Show sensational ARRESTS land office register at cosur coeur daleno dalene charged Chi urged with fraud spokane Sp wash july I 1 two sensational arrests were made hero here today to day in connection with a gi gigantic gantle C acy to nib tle tile by I 1 illegal chinese registration certificates thoe arrested arre are hanifl graham of 0 the land office nt at bouer baene dAj IA ene city idi ida arid and edward adv ard faits anett BIT also a Is in tile the hand of a deputy united states marshal barshal lar for or tile the arrest of W IV noyd floyd pollard arid and T f 1 I f til it tf T f 1 sworn to by F D sc schuyler ayler C chine h n e inspector recently frent oui ont by t afi a treasury department tit at with headquarters at P attle attic I 1 |