Show AH ALASKAN AN EXPLORER III capt patrick henry ray to found the post I 1 NOW STATIONED IN WYOMING officer at fort D A russell detailed III by the tha secretary of at wr war to lead the V U S troops into the yukon country la 19 the man who went to point barrow in 1881 capt abercromble crom ble successor suei I 1 also going acme to sall sail froest roia seattle with two companies I 1 the alaskan ala akan on its cure a oro are reproduced from rom the san fraacisco chronicle TRIBUNE SPECIAL cheyann wyo july 7 capt patrick henry ray of 0 the eighth united slat states infantry stationed here received telegraphic or orders d e today from the secretary of 0 war directing him ta so go to tho the yukon country alaska andi and establish art a united states military post capt ray ras pays of 0 the detail III 1 I wilt will havo have in my command one company ot 06 infantry consisting of 0 sixty two enlisted mer men tw two 0 lieutenants and two sur IJ geons geona I 1 have hare not been advised ahad men I 1 am to take today all u of 0 my own company and about a hund hundred ret other oilier privates in the regiment asked mo me to take them I 1 will bo be prepare prep arec cr to leaves leave seattle by august ath and wilt proceed by fien aea to Michae lofski there it if I 1 have wagon transportation I 1 will und land and probably match march overland to the yukon aukon there Is 1 it a good trail craft overt oven an easy country formerly used by the russians arid and forty eight miles marching saves miles by sea and river I 1 nil ill go up the river and probably es cs i cablish quarters near old fort yukon before the winter season closets closes in I 1 advocated the th establishment of 0 a military post at that place in alter after tray my return from alaska and had it been established it would have proven of immense advantage to the americans I 1 AN ILL ADVISED RUSH the A he present prospectors and m miners iners over the pass pas route rout 1 Is extremely ill advised thousands will perish from hunger and exposure and ana the government would do a humane humana act if it would woula place troops on the pass to turn people back after st a certain time the got gold regions can it he a rea reached ell e it without by ansi an overland verland route through the british possessions posses skirting tho eastern slope of thee the rookie rockier atle coiled even be arlen by this route I 1 capt ray bast afta been in the army since 1861 lie he served with distinction in the volunteer service during the war and entered the regular army aimy in lie he has taken part in tho the sioux and apache campaigns and performed perro nned va military duties in all parts of 0 the west in 1881 capt ray was sent to alaska jn jas chruma coruma command sid of tha point barrow expedition ile he remained two years purveying and exploring the country along the north alaskan coast for ado miles I 1 inland and NO BOB miles north of 0 tho the yukon country on this expedition capt ray made a record unequaled by I 1 any other AmeT american icart arctic explorer lie he brought back every man I 1 in n his command alle alike and well for the last eighteen months wo we have a mars man on era tho the sick report said the captain capt ray la Is over 60 50 tall and spare but with an iron constitution he ha has great determination and Is an ideal officer for or tho the detail CAPT abercrombie GOING kas S successor uc cessor also ordered to alaska TRIBUNE SPECIAL helena mont july 27 capt W R IL abercromble Abercrom blo of the alic second regiment V U S A aha w ho tendered his services to tho the department rece recently will and those of sixty volunteers to go to alaska to po litlo tile tho new gold cold fields on the american boll according to the plan outlined by the secretary of war received a telegram today authorizing him to io prepare to go on the steamer auser that leaves seattle august ath C capt apt A abar ber cramble lias has replied saying that the time Is too short to properly equip an expedition for such a trip and asides further instructions the captain vs several year yeam ago engaged in making a survey of the tha same locality succeeding tho the famous in the field as surveyor ile ho has decided ideas as to tile the conduct cl ct of 0 military and military police poles I 1 operations lit in tile the polar regions and hill experience has coMmes commended sided him to th thu secretary of 0 war lie he Is stationed at rort fort harrison tour four miles from rom helena TO GO ON THE CLEVELAND all arrangements made for th transportation of troops seattle wash july 27 capt kay united states army velh tilt hie officers and fiat antty alx men x hlll ill leave seattle tut fur circle city alaska lam via st Blich michaels aele I 1 august orders have been sent t to I 1 san nancisco to ship a years supply of 0 clothing which mill 1111 include woolen blan blankets bets axes and all tools necessary to be used in hutting twelve improved conical tents fonts w will lit hi be shipped to seattle today from rom philadelphia by has bren been for or express pas passage the united states officers and their mn men oil iiii the north all ame acan transportation loll 1011 1 and ami trading company s steamer cleveland velch aich leaves seattle aug cust u st esth M E inch each n mans I 1 fare are will cost