Show F W TX amfin I 1 k brough the D A 1 I I 1 A I 1 BY EDWARD S I 1 W I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 all reserved i ai PART 1 I andi of square ir ill all are area a ot of thoua ath ill I a rap tili the blizzard wa wai I 1 ess billat th hi old dilca call inhabitant alikos mere eare i vet known knout the hundred 1 0 cf d 1 horizontally tor tol the jarl end trains afore lilea blac haded in a the and nili sank donn n arld and cd ed mathin a few w steps slops of their re aich ali failed to mccau iu c of inn hi st around I 1 jt it was wag as if the elements hall to teach lie i our helplessness by 11 ure in tier her moet ill of broods the tit white death liln till remorseless grip 10 e world in I 1 n the light teamed steamed out to in philadelphia 0 n tile the I 1 mile run mil to jersey y city thero there t a pac liger or I 1 train ain hand ano it a flat aft at the terminal I 1 IC might 1 latt even though it I 1 on oil time tin but li it un 10 sure sm to I 1 I 1 I 1 L tic nal alvn the evening I 1 11 1 micnal I ce d tit the blizzard howd I 1 ad not yet reached its height it said that it had only fairly ii the iron hailie ironi lion the VIl vl teran ran at tho the 5 appeared to welco ini uit the maru I 1 althe rho puffs fun from abc H I 1 red d lite alio the matalice mat alike 1 arl castiel and tini faster tho the aci taillight brough the it ot of partial s rat danced ground around thi in of joyously fo rivard to the fray finally of 0 tile was that not at meu aeeti tv t the snow anew lit it it twirling through uw the air or ill id strike the ground it was waa led it ua ii and hung flung comard again 1 this thol for a time kept 1 bay fred re from obstruction the idy oft an both tho the ati itola litif stolid out chairl ahai p id lik ilki caraher lines linen of oc talk ink upun upon a vt if and yet no matter how hoir bevele le ie the snow now lithium ultimately he earth glicr tier the ajit il mas anit air fiut fast arid as no 11 ll thun thou crough the storm flip engineer Erli at him fireman anti trouble ahead c p car immediately behind lite hie IWO inputs imi odd I paa passengers t rh h tarpe of them m this narrative d M a tile the first was it a oung lady ady aa on the I ift aft ft directly under the light and li in reading fi a file w she ibe vms av of atti attractive active api cc and aill rahly arc joad A crimson at tier her fluent because her i coat hall had been thrown slightly 9 if lm be found the op now div gild and then tor too I 1 v hen beat she a lra loaf ot of tile magazine I a viii ig K aled in the he light an alli kin bus bug rested beside hr her for vas not net crowded and no one use to tharo share the seat eat u with ith her ta clims slims esther reto t 0 her hordov lit ID now york from lo 10 0 the quaker cli CIL seats peat in front of her and on cosite sede ot if tile aisle tat sat two lit jar arienta ot of loading jewelry es ovals in lane they veterans in their business and only natural that they should edilo all in ill the hie ruby rally and diamond a id leaie I 1 ime attention re cc oie orin ona li in an un d did you tier see ee a ill 1 remarkably beautiful agi liln jim contraction it nt deity but I 1 refer to doy its LL a genull higoon I 1 lit bt too more of t that hat it la is easy 0 Is 1 M ane deception there t you lot at vana nana sahib owned ou tied the finest tile 1 orad I art ail and when the wretch fled to lo to life ille lie carried it I 1 in 1 ond III thre th re I 1 it flo mors mori I 1 I 1 then it 11 will until ilia t time me well ill wair warrant rant that 1 I 1 I 1 A 4 0 1 X I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 Z 1 11 III I 1 t C 1 I 1 r R 2 L I 1 I 1 k I 1 r p ri I 1 1 I iii I 1 I 1 11 i 1 I I 1 W 1 54 0 I 1 1 0 12 1 IR 2 A I 1 31 1 1 I 1 I I 1 lra EJ 6 F ii I 1 I 1 I 1 z V 11 I 1 I 1 MR ito v if I 1 11 A I 1 tin I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ra I 1 it I 1 sr I 1 0 1 o iva v I 1 lf t 0 it 1 tz ij V I 1 I 1 P chomi I 1 I 1 1 1 5 a I 1 V V I 1 I 1 i I 1 a I 1 f I 1 k I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 C 1 she walked rapidly to tile R ear br 7 is s us aa pure lure a p pigeon lgon blood as torn by th ahr R isaiah ajah of wonder monder and ami to