Show GIRLS BODIES FOUND payson search party recover drowned maidens UTAH LAKE GIVES UP ITS DEAD now at payson where tile interment will occur this afternoon i doleful story ot of the long iong search scorch at night in the lake for tho the bodies of tho the dead young women parents Pr prostrated prostrate ted by grief sympathy being bein shown them in many ways TRIBUNE SPECIAL ray rayson on utah july 0 the saddest eston proe procession sa that thai has ever traveled the streets of 0 this city entered its precincts from tile west shortly before 3 this morning it embraced the party 0 of searchers sen who had bad left the city tile hie preceding evening to hunt the wate 0 of f utah lake tor for tile the bodies of 0 foll the ill four r young women ahe ho were drowned on tuesday art afternoon irn a and d it br braueht ought back to h hoines the remains of 0 the tour four unfortunates the party tile the laka lak shortly after 6 tuesday ev erting and at once inaugurated a systematic search for the bodies the method adopted was the formation of oc a a line ot of men and boys who waded mottled about t the he spot where her the girls were supposed I 1 to have gone 01 to lo the bottom john W neel keel father of three ahree of 0 the girls found the first body which was 1 that of his daughter susie before the j arrival of ct the rescuers rescuer 1 s the body was in a cramped recumbent t pos portion hion and was re upon the bottom of 0 the alake lake the body ot of lucy Reel Was found by mr le daron lying flat on the bottom and miss baue bauers body J was anas found tit in a sir tillar position alln by 11 I 1 I 1 cobi and george georg e austin n it II was N as not until after acler 9 i at night hoi however hone vcr ever that tile the remains ot of r eiroa m tit a keel were round found as the ile body hai ha I it a distance of nearly loo yards irom from tic the othelo S SAD AD pro procession C HOMEWARD WARD the bodies were then placed in spring i magons and the pad fad journey hack back to the cl city t y beahn the bodies of the three keel sisters platen are lying side by side at the residence of 0 their parents while hit the remains ot mis bauer ar arc at t her homo a block distant the pae parents or M miss borne as dauer arrived in tile the city 1710 aiom m this morning and will remain until after tile ilia funeral mrs reel keel the mother of three of the girls was taken to the houe of a a neighbor n aa soon as aa the news of 0 the drom drowning ning i cached A 0 hed tin tile cl city t y tuesday afternoon later lt or she ahe was told that one ot of her daughtery daught erg had lost her life I 1 in the like lake resent but it was not lot until the u 11 1 party had returned that the chole truth waa told her hen her condition condill ri 1 pitiable in the extreme but kind neighbors nelch bora are arc doing all in their power to lesson the force of tho the terrible blow the funeral services will take lake place at tho the tabernacle at Z 3 tomorrow afternoon 1 wlllie keel the I 1 acar old boy who witnessed the mishap alch resulted in the lie drowning of 0 tho the girls explains that one end of the plank upon which they wore were floating tipped up and that one of the kills gills slipped ot off immediately afterward h he says they all disappeared beneath the surface lie ile W ws to so badly frightened that at first lie he could scarcely move but ho he soon recovered his powers ra ol of lococo tinn and imme immediately I 1 lately informed his father who mho had recovered one or of the bodies when tho the rescuing party arrived luc L 41 9 A 01 11 71 16 NY 1 0 1 t I 1 y I 1 A iwo of the tha girls drowned wear near payson |