the in or e in merit smia and each ton ot of freight v will be I 1 caux charged aged for or at W SO th the cDo dominion minion government la is to send seventy live s additional axt inseal mounted police to 0 o tile the I 1 klondyke Klondy alond ke kc there being laendy live thare abere now the me men will leave from vittorio victoria on a coast steamship company boat in a few days they win will go 90 in from rom dyea trav gravelink elinK ni I 1 getting belting after they get in the steamship city of topeka To pea N n ill III salt call toni tomorrow orrow morning from rom seattle v lah fib passengers slie site goes goen only as far ar all aa Just riall whence a majority of 0 the passengers will vill brac branch tich out for or tho the mines the steamer jlander islander 11 ili sail tomorrow from rom victoria tor for dyea altti till over nearly tilt all those going on the islander are ale from rom seattle seattie I 1 tin be licit vessel from rom seattle for dyea v I 1 HI I 1 b I 1 the h 0 steamer cearn rosalie chartered liar terel i ft saturday Satur dayi or two trips aire already dy 1 i angerst a allowed J owed by bv th tha e avo been booked boo kedor foi th tha e rosalie Salle and twenty more axe are anc 1 g josalle Mo aig ng 1 bout about I 1 th the 0 off 0 1 t the lie chanco chance of 0 Is some am I 1 im one I 1 dropping out at the last me moment r nent the steamer udith edith chartered it by the h eair partle tl and d alaio iii scheduled to i call july slat will I 1 I 1 toke lake north sixty horses hore at 2260 2350 a head in nil an interview tonight ith tho the an am press correspondent coric L it turner who spent eleven years in alaska ala and LIM arctic regions ipg lona in the employ el ploy at 0 the government raid eaid it Is 1 about time thine to call a halt on this maa rush to tho the XIon klondyke Klondy dyke he gold fields 21 u ot of men are going is As far a ai I 1 they 01 cati L belvins on others to help belp them that T J barc h help ap nill hill be meager pr 11 aiji anil and acores illi certainly en alj duro I 1 that death alone will relieve the companies can cannot no t possibly accommodate the number going by i nay ay of 0 st michaels the small niall icv liver c r bloamer Bloam cr will not afford room for hird the number going hy by that hat r route ute the provisions will have to be h fu rn lobed by the tra n por tation companies compani s and two tr thirds do a of athe the passengers will wi 1 l board rt at st michaels or along alone the yukon and they will pot not see da dawson city cita r until next spring many mani ot of those v lio po go by way of dyes dyca will be compelled lo 10 winter at the head va waters era of the yu yukon on WILL SAIL AUGUST eth capt bay will wih have charge ot of the expedition Will abington july 27 the principal topic of 0 discussion at cabinet meeting waa the legal aspect ot of tue the proposed ot of a trall military post in 0 o the alaska gold fields in spivie quarters there Is doubt as to tile the pons or of 0 the executive esta a 0 post poet without specific authorization by congreso but bui the weight of 0 opinion appeared to favor tho the exercise ot of such auch a right by the executive as aa an emergency measure mea Bure secretary Se creary alger already ties lias made the necessary preparations tor for carrying carryl nc 0 t att once tho the plans to establish tho the nea w pa poil the commander of 0 tho the troops wa will 1 I 1 be capt r P 11 ray hay a 96 roan rann well lor for his soldierly ability and having a fine reputation as s leaah leader r ox oc expeditions having established the united staten relief station at point barrow the farthest north in alaska he wintered at this exposed and aad meld frigid place and Is well acquainted acquaint ea with the wants wanta of tho the projected elected pr expedition capt RRY ray at present is in at fort D A russell in wyoming it la is probable that he W will it I 1 be joined in the expedition by capt abercromble abercrombie who volunteered yesterday by telegraph tor for such service the tha latter said eald he hart had sixty picked men tor for the service and the department part ment may avail 0 of these to make ke up the quota of fitly fifty men which ch mt will constitute the garrison of oc the new post the post itself will be e established is tab near circle city the north american transportation and trading company hils has offered to transport the troops to alaska and to land them at their destination for or per ritan mid land SO 30 per ton of freight the ste steamer axner will sail for seattle on august esth tho the latest date data that will insure the safe gate jorl arrival ival of 0 the hie party at circle city before the winter season begins the steamer will proceed to st michaels and there will transship trans trails ship to a river steamer orders have been sent to sui san to provide everything necessary in the way of ample supplies of 0 lead and heavy beavy winter cloth ax and sin ui order has haa been telegraphed to phil adelphia adelPh la to send along alone a number of tents ot of a new description constructed to keep out the cold arctic winds WHAT CAN THEY IOP HOP question as to the tha advisability of sending bending tho the soldiers soldier washington july 7 legal complications have a presented themselves m eves aich