Show IS ISOLATED CABLE WIT arrn 3 MADRID IS CUT OFF only way lie ha cast can get gat word to spain is by way 0 og o key west uncle eucla sam controls that line I 1 rr washington july 20 two days ago gm gen A W greel chief signal bignal officer licer ol ca cabled bled to lo his officers in santiago to sealve and 1 I place placa a guard over the three cable lines connecting santiago whence by a land line communication la Is established with If havana avana today gen greely was informed that his orders had been carried into effect the closing otlee cienfuegos cables absolutely ls isolates olaVs havana and gen cen blanco from elencos Elan Dlan cos only moans of with the madrid now Is by the key west cable which la Is under tinder tile the strictest st censorship by the government of the united states As a result of the scaling of the san tiago cables several cipher dispatches passing between gen elan c co 0 and the spanish government drifted c d into this country today it Is scarcely necessary to say BAY that they did not reach their destination |