the orders cordei to 1 I inn il I 1 sampson sri in this matter warf V VT v gi ameral ile he was dirt directed I 1 lh h department to a convoy a cna n a it ins as assumed that ho he would cont ith cell mills miles as to the number a 0 chr character acter ot of vessels required tor for 0 1 it As the campaign cam frow froni a alva point ot or blew jew li bi to be pall lurid land movement the navil naval ot of flar oo 00 not believe a very extensive convoy conroy Is necessary Ao Aford lording inc to the calculations fit at tile the department admiral dev c ys 11 1 lt it should now be ba rein 1 a by the c east defense bessei vessel 1 M I ti 11 rey which m with ith the couler collier E D itus has now been about twenty d da i out from honolulu with wil the a on of 0 this line and powerful 11 r dewey mill be amply able t av 11 care of 0 himself so eo long as tit the it r 0 1 l in the philippines are it ir ined ned in the relative proportions I 1 11 ll now low occupy however the disc ir by the state department ot of the 1 if f foundation found aaion for or the F BI 1 r of 0 ie lations with gorn gern X ii i has largely abated the anxiety c lined at the xavy navy department bucys position at matilla manila war department was agreeably ft pr pi ed at the number of 0 bids rec I 1 in answer to Us its proposals propos ala tor for ti D porting ort nr the spaniards no now at 1 i go to cadiz the terms ater d b ie c of the were were also 1 1 I 1 1 as very reasonable the bid the anan spanish sh steams steamship hip company I 1 surprise sul prise to the department ot of C a MILD YELLOW FEVER ur U Cs lost last doport to secret jeer set from the american camp at atit nt go came this afternoon and was is to L e effect that while the geilow yellow t was wa widely spread among tile t 1 f it was very vary mild in form gen id mho ho has bein suffering buffering from IJ d sease was reported to be imp UK 19 yi ast aday T open statement from rom the cuban 1 here today made to the war d it 0 officials that they were p allred tn in ac IL as proper the prok areme laid doun doin by gon gen shatter tor for th government ol of at santiago Sant laBO b I 1 but a prelude it Is in hoped to tn in afif I 1 actions front from th that body to the cubat cuban t in the held gen tn gomez and othro that will tend to prevent a r ti tion of tho conduct that has m il ed tho the relations between tile tho I 1 A rii rican alcin and auban sold lera cretaro alar bild tonight that he 0 f ted con miles milci one brigate ot of int t y and storn artillery would leave iba ba I 1 under convoy ot of a a B tg ng danal niu t adron for the in li v i of porto klen lie ile expressed the h r r and ana belief that troops wore were a al r idy en route to porto rico most ot of th ill tn had been on board tit ohp trans pats X rag for far 8 veral days daya and the altu alon was mas becoming trying tor for them alger said there had been tic r delay in the embarkation or of the tt tr ripa da and that so fur far as the war department part ment crit find and con cen miles were concerned tho the expedition had been in readiness to lo proceed to porto rico for fl everal days orders were sent rat today to admiral sampson to start at once ith ills fleet tor for the janula place in rono rico nico blitch has ha been determined upon by the war authorities no ao could bt ikid id at the war department tonight as to whether tile the fleet had actually sailed GEN WILSONS COMMAND first expedition for porto ecco soils sails fram charleston charleston S C july ao 20 with bands playing and people cheering the list flast expel iLlon to follow gen miles to porto rico got away from rom here at 7 tilts this evening the e expedition tion is under command ot of maj con J 11 II and will when coln complete P lete consist of the second aud and a ud third thira wisconsin the hie sixteenth Pennsy pennsylvania lAnnia menla and two companies of the sixth ath the first two regiments are on oil the transports graml duchess and no SO 30 respectively and they tire are at sea ko 21 carrying carryl the sixteenth pennsylvania syl hanla Nan la and the illinois men Is tit in the stream and will sall sail early tomorrow morning each of 0 the ships cairies cahrles a lai laige ge quantity of supplies and on the no 21 there are arc IDOO 1000 head of 0 mules and the wagon train of gen wiliona Wil gona sons division the men boreth r with those of 0 the sixth sith illinois and sixth which sailed from last meek for or santiago constitute the first brigade ot of t the ie first division ol of the first army corp q the scene abich accompanied ill ahe e departure artmire arti ire ot of the vessels from their docks wag one tie of 0 indescribable enthusiasm practically the entire population 0 f tile tho city was in evidence As the vessels madette ma k dethe stream the bands ads on oil ship baar board rd and ashore played national alra airs and the thousands of people cheered like mad the expedition will sail directly to porto nico transports AT TA TAMPA A As rast as leaded they sail for I 1 porto rico washington july 0 the arrangements for the departure ot of the pot boito to irilan allcan expedition continue today with mith N igor sor the trans transports pol is loading at tampa tamp are leaving as last fast as practicable there Js Is no definite information at the department however show ini lust just what regiments have sailed the recommendations of gen brooke inal indicating 1 abing what regiments lie he giefers lor for porto porto rico other oilier than llian those whose hose m selections have alrea already ly been publicly announced have not been made public at the yar war delai ament tho the reports hach conw come bermaster ter teri master naster humphries indicate that it will mill be a comparatively easy task to supply the army in and about santiago with subs subsistence stence stores in marked contrast with the almost of cf orti n cessare while the siege ot of the tha city was tit in progress there ary are good wharves harves and ample storehouses in tile the i vicinity and the department has ha tour four good tugs lugs and excellent lighters tor for ti transportation purposes when nhen these IA arc r rie necessary colls Y |