Show reno business houses henry anderson prest C A norcross secretary S H wheeler vice prest H E reid treasurer andy hempel general manager the andy hempel brokerage co MINES AND MINING STOCKS correspondence SOLICITED cor second and M center ats reno nev incorporate IN NEVADA AND SAVE DOUBLE FEES the last session of the nevada legislature ased passed a law acquiring 1 ring payment 0 of f the same fees in neva nevada a from arizona and other f foi eign corporations as is paid by nevada corporate corpo rati ons thus necessitating payment of double fees by foreign companies operating in nevada incorporate nevada companies at home and save this extra expense nevadas laws are safest cheapest and best full information laws and blanks furnished on request address LEGAL department NEVADA TRUST CO reno nev incorporated in 1903 H W YOUNG analytical chemist and assayer OFFICE basement bank of nevada office phone 1219 nev residence phone 1216 reno keno ginev MINING I 1 ARIZONA TO MONTANA NEVADA TO COMPANIES COMPANIE S WYOMING can now procure from one house desks and filling cases transits transita Tran sits levels tapes level rods range poles drawing papers tracing cloths claths blue printing photo printing letter cressand Pres sand engraved stati stationery 1 blank books mining forms pay rolls time checks loose leaf books of all kinds etc it is a reliable house too been in business here since 18 83 3 can we serve you PEMBROKE stationery CO 64 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST SALT LAKE CITY UTAH leading leadin business Su siness firms of ely ne nevada uada firby braf vl nial ijac n i 0 1 a dank capital fully paid 00 H P CLARK president A D MYERS AYERS vice president A B WITCHER cashier J W BIGGANE assistant cashier DIRECTORS IJ A COMINS G L RICKARD H W KELLEY H P CLARK A D MYERS A I 1 P Z 1 A eureka shaft of nevada STOUGH B BUREN U R E N ELY NEVADA TIN AND PLUMBING SHOP all kinds of sheet metal work for mines and mills roof safes and plates work done on short notice IRA J mcknight dealer in harness saddles sewing machines and bicycles ELY NEVADA ELY DRUG STORE F M CLARK prop ELY NEVADA drugs chemicals toilet articles patent medicines oils etc caruti physicians si clans prescriptions carefully Y compounded day or night IN NYE Y E B BROS R as 0 CLOTHING L 0 T H I 1 N G AND MENS furnishing GOODS we carry the largest and best selected ted stock of furnishing goods in in ely i THE ELY mercantile CO A R WHITEHEAD mgr ELY NEVADA dealers in general merchandise provisions and supplies miners boots shoes shoe and Clothing Hay and grain THOMAS L counselor at law ELY NEVADA CHAS A WALKER GILBERT F notary notary WALKER BOREMAN attorneys at law ely nevada CHARLES R REEVES ely nevada ATTORNEY AT LAW mining and criminal law a specialty read ers will confer 0 by bv mentioning abis a favor on n ube mining WHEN rina ING TO advertisers ADVER |