Show denver rio grande railroad SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD the favorite and ad most direct route to all M mining aung camps in colorado and new mexico 2 THE THE POPULAR and best oute aute to glenwood springs pueblo cripple creek denver and alid all points east two daily fast express trains equipment the very best 7 for all informal tion apply y to X Z ac X t A B E F NEVINS H M GUSHING CUSHIN Gt general agent trav pass agent TINTIC PARK MM 1 ITY M I 1 and the minin mains districts of VERNAL lasal US A ILI DEEP CREEKS CREEK if MARYSVALE RY are iad reached via f GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTS tram train for eureka mammoth and silver C city and deep c creek k X V ele aly daily at 31 5 p m pa passengers ge rs for vernal or ustah take the h rio i 0 grande W rz railway w oz to price station leaving salt loki lake at a m or p m train for park cr city afy daily at WS 9 QU train iab for bingham g h a a or r marysvale Marys vale d daily ally at 00 a sa DL send 20 stamp waar f tor prospectors 0 r s map of utah to F A ef PF ipg general ra Pa passenger menger agent salt lake city tl ty 4 THIS IS OUR MADE IN FOUR STYLES MINING SHOE 4 goodyear Coody ear welt regular iff high sh cut no 5 made aate after r style of cut these shoes are made of oil tanned russet kip and are oak sole leather bottoms throughout out the no 3 and aso screw bottomed ara are low and high cut extra heavy oak bottom broad extension sole and Y i heel with sole leather feather counter on the outside THESE SHOES ARE MADE E BY US IN 0 OUR UR an FACTORY AND ARE ABE ADAPTED TO ill AU WHEN HARD HABD WEAR i EXPECTED hyoun dealer does not carry them send tc us dira direct 0 ROBINSON BROS DO M MAIN AIN STREET FACTORY EWT SALT LAKE CITY SOUTH ST REST AL AL AL AL AL aw aw aw W mr |