Show MAY AY RESTORE OLD RATES BATES expect eap exp ct the union pacific to return I 1 to the high utah tariff ac icaco july i 1 the western re stern lines wel we greatly pleased today to day over the p pi action I 1 tr Isett settlement lenient of the oregon arcs on S h rt line receivership race the st shalua us of 0 this matter lias has been such ill amt I 1 t it was impossible heretofore for ut th ll 11 union pacific to take lake any action in hi the t reorganization 0 of the western Vestern lo lines Pis I 1 association it Is now treo freo t to act as it chooser clio ocy and there Is little doubt d I 1 that it will soun soon have rates 1 Iii aced aceil on a stab basis or take such a S and that the othar roads will bo be able y establish J 11 s I 1 bliem 1 em the freight men estal ri also 8 ii are confident that the turn things pave ave taken will induce the union pa kllc a to tea on the f rates to utah U tali common points point s which it cut deeply when there was waa a prospect that it might loge loae the oregon short unc line the northwestern road has decided I 1 to run on july ath and esth fast trains I 1 front from chicago to denver leaving here at 1230 p in and arriving in denver at 6 0 o to ni next nex day |