Show DIPS SPURS AND ANGLES the april lupril fool mining NL lining company of de lamar nevada has declared a dividend dividen id of it is rumored that a custom mill will be erected at silver city in tintic gintic district in i n the near future arrangements are being perfected for the installation of a steam hoist on the lion con mine at stockton the morning star mine of bingham now being operated under the direction of W C B allen alien was in the market last week with a shipment of two carloads of good ore superintendent E G miller of the huntsman mine in the la salle mountains is now working a force of eighteen men in the extensive development of this promising property the initial shipment of cyanides cranides cy anides from the ely goldmine near ely nevada was received in the city a short time ago the product bein being 9 of high grade as it was valued at 62 to the pound in the precious metals gold predominating the bingham tunnel company is utilizing the electric diamond drill the invention of R al jones in the extension of its long tunnel in the dalton lark country bingham the drill drill it is stated is giving excellent satisfaction is the daly west of park city has men on its pay roll and the mill is now treating tons of second class ore daily the intention being to increase its capacity to tons the mine from all reports is in excellent physical condition the sunbeam mining company has moved its city offices from room in the dooly block to room in the same building the mine is shipping good ore regularly and the outlook for this old bonanza proposition is most moat encouraging I 1 eight additional tanks are to be added to the equipment of the mercur mill at manning which will increase the capacity of the plant from to tons daily joe dederichs the veteran mill builder will have charge of the improvements to be made word comes from bingham that fine bodies of verv very fine ore have been uncovered of late in theoulia the julia dean mine near the mouth of markham gulch the julia has been a productive and paying mine for several years past and has all the earmarks ear marks of a bonanza proposition extensive Exten work in the exploration of the dalton lark one of ginghams Bing hams great ai aggregation gre gation of big mines has resulted in the uncovering of late of fine bodies of lead and copper ore in the lower levels of the property which is now under bond to a heavy eastern syndicate the galena mining company of this city whose property is situated in fish springs district will hold a special stockholders meeting on the dinst for the purpose of electing a new board of dired directors tors and for the transaction of such other business by siness as may legally come before it from B P F woodard odthe of the joe bowers extension who was in the city a day or two ago it is learned that in the development of this promising tintic gintic property a station is being cut on the foot level while another sixty horse power boiler is being added to the equipment of the hoist tintic gintic is seemingly holding her own in the matter of new discoveries the latest in this line being the reported strike in the sultana now being worked under lease by charles moore and associates a fine body of galena ore being uncovered at a point in the tunnel feet from its mouth the beaver blade which is doing noble work in calling attention to the magnificent of beaver county has just entered upon the third year of its existence editor W INT white of the blade should be given the patronage by beaver county that his earnest efforts in behalf of that section deserve another shipment of very high grade gold ore from the little johnny mine in stateline Stat eline is scheduled to arrive in the market at an early date reliable advices advises from stateline Stat eline are to the effect that captain J R de lamar is after the little johnny and it is more than tha n likely that he will eventually add it to his long string of bonanza propositions extensive work is being done in the development of the helvetia mine on the west dip of camp floyd floy d district the property is ia already well opened up and in its workings splendid bodies of good oxidized milling gold ores are blocked out ready for extraction it is more than likely that this ground will be embellished with reduction works in the near future word comes from tuscarora nevada that in the drift being run from the foot level in the new shaft in the tuscarora chief a two foot breast of 20 gold ore is exposed while in this body there is a strata of quartz which is lousy with the yellow metal in its native state the tuscarora chief management is well pleased with this encouraging showing sh the annual meeting of the galena mining company of frisco was held on the ath dinst at which a new board was elected as follows J W dunn president W H richardson vice president john P james setre secretary tary and treasurer INT C morris david james phil bentz and S N slaughter the property of tile the company is located in beaber lake district and is a proposition of more than ordinary promise sam king the owner of the toll road between cisco and richardson in grand county over which there is heavy travel at the present time to the mining camps of the la salle mountains was in the city last week mr king states that several hundred men are employed in the la salles and especially is this the case in miners and beaver basins in which there are now several shippers of the precious metals |