Show SMALL BONANZAS it does not always follow that a big mine is a better paying proposition than a smaller one in fact it is often that the modest unpretentious and almost unknown little mine is the one which pays the most on the money invested a mine which is worked by two or three men only and which is pay from the grassroots grass roots down we often hear of these private banks one of which is mentioned in a recent issue of the news of ely nevada as follows will watson came in from watsonville Wat sonville last saturday with his wife and baby and the next day returned to campbell Campb elPs s where he expected to put eight tons of high grade gold ore through the mill the ore is from the joana mine owned by mrs watson and a similar lot milled a few weeks ago yielded a ton the shaft is now down feet and no signs of the much predicted pinch are yet in evidence in fact mr watson says the claim never looked so well as it does at present charles grunditz and joe watson have taken a lease on a parallel vein about sixty feet below the main shaft and are taking out some fine ore while west watson and ernest baker are working on a third vein and have five tons of bonanza ore ready to put through the mill the rock is exceedingly hard and development is necessarily slow but thus far the mine has paid its own way and looks like a sure winner I 1 the new state mine near the mouth of little cottonwood is showing up most encouragingly cou with continued development and high 0 gold values are reported |