Show PERILOUS TRIP IN fifty choi chai W mann tells tella ot at aa y I 1 across ACI the plains a 0 ald the tribune I 1 reporter e I 1 hai I 1 A sure yesterday of 0 meeting an miff ti orrian an at tho the depot when 1 he is on 14 few living cl of 0 atall r west ills il name was wan chaiet w of crops Davi scoty couma and il he ha wan as til town ia to da W lit hi will fisit re luthen a few reporter had bad been into lator mcl y I 1 mann iann ivaa inn merrill ora r 0 I 1 a k pioneers that ahn cross framed ian t DI alm and nd knowin that hat t the 0 old 1 1 would be capable p able ot I 1 te 1 9 int pening h e approached approach 0 the ti t and asked lit him to elvil iva an a ai his trip overland ilch lit le lie be d hilll th the following foll in my ana the winter ot of lm 59 I 1 wag set alu dedire to tilsit isal thi wes terii pm united IHil tn states Kt alf of nf chich swan coun y heard much the tales ot of the it prairies intebi d birl by and buffa buffaloes loev the rho high mounts mounia a awl the alio fields ot of gold cold RAI n aroused in me lorin tosa anin cdon ago on of I 1 1359 1 I left my native lund for or A I 1 crossed the ocean in III the abi ti eoll at I 1 a sailing vessels catt capt gt D with six hundred oth r ii pin sr in new york csc t to a finana whore where our party parly oft ot of people outfitted for or jr jour bourus imi the 1 burti uri tion lion being afine utah I 1 wu V u ii ah 0 om june jun oth anti a our r i i li fitta seven even earn I 1 ight 0 f chio large lagona tra glyna and an acro 4 t ta tie anti and the balani bal 11 c iwo wit fairs were push gunned punned liy hneil ad been married t eliut lit a ew w dayl dayi luent ly ahl this trip abrora a rosa the fool fact our oui wedding lone tout IM car cart t which was presided dod over i mann and myself wits vua loaded i following articles two slacks bedding one ax one kettle on it pan come clothing unit anil n nc nes other small articles artl olca farly early R push carta carlo ca in the parc party were a like manner anner rn when our ill tired ot of walking tiny they mould ell the earn carts and nd up im lolka vw thern along cantil thy they wre were rii gli bit speaking of the tha perils of 0 N c continued alt it mann there fl mis things to lo contend ith W wem 11 1 1 ot of indiana but they beverl never boll ak in the least except the th cm were tit th worst pack of saw iw they would rather 81 have yon gl irlvy 0 them stuff lirt 1 campea on Ull falo creek tal onno onne one afternoon u han a sioux var made it ato all adf the sioux ver lit war I 1 with till it nees at time and wore were ahn war path the tha red Atchis re our camp evral hours pradit tr sling kiny and dickering they want wani der del arid aji lead but wo hud bud nort nori par coee of when th thy departed clo parted ll it three wair wai lors behind about ciplet throe three buffalo coining tc plain to 10 the arec at t sight bight of 1 trials inus in Us a number of lie v picked i guns anil and sarte lartch I 1 in 11 T men objected and aa I 1 ci main lit in CAMP wo rom pilet w request at once rind ind the three I 1 then naked und it ith but a raw hlila 1 ridle bridle lain ittin ot 0 heron hor and N M ith the th how flow ind ar their hands they roda redo off od toi to abutai bu t tai 1 1101 an chat cham dlana inns rail lit ono vc of I 1 tho F to a aiu arih rth and an eliv eind it lit al our thy they then lit in the ill we te had bad but two do d dm en entire tire continued mr MM J was waa a and thu the other an t son bon one member of tho the parti roan man GO years yi ara oll old gat wl lot lost did dad not find her for aeden OR di was wen well ani an i w as Sav Bv orall milte west than waple we WB rt all ali wo we had great in i streams thero there were no bridd brai know so we had to get I 1 light agh 0 ill wade through in our part parl twenty alve young jul ill t were too large to be carried led ac streams on tho the backs of the he 11 they crossed cros tied alt by bv hands and walking wal n boldly n 1 I 1 th ahn water to the othar a tte r oli ld e rived at or on river we ne loat foot head of catt callac in tho the ani nials kall hall and died we W polled to leave four wagons arid and Is out ent back after them a few later late we went dirce t to tia and alveral ot tha party bilott aio 11 I 1 it did lit not remain in 11 Z salt nit n IA but moved to davis county yell ve it wag wa a great trin irl p v mr mann s and sa as 1 I I 1 tile idu a bloc loci r union I 1 cannot help ti N t 0 the many privations arid ILL li at 0 that a t journey in VI and li lb th chani chein r that it have haro taken aw ju t then wyoming |