Show THE therould ROUND MOUNTAIN ANTELOPE one of the most interesting incidents in the history of round mountain a history replete with phenomenal finds and unusual occurrences occurrence ls was the unearthing on the antelope claim of the badger specimen considered in many respects as one of the greatest discoveries of free gold ev ever ermade made this huge nugget mounted in a rock weighing about fifty pounds with a surface area of about nine by fifteen inches was found at the bottom of a beldger badger hole forming the badgers bed a bed of pure gold the specimen was found in april 1906 while trenching drenching tren ching on the antelope claim for a suitable place to sink a shaft in search of the rich ledge but recently discovered on the gordon property and which the owners of the antelope claim firmly believed extended through their property at this time the property had just been purchased puren ased from the original owners by C C boak of tonopah To a mining man prominently known MW alti 7 tk ag JL the antelope mine where the famous badger specimen was found in nevada and lewis H rogers an attorney of goldfield the property was held at a very high figure on account of its exceptionally favorable location but after careful examination the deal was wash closed and the purchasers organized the present holding company under the name of the round mountain antelope mining company the foreman who was immediately placed in charge of the development had scarcely more than begun work when he uncovered a nugget rich in the yellow metal 14 having a value of about 72 following the badgers hole deeper into the ground he ha came to its nest under which lay the rock containing c onta ining a layer of 0 f free gold as large as a mans two hands the treasure was soon removed from its hiding place and has since been exhibited in salt lake denver chicago philadelphia new york and other eastern cities and has attracted a great deal of attention the quantity of gold it contains i is ib b estimated at about but more than twice that sum has been offered for it on account of its rare value as a specimen it is now in possession of mr C C boak president of tle the company mr boak takes great pleasure in showing aitto it to anyone interested in mining and usually has all of his pockets full of valuable specimens which he fishes out one by one to illustrate any point he may be making since the discovery of this big slab of gold near the surface numerous smaller unes ones ranging from about two inches square to one four by six inches have been taken out in the course of development at intervals down to the present depth of the working shaft showing that there must be an immense body of very rich ore hidden at greater depth in the mine the present management has been for some time successfully equipping the treasury of the company with a large working corking vor King fun fund d and is now ready to sink the shaft to a depth of several hundred feet when it is expected the company will open up the big ore body the work will be in charge of robert M swift who is a mining man of wide experience and excellent ability mr swift was formerly connected in a responsible capacity with one of the large mining corn coin panics in arizona and has also successfully operated a number of leases he came to nevada in the early days of goldfield and has acquired a thorough knowledge of the formations peculiar to this state his long experience and well known reliability make him a valuable manin man in a position of this kind and the company I 1 is fortunate in securing his services the round mountain antelope mining 1 company is incorporated under the lays of nevada evada N with a capitalization of ful fully ay paid and non assessable the officers are C C boak of tonopah To president and general manager J L lindsey of goldfield vice president and treasurer C H mcintosh of tonopah To acting secretary with john J rattigan of homestead pa C A leager and lewis H rogers rogen of goldfield nevada directors the property consists of the antelope claim located in the heart of the most highly mineralized portion of the round mountain district |