Show WANTED HOME FIDE 1101 RES 0 but the utah company Is in to stay OUTCOME OF THE RATE WAR foreign companies were making a good thing out of weak concerns the home however Is paying good dividends and having too comfortable 9 a time to quit central pacific fancy guano island the chicago times herald of 0 friday last prints a brief article an announcing noun cing that the home fire insurance co company m of this city has re insured its bustness business with the liverpool london globe company and Is about to retire whitney ot of the home homa last evening denied the truth ot of the article in toto tote and alleged that it must have come from the camp of 0 tho the insurance 1 pl pirates rates ot of this city who ic long ong since declared their determination t to 0 make mak e affairs warm for the homo home company A show or of authority was given to the times herald article by the fact that in it the presence of mr george georga II I 11 I moore assistant general agent at chicago ot of tho the liverpool lon don company in salt lake was wag mentioned the gentlemen gentleman being here for the iba purpose ot of closing up tio the details bad completing arrangements for taking over the risks the writer appeared fairly familiar with the Homes omes standing but gave his hand away when he stated as als a reason for or tte lle comp amys retiring tho the ot of tto the war sald said mr lt evening when speaking of the th rt pw the home hs has bru bwy wi latt little 0 o hurt by the war it k life d a conservative policy cuttina cutt lna lates laca very little and being asked by its sl clients to extor very few reductions so tar far from desiring to retire sir mr whitney wd said the company was making noney as was evIr evidenced lence 1 I by the dividend paid last saturday fry by the tact fact that the company has a largo cash balance in the bank balik and owes not a dollar to anybody on carh should it inot write another pol policy 1 1 icy sald said sa ld mr whitney ehlt it could still pay dividends to stockholders in virtue of its largo large holdings in the Z C BI L I 1 state and deseret banks bank dark clark eldredge co and various other paying institutions it seems to be quite a custom for smaller emiller companies to reinsure in the very large ones and to retire during periods of rate cutting some twenty or thirty companies on the c coast st have withdrawn in that manner during the past few months tho the withdrawal in no case signifying a failure the larger companies find the buying in of bustness business in that way very profitable the liverpool london globe tile the hartford and the german american have sought to secure the policies of tile the home company that being one of the purposes of a short visit which sir A woore moore of tho the arst named company made last week to mr grant but the homo home has steadfastly declined to sell and r said aid mr whitney it will continue to do so As further evidence evid enca of the untruth of the times herald article mr whit ney showed a dispatch received rece ived from the liverpool company asking about the matter and a subsequent one stating that a retraction had been demanded in reply to a telegram from the times herald mr whitney wired that the home company had neither re insured its business nor held any such action in ill contemplation WANT TSE THE GUANO ISLAND central pacific people take a fancy to the place the party of southern pact pacific people that went out to the guano island friday night returned yesterday ay afternoon favorably impressed that probably means they will return to their principals anil and advise them to proceed at once to proving title to the land mr sessions who Is the chief of the party allowed it to lo be ba inferred that at least lie had bad that course of action seriously in mind that ho he and his frienda friend s visited gunnison island in the interest of the central pa ila cille railroad I 1 lie ie frankly admitted because he said kald 1 I presume that the newspapers know it already and there Is therefore no use lisa lit in trying to conceal it W Both bothar Mr sessions and his companion sir J D ri 11 radley who Is the superintendent at promontory of clr Cr promontory cattle company are of tho the opinion that gunnison island lies within the limits ca the township of land which the cattle company purchased from tho central pacific iball road some years ago the government having made no survey by which the tha fact could be established the trip of was designed by them t to 0 determine whether st ft would be worth while hile to push a claim of ownership they make no secret ot of the tact fact that it is the recent discovery ot the guano deposits by others than themselves that leads them to try to acquire the property it would be very lax business they seem to think on either mr Cr er the railroad companas comp anys part to allow so valuable a bit of land in the midst of so much desert property to pass out or of their hands unnecessarily some twenty ive acres all told of a four to six toot foot deposit of guano mr sessions said bald he found on the island the source of it was perfectly apparent in tho the innumerable seagulls that hovered thereabouts but lie he found it not without difficulty and some genuine old aid salt experiences in the trip out and return on the little talulah rich ardas lone steamer seemed scarcely built for the seventy mile briny course her boilers were apparently not large enough tor for the eugine engine and small as they were they possessed the thirst rif nf one of those three bucket bricket fridge horses hores tor for water so BO that between them aad the passengers and crew twenty nine barrels aers exhausted on the outward trip and the it tc camer amer had to put into squaw bay to till up front from the big biff ephings located alj there re then there was tile the lf aig storm of saturday nl cht when despite the fact that the boat wre anchored near shore all aboard excepting the captain made friends with the fishes it if there ther 0 are any in salt lake or with the seagulls it if fishes are minus also there was the inseparable and forever stick in tho the mud bank for several hou hours rs avalt ing the rise ot of tho the tide on the way a the mainland tor for the wand island and lo lot lost t two tours hours in anchorage there before he he discovered his hi mistake A hospitable welcome was extended to the party at the island by captain davis the representative of the utah guano company who read tho the papers for or a month and probably know who his guests were lie he guided them over the entire property and mado himself for tin favorable which thoy carried can led away with them professor robert hobert lor worrester rester the coal expert of tills this city as a member of the party helped session and 13 irdill from the he aide lie 11 lind had behind him JB it if he were not enough lit himself land find charley charles S walkr said lie ho gained front from his bis short chort stay htay in squaws squads bay the e beach there Is white and clean na as that of the tha oce ocean an and makes an excellent spot tor for battling bathing mr sessions thought a small steamer cost iniz 2001 to could malce trips aund around the lake from saturday to monday d s such places ay as squaw bay and derive considerable profit Ses sessions lons and bradley brad ley v viii ill remain in thu the city several lays days before the former to lei san sail Frant airl li rl lico bico |