mistake I 1 katt oe l fill you rop replied lial tl alie to other 1 glanced alphi 11 alt t the superb I 1 11 ill that on oi her finger un attar las 11 aLlt for or it 1 li of 0 tho the brunat a er cr nt at risk in carrying ro everty perly ill hr sla ahr Is 15 liable thed on bic jc boat crry on the i ore vT 1 in the core can for or she has litt I 1 y attract isU ati me e the huttt 0 more i v doubt 0 tork abt she h will be in mot by Y friend blenus lork and ah she looks well rc l able I 1 t carn 9 or 0 herself atly fly lu ro B the als aisle le was wan jack n ill who destination wat aa also the tha bohl ill lie he nail ball leon on a ss drouen inch the V south auth for or the jirm arni aeple him and tan ag now tin lin ts w to re reach hlf honio e 11 air V mm until he bap to k ance c oil the car no alien lien it 11 all ll interest Inter cut I 1 in th lou Jour roar or r te he trall ife it to lu the win perls atho won ivan big via vl IL 1190 that I 1 lie notice her belie I 1 reflected I 1 wonder who she nhe ft llo orden rilon 1 as it title hue can but the bout best er lallan him vit IRA hi ilia detty it ditc itc had R little faith in ills nio aali actions anil anal lit lift pride lit their ile wala vas a favorite favora te ills fi lend and 11 ar with itil tile the other me aex but his was waa that of a biff as lie admired the beautiful rt stranger ranger lie ii would no more hillve lit a 1 alth tier than lio lie doull I hivo bavo leaped from tile tl e express t iress ahrn jeri under full headway the third member of 0 the trio nith w whom horn vie e have to do ln occupied the lai seat directly in blont of instead of 0 facing flat ahr 0 o arward part of the car list sat t adith his liick back against a window and ills faer faeo to toward ara tile lie alc e I 1 hla 11 1 drewi I av I but ith I 1 to A big diamond al lit in his ii mit and a gold bild C chain tin across the ot of his vest wol his features ea tures were welt hard arid and till baar eyebrows and mustache mun tache ot it florsy bind nevil shored I 1 that thy they ir r I 1 at the of th junta indeed ans such chrit lie he vou ill receive mi ilia train rom ii us iut hut for r the fart that hf he was strank ollig to lu attrall tract the li botito C the young lilily lady hill iolj tho the probability hal it uns as m her w than tier her jeen that interested film sitting with his hie grin anil stretched ched alons the top toil of 0 thi fit sent mat m at so nil nh to display tile the diamond ang on oil ins ills little knerr lie he continually looked lit at tier her occasionally shifting ills position anti and I 1 now and then lien clena ing hl his throat threat since I 1 io 4 I 1 ai ii I 1 I 1 1 I W I a I 1 ift 1 I 1 0 I 1 11 I 1 ll 1 I I 1 joe 1 4 1 1 I 1 1 A I 1 I 1 1 7 ri I 1 I 1 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 ier t 11 I 1 then hen she was blown from the platform her or remained on ill HIP prin printed teil tl tle rne e lla his action became moie pointed hi li 1 A hill hal rested low on oil ills his forehead and as aa lie he chewed ills toothpick hv he smiled coughed again and stared impudently pu dently lit in tier face jalk jack gordon watched matched this byplay by play with bribing temper still and began to oak ask himself whether it it continued it at not lie be ilia his july duty to interfere lie he von can dered that slie lid did not t change her a anat for there were several d ones within convenient ranch it may hat leaie 0 been that thai she mho feared eared her persecutor mould follow and become still more annoying can call it lie jac thought jack that zhe ehi Is una unaware vare of 0 his big conduct ill wall wait till lie he gives 1 alves rate me boiler excuse fur for in but it A took look as it 1 I 1 should have to welt long froni from the way matters are going jiavas I 1 to was I 1 agi I 1 il III 1 ehg is ail float ivelli I 1 11 amazing tho the mai initial finding himself unnoticed rose from rom his hrat brat faced the udy smiled anti partly lifted his tat hat 1 I mee ee thares no ito one sitting v alth fill you 0 01 o if youve no ill shaie this the seat foi the first tatino tho the young woman omen acom ed to become au aarl are of tho the fellows pra pre nonce tience sho f