Show THE keen revival of late in matters pertaining to the mining industry has lead to the resurrection of a number of old and abandoned mines several of which give promise of taking rank at no distant day as producers of note and even as bonanza propositions the west is full of mines which in the early history of mining in this intermountain region made fortunes for their owners but which owing to certain conditions and circumstances cum stances were eventually abandoned these mines were largely producers of high grade silver and lead ores of low grade gold ores and of copper the decline in silver and lead quotations a few years ago lead to the closing down of the producers of these metals no process was known for the treatment of low grade gold ores and copper was practically valueless now however with lead above the 4 mark with the discovery of processes whereby low grade auriferous ores can be handled at a profit and with the surprising advance in the price paid for copper the tables have been changed and mines which could not be worked to advantage or at a profit ten or years years ago can now be operated successfully and as a consequence there is now a scramble for this class of mines many of them being in such physical condition that with but little time and with but little labor they can be transformed into regular producers that can be made to pay almost from the start utah has many many camps wherein are to be found such kropi propositions sit ions and nevada and idaho can count them by the scores here is a chance for the investor and he is rapidly taking of the opportunities 0 so o offered |