Show claims a slice of the earth A mrs mary parnham farnham getchell of auburn maine writes that she claims all the land in lincoln county south of the rio virgin river and a one half interest in the said river the lady likewise claims three lakes situated between the virgin and buckskin ranges janaes of mountains and all the tributaries tributa ries flowing into the colorado river according to the ladys letter she owns a good portion of utah arizona and nevada she claims her title to this small slice of the earth through one charles farnham barnham whose heiress she claims to be this is fortunate for the people along the raging muddy are at logger heads in regard to water rights salt mines and whatever else they can dig up to grumble about just for the purpose of driving dull care away when mrs chell arrives she will deprive the settlers of the bones of contention by taking cr them unto herself and depriving them of their salt and water the lady expects to arrive sometime in september and claims the vast territory under an old grant pioche record |