which may yet intervene to prevent the detail of 0 a company ot at united states staten troops to alaska to assist in maintaining tho the post in the Kl klondyke andyke region the complications presented themselves as soon as the subject was arst broached and havo belvo been tho the source of some beros annoyance to the officials who feet feel that a law 0 I 1 protection to the tha body of 0 men there Is 15 essential to the well being at c tho the people who are gloc hocking blocking king to the gold country no ko doubt appears to be entertained of the power ot of the president to send a body ot of soldiers but tile the question Is raised as to what authority they will have alter after celnar located can they be ordered out to lo quell disturbances without It hout an order from the Pre president sideri carl can the judge of 0 a court or a marshal be clothed with authority to dispatch the soldiers to the scene ot trouble even it if this pow ve or rested with the governor ot of A alaska ns ka lie be Is 13 located lit at sitka silica a great dis distance maxice from tho the gold region sad and b by 7 tho the ume time his authority could be obtained the harm would bv bar done rho question wes was discussed between the president and secretary alger at tho the white house aouste tonight but no decision was wag reached secretary alger thinks the ther witter matter vt will ill be settled before the presidents departure irom from the city tomorrow the president and his cabinet hope chopo that a satisfactory conclusion play may be arrived at so BO that a detachment for soldiers can be sent to the tha territory I 1 TWO COMPANIES GOING I 1 armay men preparing to start tor for alaska san francisco july 27 in response to a telegraphic inquiry as to whether or not dot be could spare a full co conary cor papy pary ot of infantry tor for the establishment of 0 a post at circle city alaska for the protection 0 of american interests inac r cars gon gen shafter commanding the department of Call california farnia hits has notified secretary alst r that a company could easily bo be organized at twelve hours notice L in alaska and asked for full instructions gen shatter expected to receive final instructions today and aja Is prepared for tin art order to dispatch hla him company north immediately in order that it may reach the yukon before navigation closes he expressed the ali opinion that the company would lave pave here on a special train tat for portland or and that it win will probably be joined by it a cOMI company auY from the department of the columbia the officers to accompany the company will be a major punyon Furg eoin captain and two lieutenants all of 0 whom iii hao be been en selected from volunteers until final instructions arrive and the matter has been definitely settled shatter declines to state what earn company pony ot of the first regiment r has been c chosen batten or by whom it will be commanded white peas pass trail open seattle wash july 2 17 tho starch search light published a 01 letter front from william 31 bloore core at thirteen mlle camp a alaska that the white pasa pago pack trall trail to the summit ot of the past pass was opened for travel july on reaching the summit the traveler steps upon an almost level country the rutilo drivie rr tilo to the takes lakes being fifteen feet to the mile tap deblance dl di Blance aLance from salt felt water to the too cht lake Is 1 twenty miles and from salt raft water to tho the bead ceorl of lake lak e bennett forty five miles both routes from tho the summit tire arc through rolling country tor for the most part open with plenty of grass for reading feeding stock water and sufficient timber tor for alt all purposes purposed pur posea prom from malt bait witter water to the summit pack horses can be driven through c nolly easily buckskin Buch skin dust brigis bags middletown N 1 july 7 A local jinn arm who are engaged in manufacturing gold bold dust bags of 0 sheepskin tor for california customers are working with double forces on account at 0 the tole tele chic orders received since the rion klon W dyko a discovery two thousand gravo grave story denied I 1 san I francisco july 27 returned adny the told by frank moss of great falls mont t to the effect that SOW 2090 graves craves at forty mile post tell of 0 the terrible suffering at 0 the ir gold old meters alof kera V F 0 bowker says that so 0 o tar far fg A being am idea deatha atha P pa A lmh dekl T A during the past three years TO TV k there I 1 was nobody there to die until something less than a year auro mind and since then there hae bae ban three deaths 1 in n that thai whole bisti district brict BO a gt a ar T 01 q known tn the graveyard at a t forty mile aill post cat w h felt has arved tor for all that section fur for some beals past there ere are only between thirty and forty graves HAD A HARD TIME two alishan miners but one struck it tt ga Elon klondyke Klondy dyke kc sia san francisco july Z two more inin ra from the north camo came in on the lite city of puebla yesterday and registered nt at tile commercial hotel they ore henry dore and J r boucher and loth both tell tales jalcs of the hardem id itald ad or of experiences thirty days daya on flour 11 our and water vater and 30 taken from tho the groland in eight months Is 19 |