Show 0 COLORADO eldora record the cyanide mill at the inter oce ocean an mine at sunshine commenced operation last week the mine has a large t quantity of 0 ore re on the dump and there will be no trouble in supplying the mill there of the mill and it is no doubt of the success wa will ill add materially to the output of the county leadville herald democrat prospect work continues at the A V shaft of the morocco mining company in addition 1 tons a month of manganese iron is being shipped to the pueblo steel works the manganese just about pays for itself but it afford to continue the company feels that can operations in the hope that a body of lead or silver may be encountered ouray herald the first national just side of mt the north south of ouray on hayden is getting into the 0 ore re body from below they now have the tunnel driven ore running 50 to the ton and are making preparations tor for shipment within wiehl n a short time abridge A bridge has been built to connect with the red mountain road across the gulch from the property the tunnel now bein being t driven is running in the direction of the mineral farm mine telluride examiner the news that the utah development company has cut the runyon vein on mt wilson finding something like seven feet of good ore has created quite a boom for that district numerous owners in that locality have buyers on the string 0 and as it is in no sense of the word a poor mans country the coming of capital to that section is most welcome there are a dozen or two fine propositions there owned by prospectors which properly financed and managed would make several fortunes for the stockholders eldora record in mining a crosscut tunnel near the top of spencer mountain to connect with a drift from the terror shaft mr isaac sutton president and general manager of the larimore mining milling company cut one of the largest and best telluride veins ever opened up on spencer mountain the vein was cut on the clara property belonging Z to jack gilfillan P and is six feet wide two tests made ran and there is six inches of very high grade ore showing sylvanite in bunches the strike was practically made at grassroots ouray herald one of the biggest strikes made in the ironton district for some time is that of 0 P lyon on his leon claim just west of ironton he had run a tunnel several hundred feet but apparently missed the vein this spring he came back near the mouth of his tunnel and had only gane gone a few feet when he struck a body of lead silver ore that is proving to be enormous the ore body is from eight to twelve feet wide and is of good shipping value besides lead and silver the ore has good copper and gold values he is getting the property in shape to take out the ore and will be shipping in a few days telluride examiner the vanadium mill of the vanadium alloys company at is expected to run again this summer it is is said that manager tyndal rynard is expected to arrive from new york most any day to make arrangements for the installation of some new machinery which is now on the road the product of the run of last summer a sort of vanadium concentrate was successfully treated in an electric furnace at niagara falls about two months ago the resulting product was a ferro vanadium consisting of 27 per cent metallic vanadium which is said to be about the average of purity the commercial product being from 25 to 50 per cent telluride examiner foremost among the new mining companies that have already this spring started to make substantial and permanent improvements is the black bear mining company the owners of thirteen pat anted claims several mill sites and other locations in ingram basin A few days ago ten new stamps and four concentrator tables were received which will be installed ins as ai aai additon to the black bear 10 stamp mill at ingram falls when the mill was built last year it was framed for twenty stamps but only ten were put in at that time tramway machinery for a wire rope tram from mine to mill and from the mill to the railroad in pandora park is already on the t ground round and lower terminal is being built and the timbers for towers are being framed in the pandora yards in addition to this the company is perfecting plans for a 60 stamp mill in pandora park on a site recently purchased from the smuggler un ion on company leadville herald democrat from the mammoth shaft in big evans gulch comes the news of a strike of more than usual importance im in one of the first drifts opened since the watering unwavering un of the property is a body of lead ore averaging over 40 per cent and an d running high in silver just a few day before the water overwhelmed the first attempt to reach the ore zone this mineral was noticed on the floor of the drift but its extent was not fully realized in another drift some good mineral had been found but in neither case had any development work been done for several days the drift where the lead was found has been in course of cleaning out and it now reveals a mass of mineral seven feet high which extends alon along 1 the wall of the drift for twenty f feet president W W degge of the mammoth company and mayor johnson of boulder were both in the city yesterday and in company with manager teagarden visited the property president degge expressed himself as highly gratified at the discovery and regards it as an indication of a coming bonanza 0 |