Show SECOND LIEUIE lieutenant NANT OF CO A andrew smith elected on the first ballot at tile the election in company A utah national guard yesterday first ser geant andrew smith was chosed chose second lieutenant on tho the first ballot ills his competitors were first sergeant fred butler and private harry snyder the vote stood smith 23 05 snyder 8 butler 1 smith was de declared clad elected by naylor kaylor who supervised the election and congratulations followed the new commissioned officer was formerly ser sc in company A second reg ial imant tilt national guard ot of kansas and was wai active in the reorganization or of the Uen Den halter hatter before the national guard was organized here Com company panyA A regards him as the best possible choice for the place company B holds its election wednesday I 1 antho on th highways are arc sometimes allowed by the authorities to remain too long but when that important outlet to the refuse and de bits bilg or of the system the bowerts becomes obstructed hostellers Ho stomach bitters promptly gatses tho the blockade this it does too without creating any abdominal disturbance in tile alic way of griping an pro duc d l by a a drar drattlo title purgative no per mati manent ont decisive relief front from constipation can call be ob obtained tallied through the agency of a violent violen cathartic mandrake blue pill IIII salts and senna and calomel while they evacuate tho the intestine weaken and partly unfit it for future usefulness bitters on the contrary invigorates the whole abdom abdominal inal region and pl promotes a 21 regular reRi ilar secretion and naw pt p bile use this time honored remedy also alao in mal malaria arlit dyspepsia rheumatism nervousness ness in cases of 0 debility and tor for kidney trouble it II confers both appetite and sleep |