Show CURRENT publications tho the amerlean journal of sociology for july fill sw RA article ot of unusual candor and merit tho the soc al value of tile the Salti saloon Oll by IS C frederick sl starr arr contributes ron tributes it a study of uio ilia na annl I 1 in ili mexico walter the stake ot of the iho church in tho the social movement Moer nent william Willi ant J thomas ti in on oil a difference in tile tho of 0 tho the sexes touches upon some idular singular In ular i ast aad st in which I 1 A are abed which seem scorn plausible but which trace a continuity of oc effect much farther thin is 13 commonly understood tho the bellu studios social control official al a ond A for sindy advance each cadi a albeo reviews notes and Abst mets and special il papers complete comp loto tho the number this journal lt in ono one of tho the most moet thorough tho and able ot of tile monthly publications the UnIve university ralty of chicago P prees ress chicago I 1 tho the social spirit in america by cn cit henderson flood and vincent tile tho chair C ilura press meadville pa tib book g aber together P a review ot of thi aill ILI ailts find and tendon i if f 11 1 unit tire lit in hoano making us iia a al ai art U of houses caro care of and tok n public balth good or IT ui th social 11 alti 11 t i s Z n ch MO aitio are X on 1 en co DA a 1 A n ff th 01 I 1 immunity in nily voluntary organization of education charliy charley and corrections taken charge of by tho the public etc fill all showing the strong iron trend of our modern modem life alf the work la is well done tile tho statements aro ara moderate care being taken ool not to overdraw and uio the general effect of tho the book while sur surprising priming one that such a show las ins con can bo be mode made of the long lone distance wo we chave have traveled toward complete socialism la Is that the author has good grounds for what ho he writes arlim and when ho be i intimates that wo we tire are yet traveling that ra rood ad it will bo be hard to lo with him tho the work la Is writ well rione done the bookman for august Is valuable cc collection of literary data and permit personal no 1 rofo refo ronco 0 to 11 literary mimi men and notes note ot of books booke it in tal high in tho the intellectual firmament that ilia iho bookman revolves revolve and Us its heh la Is shed ehid for AIL mild blend company new york publish I 1 it the federal rde rAJ courts their jurisdiction awl and procedure A isles of at lectures before uio ilia law school of richmond college colle pc virginia by charles it II simonton Sl monton U S circuit judge B F r johnson johnsoa publishing co richmond vo va this la Is a work of gamt ability and also of 0 high practical utility it opens with a review of tho the principles upon which tho the federal judI judiciary clary la in founded states tho the different styles of united states courts as they exist and proceeds coda to dolina ill iho 0 nature of their jurisdiction their maili ode oda oc at operation and their local A very learned work it lit 1 set let singularly lucid andl discriminating lasting in statement decidedly an addition ot at much value to juridical information the formation of the ho greater new york charter charier by james W pryor no ot of the iho publications of tho the am american alcan academy of roll and social sc Bc lonco ph philadelphia fl adelphia sir mr pryor reviews tho the procedure in tho the formation ot at that charts charter r and makes mocca a keen critique of at tho the document as bottling holi UnET it to lio unwieldy wieldy in mass maas vague and Inde indeterminate with no method provided ded savo save in tho the one case of building regulations whereby the hie law of uio the municipality can bo be speedily and nd certainly mado made clear ila ho concludes to marly evidently including himself it seemed it a much smaller a OMI 11 to continue the th present local governments tor for two or three years nith all their defects than to plange sin an immense new municipality into tho the legal lal chaos which us aj plainly michea may he bo expected to follow tho he enactment of 0 ilia iho charter in its present form tho the metropolitan politan for august liaa has two hundred undred li illustrations chiefly of actresses and tire hie summer athletic girl they are anro pictures nicely dicely drawn and printed many in colors there aro are now york types and from foul foal to derby winner la Is a ono paper blakely blakc ly hull hall publisher west 4 and treat N Y |