hu maffed tier eyes frim lier hot boak and ami liok Fl at lain for it mo moment nt then 11 ell shut alie lie anti ancl baug caught I 1 t vii to 1 tier baa tho the man smiled and an d attempted a cleant plea ant ren taik it o evidently vi she was about to make room retain for him beside her but iii instead stead of dolner so still stepped into the nisle anti it hout a I 1 void 1 I I 1 ill ked rapidly tu to th rear the dour door and passed out on her way to the other oilier car it all so ho unexpectedly that tho tau man mail was dumfounded dum duin founded after the vanished tot onn ail as if he not comprehend ahat flat it meant thi repulse vai aas so deci decisive Five that jack gordon cordon could not MB him amusement luent bhail ilo hat wo iti vou laughing at demanded to the fellow with a threatening blare nt at jack v lio hat replied loud enough tot or every one to lo hear im laughing at you I 1 neier acm r aw W I 1 to nealor find ter thing thine but its a bhame that site blie had to leave the par to get rill lf you he eart acied the bilow follow to resent this and it looka as it 1 lie meant to dr do d r 80 0 o life hla lace face showed abat he abc acc accas 11 tomed to brawling and it Is not to he be suPPO sect that he hild hi ld tho the youthful king jack in pei personal bonal fear A re fancy however seemed bec eec inca to otride ill alio 0 lie he looked toward the door through which ajeh the young lady hod had and then g strode trod e down dowil tho the aisle after her jack wa ave octopi and unfortunately because of his innate booc a minute or oll muru allure to decide upon lil his duty ills 1118 ab moral hurd dread of ol lIcious re rc strained him from stanlly going atter aate the be fellow lie il that if 1 the youna woman found herself horsek insolera IY y persecuted elio bh had but to loi appeal to some sinne of the train employ eim who would q thiu that suffered buttered no further annoyance C Is eliut ill n broke upon jak that he be wax un an un Kallant vallant part I 1 what lit hr ha hai had I already aitu jd id lip dp mantled that thai lie liall gold art acl its an the friend I 1 of the lady und lit in could cl clile ail 14 to ill ir to 11 ge rillman man if lie hesitate d be buirley dioma jhc thc aisle chloron urien open the he door doer arid macyl tcp pid l uin th ill platform ran As in be dle dirt sit h lip PI aped be halis 5 aln b 0 bioff oft as if lip hr net cie C so no much down W o 1 nto rested as lie w u tta fi fit ahr lillar fi lelden nt I 1 pe nc n un ider bior bia hi pl on it eyes ay in he ill alj not littlee iliac 1 llo lip bliz acard imd had intensified lit in fury the malow d across tim ln open oin ipacs paul the th earn i ir making him bill itell n hi and F arli 0 o alie it I 1 to dav a avo it 11 wilm v am bulkily void cold and in lie blinding snarl lie could pet ecar amely belr I 1 cleal the alie ducr in front alth M tit the blank ing inc lights beyond hill himself lilina hima cir elf lie ho stepped a nc crabs ross grasped th the c kr knob turned it and iolar plunged into thi the next e ear holding ill ilia s cap I 1 tit un baiad for the galo ealo cind to follow and try irr to lo natch janatsch it front from him As lie entered enec bas in lively glanced down tin till lelieth aei ali ot of fill yvell well aisle but to ida his cons itai lallon raw HOW neither tile iho wung ouie lady nol ber bior arc raten autor antor nd become of 0 their ile he turned to tile mho lie was standing stand lne mar the door through which lie had just JULA como come did a ioune lady enter this car a few minutes ago I 1 do you mean through that door yes ves you yon are arc the first corbon that has 0 period it within the past half hour you tire are not flat mistaken about that 1 I cannot le be I 1 have stood light heio auto tor rat fully an hour rilie started just juel ahead of 0 me but she hf bai bailine lint arrived arrive then site was blown doert join the ilia platform 1 I hope not rt marked the brakeman quick to ratch catch jacks alarm at any rate rat wo vo inawat try to find her with falch he be reached tit 1111 and gave a lerk jerk to tile the bell rope that vas maa a peremptory order to the engi nevar to stop slop the train TO BE CON CONTINUED |